Stop doing the things that you know are wrong, that you could stop doing. Right? So, it’s a fairly limited attempt, first of all, we’re not going to say that you know what the good is or what the truth is, in any ultimate sense. But we will presume that there are things that you’re doing that for one reason or another, you know are not in your best interests. There’s something about them that you just know you should stop. They’re kind of self-evident to you. Other things you’re going to be doubtful about, you’re not going to know which way is up and which way is down. But there are things that you’re doing that you know you shouldn’t do. Now, some of those you won’t stop doing, for whatever reason. You don’t have the discipline, or maybe there’s a secondary payoff, or you don’t believe it’s necessary, or it’s too much of a sacrifice, or you’re angry, or resentful, or afraid. Who knows? So forget about those for now. But there’s another subset that you could stop doing. It might be a little thing. Well, that’s fine. Stop doing it. And see what happens.