the veil is interesting. So how does the iconostasis and like even the Eucharist cup is it’s veiled, right? So how does that apply to a woman who is supposedly supposed to be veiled, you know, during liturgy and during prayer? Is that something, because I read something and my wife actually said this to me and I don’t know where she got it. She can’t figure out where she found it, but it had something to do with covering that which gives life. Well, yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s a way to see it. I think that there are actually, there are two reasons, there are kind of two reasons for the veil. One has to do with hierarchy. If you read the actual text, if you read St. Paul, when he talks about that a woman should be veiled because of the angels. Right. It’s like there’s Paul talking about the hierarchy of principalities. He’s saying that there needs to be these buffers between the different levels of reality and the danger of removing them. It creates a kind of, it can create a monstrosity. Like if you, that’s a good, it’s a good, let’s say it’s a good way to understand it. It’s like if you remove completely the agonistosis and you open up the holy place, then what ends up happening is there’s a monstrosity which appears, which is that we don’t approach it with the reverence that we should. There’s a profanation. We profane the higher things or we profane things. They end up being people, like they end up people in advertisements talking about mindfulness and all that crap. People who say I’m one with the universe. Right. Nonsense. It’s like it ends up being a kind of profanation of something which is supposed to mean everything, but now because it’s been thrown out, it’s like pearls to swine. People can say things like, I’m saved by Jesus, say that. It’s like, what are you talking about? It doesn’t mean anything. You’re not talking about reality. You’re using words that are supposed to be extremely precious and extremely mysterious, and now you’re saying, you’re just like saying I’m saved by the blood of the lamb. It’s like, do you even know what you’re talking about? Anyway, sorry for the rant, but that’s one of the reasons why we need veils is to prevent that kind of nonsense. Right. On the one hand, there’s this idea of protecting the lower from the higher. The woman is veiled because she represents our world. She represents the earth, and so you have to have layers between so that you don’t get this throwing pearls like profanation where things fall and it’s like nothing means anything, but there’s also another reason why women are veiled, which is the opposite, and that’s why it’s so fascinating is because the woman is also the holy of holies, and so we also have to veil her from us. That’s the strangest aspect of it. We also have to protect the mystery in the sense that as the holy of holies brings the bread to us, that’s also where life comes from, the feminine, and so we need to protect that mystery. There has to be a kind of protection for the… So a woman in the sense that a woman is for each man, a woman is his holy place to a certain extent in the strictly man-wife relationship, and so there has to be a mystery there. There has to be a protection so that in the intimacy that you have with your wife is something which is precious and kept just for… Just for… Yeah. So it’s all of that that’s happening at the same time. That’s the way I understand it. It’s a tough thing to talk about because it’s so controversial right now. Right, yeah. Wow. You’re gonna piss off a lot of feminists right now. That’s also the thing about the feminine which is difficult for people to understand is the feminine which is difficult for people to understand is how it… It’s like how a wife is the glory of her husband. Right. Right? And so what does that mean, man? That’s some intense language. The feminine is kind of like the separation of the waters where you have the waters below and the waters above. Right. That’s both feminine. You can understand it that way. You could. I’m gonna say there’s a way in which you can understand the waters above as being masculine, but there’s a way also where it’s also this thing that surrounds it. If you look at, for example, at the middle ages, at the European middle ages, okay, if you look at the manner in which knights spoke of the lady and the idea of the veneration that they had towards the mother of God, but also the veneration that they had towards their lady in general. And when you see that, that’s when you can understand this holy aspect of the feminine where they venerate the feminine as the sacred place. And so the veil that the woman wears is a kind of hiding of that mystery, of the mystery of the holy place from the onlooker. Right. Right. From those that are outside of the mystery. And so in that sense, you can really see that you can really understand it, especially in the courtly love symbolism, you can really see that that’s what it’s about. It’s all about this idea. And masculine even more so. And so it’s like the knight had a very, very strong veneration of the mother of God more than anybody else. The Templars, for example, if you read some of the writings, they were extremely dedicated to our lady because it’s also, like I said, it’s also about this as the masculine figure venerating this holy place. But like I said, in St. Paul, it’s also presented the other way where it’s also this lower aspect of reality which needs buffers in between it in order to not, in order to not, let’s say, create a descent. The thing that you see in Genesis where it says that the Nephilim, yeah, the idea of the sons of God going into the daughters of men, you get this thing above which goes straight to the thing below without going through the normal level, then you get a monster. And you can understand it in so many ways. You can understand it in the 20th century, we had exactly that problem where, let’s say, in the Middle Ages again, you would have a king, but nobody ever saw the king. People didn’t see the king. The king was in his castle. And anyways, all these people were there and the king would say something, maybe once a year you would see them. And then most of the time you interacted with your noble and your noble then would have access to the king once in a while. So it was like a normal hierarchy where things came down the hierarchy. And that was how government works. That’s how the army works. That’s how all of this stuff works. But then in the 20th century, we created this situation with technology with all this stuff where it’s like you could have Hitler and you could have a hundred thousand people standing in front of him. And he would directly speak, directly to the people. So you have the top of the pyramid speaking to the bottom of the pyramid. That is what, that would create this frenetic monstrosity that we saw. And it wasn’t just Hitler, it was all the demagogues of the 20th century. And that’s the problem of the demagogue in general, is like someone who wants to be the head, but then has direct access to the masses without going through the proper channels. And almost all the revolutions happened that way. Hitler did exactly that. Instead of going through the normal methods of the senate and all the laws that he went straight to the people and started speaking directly to the people. That’s how you cause a revolution. And you can actually see this in the language that many Protestants speak where they don’t need the saints, they don’t need the theotokos, they have direct access to Jesus. Is it something like that? Well, it’s direct access, easy and direct access to God. Jesus doesn’t even exist. It’s me and God. God is telling me what to do. And so, yeah, and I mean, obviously, yeah. Yeah, I know. I don’t want to get you going down there. You know, even if we don’t, most people don’t wear veils today, but like to understand the importance of veils in the sense of this, the importance of a hierarchy having levels and having different transitions between all the different levels. Because if you don’t, then then that’s when you get. Yeah, yeah, problem. That’s that’s and that’s the I mean, that’s I was just thinking of the house. Like that’s what the house is to the house is just a series of veils between every room. Yeah, you know, and as you go deeper and deeper into the house, you know, I think you’re Yeah, you’re even talking about that. It’s like, there’s a certain part where everybody’s welcome on the on the porch. Few people are let in to the living room. Not too many people are let too far past. Exactly. That right. Yeah. And we can understand what kind of monstrosity would happen. Right. Let’s say if you brought your sex life out on the porch, right. And that I mean, then it would be that’s what a prostitute does, right? That’s what that’s what you know, that’s the dissipation, you know, and so so you wouldn’t unless if you want a family, you definitely won’t want that you don’t want to just go out and have sex with all the strangers. You want that you want it to be reduced into your bedroom was just you and your wife. Right. That way you you keep the mystery and you prevent this kind of monstrosity of dissipation which would lead which would be the other other way. Right.