Good people have an obligation to study evil. I still think about it all the time how easily good people are misled because we have this wrong idea of what evil is. It comes most effectively in the guise of benevolence. The really narcissistic psychopaths are martyr victims, both at the same time. Right. And so then they manipulate you with compassion, sometimes claiming they need it and sometimes claiming they’re delivering it. The most evil people take the highest good and invert it. And then they cast dispersions on the existence of the highest good. That’s what Christ accused the Pharisees of. That’s partly why he was crucified, because he told the religious leaders of the time, the Pharisees claimed Mosaic authority. And he said, you’re religious only for what it benefits you in the public marketplace. It’s complete hypocrisy. Everything you claim to be moral is only for your own self-gratification and aggrandizement.