Okay, so one of the things that concerns me about modern Christianity is that the tradition, being founded over 2000 years ago, fails to mention certain things that I think are now important. It seems to me that the atom bomb, safe and widely available contraception, interplanetary rocketry and the computer and the accompanying specter of strong AI are the fundamental game changers. I think these merit a place in our symbolic cosmology. Yet, religion in general has failed to integrate them and popular culture has filled the gap often with symbols that are hostile to religion. I think that this is a fundamental assault on the foundation of religion. What kind of path forward do you see regarding this issue? Okay, so I would say that, first thing I would say is that I don’t think that it’s true that those things are missing from the tradition. I think they are indeed there in the Christian tradition. I just think that people don’t know how to look for them, can’t recognize them when they see them. Now, of course, not the specifics, not an atom bomb or not specifics in the sense of the actual technology like a cell phone. The Bible does not or the Christianity does not talk about the cell phone. But I have been advocating for a while now for people to rediscover the traditions that come out of Enoch, that come out of the book of Enoch. There are some things in the book of Enoch which have been rejected by the fathers which are not compatible with Christianity today. But I think that there are some things in those traditions that are extremely important to understand. Now, the book of Enoch tells the story of the fall basically. That image that I told you about how there’s the fall and then there’s a process of accelerating fall which leads all the way to the flood. Now, this process of accelerated fall is characterized by different things. It is characterized by a mixture between the humans and the angels. Angels have children with the human females and it creates monsters. These fallen angels are demons. These demons have offspring and these offspring are these giants, these monsters. The demons also teach the human beings how to modify nature. That includes technology, that includes magic, and it also includes funny things like teaching women to wear makeup and necromancy. All of those really fun things. I think it says even women how to paint their nails in some of the versions. It teaches women how to paint their nails. This idea of how a fall is a modification of nature and that this modification of nature leads to several things. It leads to weapons of destruction. You see it in Tuvalcain. It leads to massive weapons which become more and more destructive. It also leads to a form of sexual debauchery which is also there in the story of this fall. You could see it as leading to a form of infertility as well. Some of the traditions talk about how the giants created hybrids and created all these chimeras, these monsters by mixing different animals together and creating all these different types of monsters. You can see that happening right now. We can see that there is a lack of metaphysical reason why we are doing certain things. Because of that, there are all these crazy activities which are happening. The consequences of which no one knows what they are because they are not doing it out of an attachment to logos. They are not doing it out of an attachment to something higher. They have attached themselves to all these demons, these little principalities, all these little knowledges. They dive into these little knowledges and now they are creating different technologies that are going in different directions. They are incapable of seeing the big picture. For example, they were incapable of understanding what contraception would do to the world, what it would do to relationships, what it would do to society, what it would do to civilization. They are just incapable of understanding that. Because a demon possessed the demon of sex, the demon of desire, the demon of pleasure, all that became the prime focus. Then we jump in and we act based on that and we stop the big picture. It is the same for something like these crazy technologies like the atom bomb or artificial intelligence. I always tell people if you want to understand the story of the Book of Enoch and this notion of a demon or a manifestation of a demon or the manifestation of a fallen angel and a kind of monstrous body, that is pretty close to what artificial intelligence could be. It doesn’t mean it is only going to be that. It doesn’t mean that out of that isn’t going to come the solution. Because in the story of Genesis, there is also a hint as to how all of this can then be flipped out of the fall. Noah in many traditions is said to be married to Nama, who is the sister of Tubal Cain. Nama is a descendant of Cain. This tradition that talks about how Noah married Nama is there to show how even though mixture in the whole process, this mixture between the different people and the people and the principalities is what is creating all these monsters. Noah is by marrying a daughter of Cain and also by being a technical person, by building an ark, that is how he is able to preserve the whole thing. The tradition does talk about everything that is happening today that has been talked about in our tradition. We just need to know how to look for it and also to be able to understand it. So the image of the New Jerusalem, for example, is this image of how even our technologies, even our kind of technical understanding could be transformed and could participate in this massive filling up of the world with meaning. But it’s not going to happen if we are attached only to the demons, if we’re only attached to the principalities, and if we’re only following mammon, if we’re only interested in money, if we’re only following our desire to have an easier life or our desire to have this or that power on these or those people. Until until there is an awakening and people come together and see the big picture, then I’m sad to say that I think that our technologies, although they can be helpful, that they’re the ones who are going to also bring us into darkness, you could say. So yeah, so I hope that’s helpful. And we’re seeing it right now. We’re seeing it happen right now. I’m probably going to do a video on this very soon, talk about this whole system, like the problem of, we’re seeing it with Patreon and we’re seeing it with these deplatforming and also the credit card companies and the banking system that are becoming ideologically possessed. That is very frightening. So we have all these systems of financial control and all these systems of financial transactions and we’ve kind of given our autonomy to these systems that are kind of techno-bureaucratic systems. But once they become possessed by a demon, then we’re in serious trouble. We are in serious trouble if that happens. And it does kind of seem to be happening at the time. And David Flores says the mark of the beast. And yes, it does indeed have to do with the mark of the beast. So I’ll probably, I’m hoping to do a video on that because the mark of the beast and also 666, it’s a very important aspect of symbolism that I think would be helpful for people to understand today instead of just attributing it randomly like we often see. People, their intuition is right sometimes. Their intuition about what that’s talking about is right. But people tend to be too narrow in what it refers to and what pattern it’s participating in. So probably you might see a video on 666, the mark of the beast pretty soon. I’m hesitating to do it just because of what it looked like. You see the title, you know, the symbolism of 666.