We’ve talked in our culture a lot about virtue signaling. It’s not exactly a great phrase because really what you’re trying to do when you virtue signal is you’re trying to acquire reputation that you haven’t earned. And the reason that people are so motivated to do that is because once you can abstract an ethic, there’s actually nothing that’s more valuable than your reputation. Right? It’s the thing upon which all the trades that you engage in with everyone else depends, right? You’re as good as your reputation. And so if you can get that falsely, it’s a real crime. And if you can savage it without cause, it’s an equally egregious crime. And that’s why psychopaths do it so often and so narcissists and criminal types. And surely that’s much worse though, Jordan. To have an ill-gotten reputation, that’s bad. But to take away someone’s actually earned reputation. I know that there are in no certain sense two sides of the coin. It’s a battle between devils. Two sides of the same coin.