masturbation and pornography are potently tapping into the dopamine system and can undermine the very processes of what I consider healthy processes of finding a mate, you know, dating communication, eventually, if it’s appropriate, sexual interaction, etc. It sounds like it’s undermining pair bonding. And pair bonding. Okay, so here’s a question. If you’re seeking sexual release through pornography, and you go through the whole cycle, and you get a prolactin release, do you bond with yourself? The biology explains it as what’s left there is a kind of an open loop, right? Because bonding with the self is a complicated notion. I mean, there’s a healthy version of that, of course, loving oneself and self referencing. But in the absence of a real partner there, of an absence of real sexual partner, there’s an open loop of neurochemicals, including oxytocin and prolactin. The dopamine, remember, dopamine goes up during pursuit anticipation, then peaks and then crashes below baseline after orgasm and ejaculation. So this kind of low that people fear is putting them into an A-motivated state.