I mean, there’s a lot that anybody, myself included, for sure, is going to have to learn to be an effective president of the United States. That’s a big part of the next year and a half. And I am running to run. I’m not running for to make a point. I’m running because I believe seeing this all the way through is my max is the ticket to drive maximal positive change. That’s going to require a lot of learning. We’re just going to tape it in forums like this and we’ll put it out to the internet. And you know what? If that allows people to discover that I was not omniscient, great. I am not God. You know, I was on a radio interview yesterday where somebody asked me about some term in U.S. military history that I should know. Well, I didn’t know it. I told him that. But I said, I’m also a fast study and committed to learning, which I think he took in a good way. And I meant it. More honesty will go a long way. I think this race will be better off if none of us read speeches that other people wrote for us, if none of us even use a teleprompter, stick into some script, but speak from the heart. That’s what I’m committed to doing. I hope that keeps me honest. I have a lot to learn and not only am I going to learn it, we’ll open source it. Everybody can learn along with me.