You enter into marriage as an act of faith. You fall in love with someone, which is a grace, a gift of God in some real sense. You see what it would be like to care for someone. You see what it would be like to have someone care for you and value you. You get a glimpse of that in love, and then you have a challenge set before you, which is, can you arrange your life with this person that you’ve fallen in love with, so that that state of love permeates the entire relationship and everything you do together all the time. And so that would make a marriage the perfect date that repeats endlessly. Now, obviously, that’s an extraordinarily high goal to hit a high mountain to climb, but you need something to do, and it might as well be that. And in an intimate relationship, when things are going as well as they can go, I think you’re hard-pressed to find anything better in life.