What does it mean that a person becomes God? I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t answer that question. It’s a horrible question to ask. St. Maximus does it. St. Maximus is awesome because what he always says, and if you listen to my videos, you’ll hear me say it that way. He says, you know, we are called to become God to the extent that that is possible. Theosis does not imply destruction of particulars, which makes it different from other types of mystical unions that you find in other traditions. You know, this kind of maybe cliche, but nonetheless real idea of being united with Brahma like a drop that goes back into the ocean or the idea of Nirvana as a snuffing out of the individual flame. Like these types of descriptions are not part of Christianity. Christianity affirms the reality of multiplicity, affirms the goodness of multiplicity, of your identity, you know, of myself, of my name that was given to me. That name can participate in God. I can become God without destroying the aspect of myself which is particular to myself. And not only that, but it’s like it’s actually a reinforcing of it, right? This saying that in heaven or in the kingdom, St. Peter is more St. Peter, St. Paul is more St. Paul. Like that as you become more of what God made you to be, that is in the manner in which you become God because that’s what God made you to be. It’s like the shining, glowing aspect that doesn’t have to completely cease to exist to be like a prism for the light that God offers to the world.