There’s a difference between what’s called an outer cycle and an inner cycle. An outer cycle is when you’re in competition, like a war. That’s an outer cycle. And then an inner cycle is a contained competition, usually made for selection. And not always, there’s other reasons for it. And the contained competition is what you want. It’s basically what I was talking about the role of Eve. It’s something like a contained competition. Like, for example, let’s say medieval, it’s like a tournament. A tournament. That’s a contained competition for selection processes. And that’s like a female, it’s the female role that does the tournament. Piaget, the developmental psychologist, identified that as a hallmark of appropriate developmental play. And so that’s the idea that you unite your striving towards a common direction. That’s what a game is. And then you compete for the purposes of selection. Well, the selection is the victory in the game, but it’s also the tuning and adjusting of yourself as an ever greater player, both at the skill level, which would be dependent on the particular sport, but also as a team player as such, because you also need to facilitate the development of your team and you have to learn to abide by the rules that constitute the fair structure of the tournament. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It’s a contained… And so that’s not a zero sum. Yeah, no, it’s not zero sum because it’s not a real war. You’re not trying to obliterate your adversary. You’re in a war, but part of a system. It’s like I said, the feedback mechanism for a system is called an inner cycle. And when you lose that, then you fall into an outer cycle, which is war. Now you’re in constant state of war and competition. When you lose that, you fall out into an outer cycle. So that means that if you don’t conduct yourself in some fundamental sense, according to the rules of advanced development, fostering play, that the alternative to that is that outer cycle of real conflict in the world where negotiations and unity break down and you’re forced into a state of tyranny or slavery or war. That’s the alternatives. Yeah, and you don’t have an arbiter when you’re in that level. When you’re in the other level, you have a… Is that how you say in English? An arbiter? Yeah, or a referee. Arbiter is fine. A referee. Yeah, OK, you don’t have that in the war domain, so it might be a never-ending conflict. This is actually one of the… If you are familiar with the story of Jacob and Esau, we have that in that story. It’s pretty clear. It starts with the mother, which is Rebecca. She says that inside her womb, they’re fighting. She has twins, right? Inside her womb. They’re fighting inside her womb. So this represents the inner war, the inner cycle that’s mediated by her inside her womb. So she has the wisdom to mediate that, and so she decides who is worthy to be the inheritor of the father. You see what I mean? So there’s an inner conflict inside the womb, and she decides… She does some little tricks there, a little bit of deception there, but she decides who ends up on top. And the reason she does that is if she didn’t decide it correctly, there would have been an outer war. Probably that would have lasted forever between Esau and Jacob. But then, so basically, what she did avoided a never-ending conflict between the two brothers. And the reason is… I don’t necessarily want to get into too much detail, but the reason is something like… Esau represents the… The firstborn in general in the Bible represents the idea that you have to solve the problem now. That’s the firstborn, because that’s his job. Because the firstborn inherits the problems. He inherits the wealth, but he also inherits the problems. And he inherits the times that he’s in. So if you’re living in a rotten time and you’re the firstborn, it’s actually not a good thing. You might think it’s always better to be the firstborn, right? But no, if you’re born in a state of inversion and clown world state, you know, like right now, if you’re born in a state of corruption, then you don’t want to be the firstborn. Because you’re going to have to deal with that problem right now. And the secondborn or after, the youngest or whatever, represents a time span that will happen before it becomes your problem. So in a way, when you’re in a corrupt world, it’s better to be the secondborn. And a lot of stories in the Bible relate to that. So Cain and Abel is the same thing. So in the story of Cain and Abel, the fall just happened. So everything… the earth is cursed. And Cain is the firstborn, so he has to work the earth. That’s his job. He inherits this world. This is a way to describe it. And he… so he’s in a corrupt world where the earth is cursed. So it might seem like a great thing that he’s the firstborn and he inherits the land, but it’s not because it’s cursed. Okay, so he’s in a bad position, really. So what happens is Abel, he… what he does is basically nothing. He just… he doesn’t advance his knowledge. He just preserves the traditional knowledge. So in a way, Cain represents the scientist in a way, and Abel represents the priest or the traditional… So let’s say, for example, in Christianity, Abel would be something like the continuation of the tradition of Christianity, while Cain would be the one who’s got to solve the problems as they are right now. And then when there’s a fall, a fall away from understanding what tradition means and how it applies to reality, then Cain is in trouble because he has to solve… still solve the problems of the earth. So like a scientist, he has to see what’s in the earth, see what’s the facts that are before him, and he has to solve them. But he doesn’t have the higher knowledge to solve it correctly so that it doesn’t destroy him. Right, so sometimes… sometimes the firstborn, who’s the cardinal inheritor of the tradition, is cursed because the tradition itself is cursed. And the secondborn and often lesser, so to speak, son is the preferable alternative. And that pattern is repeated very frequently. Yes, because the secondborn has the time to ruminate on the problems. He doesn’t have to solve them now, he just takes his sweet time. And when he solves it, then he acts. This is what Jacob and Esau represent too. It’s a very interesting story. By the way, Esau… at first he thinks he’s angry when he gets his inheritance stolen or whatever, but then later when he encounters Jacob, he’s not even angry. And this is a weird little event that happens in the story. It’s like, why isn’t he angry? Like Jacob is afraid he’s going to be killed by his brother, but then he meets his brother and he doesn’t really care. And the reason is because he gets… he gets to land right away, and that’s what he wants. So he gets… it’s illustrated by… it says he has 400 men with him. The 400 men represent the land, let’s say, the potential of the land. He gets them right away. And Jacob, he doesn’t get 400 men that follow him. He gets 400 years of exile. So the 400 years of exile is the time needed for the rumination to solve the problem correctly and slowly and patiently, instead of rushing into it. Instead of… it’s a solution to not eating the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You need to wait for the solution and then you can do something. So in certain cases, it’s better to be the second born, that you can wait, take your sweet time. You don’t have the responsibility of solving the problems of the land. And the other guys has a harder job. Well, right. And there’s… well, there’s an injunction there to the kind of patience that also enables you to allow the solution to present itself, instead of assuming that you’re the man to take on that particular dragon right here and now, in the way that you think is fit. Yes. And that’s the burden of the first born. That’s the burden of the first born. He has to do it now. It’s his job.