The plagues that that moses called down on the pharaoh and of course one of the plagues was a plague of frogs Yeah, and so okay So the the frog the frog is is is a is a perfect liminal character Because the frog I think you tweeted about this as well The frog lives both in water and on land and so it’s like a it has a monstrous characteristic that it can cross So it’s one of those things that crosses over between between worlds And so you see that you see that in the stories like that the story of the of the the frog and the princess is a perfect Example and it relates to the Pinocchio story that we talked about earlier So a princess goes to a pond she’s playing with her favorite thing Which is this golden ball and so she drops the ball in the know that just to mention something that golden ball is the same thing as the snitch that Harry Potter chases in in the Quidditch games in Harry Potter and It’s funny because inside the snitch is actually part of Voldemort’s soul Right so and so that’s part of the soul of evil That’s inside the golden ball and the golden ball in Harry Potter has wings which makes it around chaos Technically speaking it’s an alchemical symbol and the round chaos is a Mercurial symbol and the spirit mercury is an emissary of the gods and so The gods are speaking to you when any when anything flickers in front of you and captures your attention And in the Quidditch game the person who follows what captures his attention is the seeker and also the person who wins Not so much the game, but the meta game What’s important? I think in this story is that the ball is the most important thing right? So for her it’s the idea that it is the most important thing Yeah, so she drops this ball in the in the water it gets it gets lost so she loses the most important thing it falls Into chaos right so that’s the death of God Yes, it is in purposes or just the idea of yeah, or just the idea of the loss of innocence or you know Whatever whatever You you think about it in in terms of the loss of the most important thing and so this frog appears and says You know I can go get your ball if you if you if you’d promise something for me And so the promise is that she will bring the frog with her into her castle Let the frog eat with her and then let the frog sleep in her bed, okay, right We’ve got those two things food and sex we talked about before as well so she so the frog goes down into the water and then brings up the most important thing and The princess is forced to accept this frog in her She doesn’t want to be like she’s very annoyed that she has to To let the frog into her house eat from her plate and then finally into her bed But by doing that the frog of course transforms into a prince Here you have this this this idea that we talked about before where the most important thing goes out into chaos and whatever It can bring it bring it back right whatever can bring it back to us has can be tamed and can enter into Into the world can write find this place into maybe even turns into the thing of the highest value. Yes exactly That’s that’s something for people to really think about about about marriages for example So, you know people are always and I think this is part of the profound immaturity of our culture People are always running around waiting to find the perfect person who’s perfect for them And so, you know one thing you might think is that if you ever found the perfect person They would run away from you screaming immediately so because and so That perfection is something that you have to build within a relationship and so you accept the other person so to speak warts and all and hope that they do the same to you and and swear that you won’t run from each other and then as a consequence of that you can engage in a mutual process of transformation that emerges as a consequence of telling the truth and and and having a truthful relationship and then as a consequence of that the Transformation can take place and you might start with a frog, but maybe you end up with a prince So yeah so like we talked about the idea that that this is the structure of the world and so it happens as much on a Personal level as it does on on a social level on a bigger bigger sense So just a little hint we talked about before the story of Abraham and the three angels coming and announcing the birth of Of Abraham’s son. Well in the story of Sleeping Beauty, that’s exactly what happens the Queen goes to the pond and and there lo and behold is a talking frog and and the frog is the one who announces to the Queen that she will have a Child the most beautiful child in the world. And so again here is this idea of something coming from chaos yeah, well, that’s interesting because You know in the diagrams in in my book in Maps of Meaning one of the diagrams Is an egg shape that that that is the chaos into which things plunge But chaos is it is an absolute state in some sense It’s it’s the state of the unknown as such and you never see the unknown as such You always see something that’s partly known and partly unknown And that’s what the frog is sitting on the edge of the pond the frog enables you So the the frog is an emissary of chaos roughly speaking Yeah, and you always you only meet an emissary of chaos You never meet chaos because it’s it’s it’s like it’s like it’s it’s on non and non. It’s it’s non-existence It’s right on being it’s below being if you will, right? Right exactly And so so now this thing like two things one is interesting is that Kermit the frog is is the same thing Because Kermit is is a host. He’s a host on a on a show And so what he does is he transitions he’s the transition between different worlds So you have a have an act and then you have this transitional figure which appears and then you have another act And so right that’s what that’s the role that Kermit the frog plays on the Muppet show