The Bible is true in a very strange way. It’s true in that it provides the basis for truth itself. And so it’s like a meta-truth. Without it there couldn’t even be the possibility of truth. And so maybe that’s the most true thing. The most true thing isn’t some truth per se. It’s that which provides the precondition for all judgments of truth. I can’t see any holes in that argument. And I can’t see any holes in it from a scientific perspective either, because I think we do know well enough now as scientists that the problem of deriving ethical direction from the collection of facts is an intractable problem. There’s too many facts. There’s an infinite number of facts. They do not provide an unerring guide for action. They can’t. There’s too many of them. They have to be prioritized. And as soon as they are prioritized, well then you’re in the ethical domain.