With the Jewish religious scholars and the priests and the important people in that community, their annoyance with Jesus is not that he’s a political revolutionary. Their annoyance with him is that he’s presenting himself as a divine figure. He’s presenting himself as son of God, and son of man is actually worse. People don’t realize that when Christ says he’s the son of man, where there’s a suggestion that he’s the son of man, it’s actually much worse because the son of man is a character in the Old Testament, in the book of Daniel especially, where it describes a figure up in heaven sitting next to God and who is sent by God in a way that suggests that he is also God. So there’s an idea of already this idea of like God the Father and God the Son, which is hinted at in the book of Daniel. And so when he says he’s the son of man, people are freaking out because he’s attributing divinity to himself.