We don’t ever want to confuse freedom with chaos. They’re not the same thing. You know, if you’re playing a chess game, you’re free to do an almost infinite number of things on the chessboard, but you have to abide by the rules, and you have to attempt to win in the proper manner. And I used to play a game with my students in my class, and I’d go up to someone when we were talking about such things and say, okay, do you want to play a game? Some random student, and they’d say yes, and I’d say, okay, you move first. And then they had no idea what to do, and I said, well, you could do anything you wanted. It’s like, well, I’m lost. It’s like, yeah, that’s exactly. When you can do anything you want, you think that’s freedom. You better not ask the wrong student that. Yeah, I wouldn’t ask you.