read the the story It’s not a biography if I remember correctly of the of the captain might be wrong about but I’ve got the basic story, right? Well, they had a shipwreck in the Antarctica was then they were there for a whole year in the Antarctica You know and none of them died not one he didn’t lose a single man Not one he kept the morale high and then they took this boat that was on the ship and they crossed like 400 miles of the roughest ocean the roughest frigid ocean in the world Right, you don’t go in that ocean and then they went to an island and they walked across the island across these mountains that no one else has ever Climbed since and they went to the city on the other side of the island They got a boat and they went rescued their compatriots and everyone survived It’s like endurance is the name of the book you read that book man. You think wow people are really tough You know, and if it’s ridiculous So who knows how tough you are and maybe you find out by going out to find out how tough you are, right? So you take on a challenge? One that you think you can master just it’s just a bit beyond your grasp and you master it and then you’re a little Tougher and you think hey that worked out pretty well And so then you’re more of a monster and then you go out and you find another challenge That’s even bigger and you think well Maybe I can do that too And all of a sudden you can and you get a little bit bigger and God only knows what the limit is of you And you find out by pushing yourself against the world and of course, that’s what Abraham is doing and so See we’re very pessimistic us modern people, you know, we’re pessimistic about Humanity that’s for sure dismal wretched planet destroying Cancer on the planet right as the Club of Rome described us so pleasantly back in the 1960s You know and and I don’t know maybe we’re ashamed of the Cold War Maybe we’re ashamed of all the destruction in the 20th century and the hydrogen bomb and and that you know the continuing Catastrophes of our societies and we’re deeply ashamed of that and ashamed of ourselves personally But it’s a hell of a thing to you know, call us a cancer on the planet There’s just no excuse for that because what you do with cancer is eradicate it and I don’t think that that’s a very noble motive personally And I think it says a lot about the people who would use such phrase ology that they would dare to conceptualize humanity in that manner but you know, it’d be nice if we could be optimistic and I think Begin the problem with being optimistic is that it’s naive so then the question is is there an optimism that’s not naive and I think there is and the optimism that’s not naive isn’t just a Visualization of how strong people can be so one of the things that I I tell people I told my students In my class in maps of meaning here is a goal You want to be the person at the funeral of your father that everyone can rely on? how would that be you want to be the person who’s broken and and and useless and adding to the misery in the corner and look I’m not Making light of people’s grief, you know, I understand grief Who do you want to be when there’s a crisis? Right, do you want to be the person that everyone can turn to for strength? It’s like why the hell not? Why not that is a goal? That’d be a good goal because then if there’s a crisis and there will be it won’t be such a bloody crisis Because there’ll be someone there that can deal with it You know, so when I went talk to these people at the funeral home I envisioned that I thought okay Well, this is something you have to contend with if you’re going to be alive and adult you have to contend with death and Suffering and you have to be ready for it and you have to be there for the person because that’s all they’re gonna have and So there’s a goal man and in this time of nihilism, you know, it’s what’s the point of life? People ask and and they’re taught that at universities. What’s the point of life? Everything’s interpretation Humanities a cancer on the planet, you know, well, how about no, how about not that? How about that? There’s something to us You