You’re good just the way you are. You’re perfect just the way you are. You should accept yourself just the way you are. It’s like, well, okay, so what does that say about who I should become? Is that just now off the table because I’m already good enough in every way? So am I done or something? What about who I should become? And then, well, how should I feel good about myself when I don’t? Because I’m not getting along with myself. I’m anxious and hopeless and nihilistic and depressed. I’m not getting along with other people. So how is it that that’s all somehow something I should feel good about without being deluded? And these are complicated questions because you don’t want to beat yourself with a stick, which might be the opposite of that as well. Feel bad about yourself. It’s like, no, be judicious and merciful with yourself and think that you need to accept yourself in some way the way a mother accepts a child.