If you’re never required in your lifetime to adopt the responsibilities, particularly of parenthood, there’s no reason that that competitive hedonistic lifestyle won’t just continue. Now, you know, it gets pretty stale and ugly by the time you’re 40. You know, you wanna be a juvenile teenager by the time you’re 40, it’s pretty contemptible. But the problem with depriving people of responsibility is that you deprive them of the necessity that matures. And the problem with that is that that produces a lifestyle that is self-destructive and actually relatively short order. And so by lifting the responsibility off the shoulders of people and replacing that with, let’s say, state support, you’re actually demolishing, you’re certainly demolishing the women because they have no men to rely on, but you’re demolishing the men too because they have no necessity to require them to mature. And that’s actually a catastrophe, not a freedom.