So I’ve been trying to understand and summarize the broad strokes, the points you have been making about ritual and symbolism. Could you tell me if I have this right? Ritual is used to bring those with knowledge down into feeling, thus motivating them into action. Symbolism is used to bring knowledge down to those who primarily feel, thus directing their emotions. Now, I’m not sure that’s not really… So ritual helps the thinker feel and symbolism helps the feeler think. Thank you for all you’re doing. God shines through you. I think that’s probably not the best way, at least that’s not the way that I would phrase it. I can kind of understand what you’re trying to do there, but ritual is mostly just symbolism in action. It’s just embodied symbolism. So symbolism is just the way in which multiplicity comes into unity, and then you can still see the multiplicity in that unity. So there’s a pattern by which that happens. There’s a hierarchy by which identities manifest themselves. That ends up being the symbolic structure, the kind of image of everything that I showed you. It happened in a fractal way at every level. And then ritual is enacted symbolism. And so there are some versions of some aspects of reality which appear to us more condensed, you could say. So you can kind of see or experience or participate in the pattern in a kind of more direct way or a more concise way. And that’s usually what we’ll call symbolism. And in terms of action, then that’s what we’ll call ritual.