You should be concerned about what’s interfering with your own vision first. And you should leave other people to hell alone, in relationship to that. And so if your mode of being in the world is, if you would just act better, things would improve for me. Or if you identify the evil and the catastrophe as something that’s outside, that someone else needs to fix, or that someone else is responsible for, then you’re not going to fix that. And you’re going to remain blind to the things that you’re doing and not doing that make things not go well. And so it’s just better to think, alright, I’m probably blind in many, many ways. And maybe there are some ways that I could rectify that. Because it’s highly probable that you’re blind in all sorts of ways. I mean, it’s, in fact, it’s virtually certain. And so, it’s just more useful to think, how is it that I’m wrong in this situation?