Yeah, well, and if you tyrannize people badly enough, they’ll actually hurt themselves to hurt you So, you know, they’re willing to take a they’re willing to take a hit to reclaim justice, let’s say So yeah, that’s really worth knowing and so one of the things that Jean Piaget pointed out and because he was he’s a very interesting Psychologist and and he’s never taught properly Because you know most of these great thinkers were very strange people and the strangeness gets edited out of their stories And it’s really too bad because they’re way more interesting when you know how strange they were and so Piaget was obsessed with the disjunction between religion and science and his goal as a Thinker was to reconcile the two and so to some degree he was looking for a biological basis of morality That might be one way of thinking about it or at least to reconcile the idea of a biological Substrate with an emergent morality and one of the things he said is okay. Imagine two systems. All right, so Both systems are moving towards a goal any old arbitrary goal and in one system the the people within it are acting under compulsion and in the other system the people within it are acting voluntarily said the people who are acting voluntarily will defeat the people acting under compulsion because In order to use compulsion you have to spend a fair bit of time and Energy on force and so it makes you inefficient Whereas if everybody is together on the project then they’ll you don’t have to spend any time on Compulsion because people are compelling themselves. And so that’s what he called an equilibrated state So an equilibrated state was well, we sit down and we have a negotiation. It’s a real negotiation So it has to be honest and we say okay well What the hell are we doing and everyone hashes that out and we decide what we’re doing and then we decide How that would be good for all of us, but each of us singularly as well So if you got your family put together properly then the whole family moves together But everybody inside moves ahead as well And so then everybody’s pushing in the same, you know, you know how it is what in a negotiation You actually want your interests to align with the interests of the other person because then you don’t have to worry about The integrity of the deal It’s like everybody has reasons to keep it to keep it thriving and the idea that capitalism in somehow is somehow is Predicated on the tyranny of the people at the at the pinnacle that happens when it gets corrupt but it doesn’t happen at all when it’s working properly because deals that aren’t based on mutual self-interest and group interest simultaneously Have to be enforced usually with lawyers and then you’re done right you’re done at that point Two weeks later