Now, we know that married people have better sex lives than people who aren’t married. And the whole culture, in some sense, advertises the opposite. But there’s no data to indicate that that’s true, because the vast majority of people who aren’t in permanent, monogamous, long-term relationships are isolated and alone. And so it’s not a good solution. You can have a hotter, erotic life within the confines of a marriage, but it’s a very difficult balancing act to manage. But then you might ask yourself, well, you want the alternative? Even though it’s difficult and challenging, the absence of that is, in some sense, a catastrophe of adventure, right? I mean, because there are a few reliable sources of profound motivation in life, and certainly sexual attraction is one of them. And if you can keep that dynamically alive in the confines of an ethically constituted relationship, you can have the best of both worlds.