These aren’t like races or species of angels, right? Because they don’t reproduce. The idea is they have different jobs. They have different tasks that they’re performing in these different ranks. And the higher the rank, the closer they are to the throne of God. And so the more they participate in the grace of God, because God empowers them to fulfill their job assignment, their role that He created them to play. But angels don’t get like promoted up that ladder. It’s not like, well, you did a really good job as an angel. We’re going to try you out as an archangel, see how you do, right? Like, you know, maybe you’ll be a throne someday, right? Like, that’s not how it works. Whereas humanity, because in Christ, our shared human nature is perfectly united to God. Humanity can make infinite progress in the grace of God, because the distance is infinite between God and any creature, which is something the angelic powers can’t do. And that invoked jealousy and some of…