I’m gonna say right now, you know, I think Rafe does really important work And I always am recommending what he’s doing I hope this video shows you the depth and the seriousness of what he’s doing and why it’s so pertinent and relevant to the meaning crisis and to the way in which right now The domicile aspect of the meaning crisis is really being exacerbated in ways that I think are gonna have Some pretty serious mental health impacts and there are there’s a way there’s an alternative way to go forward We do not have to just sort of suffer Domicile and The mental health Deterioration that comes from this exacerbation the meaning crisis. There’s alternatives we can Make use of and they work and Rafe is here to show you and to tell you and to exemplify the fact that they do work And so I want to thank you very much. I think what you what you’re doing and and what you’ve said today is a Is good reason and good evidence for good. Hope Yeah, thank you so much I I’d love to maybe even having a second one where we go deeper into the idea of the domicile because I think that Yeah, I think that I think that people still have not grappled with just how disruptive this might be Yes world that we you know I think people are sort of thinking that they’re gonna come out of their bunker and it’s gonna be the same world No, this is like after the Great Depression and World War two These are that we have to remember that this is this is the first world encompassing world challenging event We’ve come the analogs are the Great Depression and World War two and went wars Pandemics. Yes, we haven’t seen this in 80 years. That’s right And so and after the Great Depression and World War two We did not go back to the way things were before those events We did not go back and I don’t think we’re going back either Mainstream calls this the awakening from the great nap maybe and especially and I think you agree with me too that I Strongly suspect that this is not the only pandemic we’re gonna be facing So there’s a real worry about that that if we don’t change Factory farming wet markets and a lot of other things also, you know I’m also melting the permafrost and sloshing rain forests and Ocean currents and air currents like we’re doing a lot. We’re messing around with a very very complex system in a really ha ha hazer way Absolutely. So I think that um, if if the thesis is correct that the that you know, essentially Let’s say we we had an identity we had a we had a home to some degree Yeah has been deeply disturbed and we need bridges to the next home and to To be able to start building it and that means that we can’t be those comfortable people in our shells anymore We have to cultivate virtue And we need those bridges to the cultivation of virtue and the capacity to create the next home Well, I’ll build on the metaphor slightly I think we had a home but it was It was actually seriously deteriorated Process so that it like when it when it’s disturbed it has a very great chance that it’s going to in some significant way collapse And I think yeah building bridges is exactly what we need to be doing right now So so yeah, so I offer my work as as a potential bridge for people if it’s if it’s interesting if it feels like it might help them We can’t we can’t win by playing the game That’s right my way of trying to understand What it is to not play their game and to shift over to in a totally different game to shift the culture