Hey, John. Hey, guys. Good to see you again. We’ve been seeing each other in person lately, which has been quite wonderful, but it’s good to see you in this way. Yeah, it’s really good to see you again this way, too. Yeah, we wanted to come on and just announce and make everyone aware of that. We are doing another circling into data logos course, which is going to be January 24th and 25th. That’s a Saturday and Sunday. I’m sorry, not January, June 24th and 25th. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Zoom. And this is a course that we… What’s that? Pacific Standard Time. Pacific Time. Yeah. Yeah, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. And everything’s on Zoom. This is going to be our… What is it? Our sixth one? Our seventh one? Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. In a process that we’ve been refining. And, you know, my experience is we’ve been doing it and then looking at the results of it, fine tuning it, having tons of experiment and conversation in between. Tuning it some more. In fact, we just we were just talking about this. We just saw each other because we got invited to do a little portion of it at a in a retreat setting of a course that was already in progress. And we ended up we we both did like a little section of it and we ended up with a standing ovation afterwards. And yeah, we got a standing ovation. I think they they recognize the value of it. And yeah, I think this is a wonderful opportunity. Guy, is there early bird specials for people who register early or? Yeah, I think the early bird special is is up until two weeks before the start date. There’s like I think it’s like a hundred dollars or something early bird special or fifty dollars or a hundred dollars early bird special. So so register if you know that you’re going to do it, register as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the discount. Yes. So so in this workshop, we’re going to take you through like we keep improving it and it’ll be Guy and myself and Christopher Master Pietro with a lot of help from Karenna again. Who’s always steadfast in her support. And so what we do is we take you through we start you with some mindfulness practices and then we take you into some basic circling practices. And then there are some practices that are designed to improve your listening ability and then your questioning ability. And then you’re resonating with philosophical subjects. And don’t worry about that word, because what a lot of people said when we were there, even in person is they never thought about philosophy, but we got them doing philosophy as the active, engaged love of wisdom. And then we take you into a culminating practice, dialectic and the dialogous. And there’s a lot out there. You can take a look at it. I’ve been talking about it. Guy’s been talking about it. We’ve been recording stuff. And if you go to the website, Karenna has set up an amazing portal to give you some ideas about things like everything you need, every question. That’s a little potential, but almost any question you can think of has been well addressed. There’s you know, you can talk to other people who have taken it. We have people who often take the workshop multiple times. This is extremely powerful workshop. Guy, what would you like to say about it? Well, I think it’s a couple of things. I think it in essence, right? I’m a little afraid to say this because it’s quite a claim, but with humility, hopefully, I say it in essence, what we’re really engaging in is internalizing in a lot of ways Socrates as you talk about. And this is where this is an example, I think, of what you have referred to as an ecology of practices, right? Coming together. This literally is a whole course is totally practice. We’re not going to be giving lectures. You don’t need to have all this previous knowledge or anything like that. The whole thing is we’ll give some instructions, set some context for the exercise, and you’re going to go into the exercise with a group of people. You know, go deep in it. Then you come back out. We answer questions. You talk about your experience. We set up another exercise, right? It builds on the one before that. And you go really, really deep into that experience with with a group of people and you come back out. And as you say, culminating in the in the kind of the thing that brings it all together, which is basically Socratic dialogue. And, you know, I say that the premise of the course is really in the word philosophy itself. In if you look at the word philosophy, already it has its two its two words, phylia, Sophia, Sophia, meaning wisdom and phylia, meaning the love of fellowship and friendship. And so we can see already in the in the word philosophy is a marriage of this deep, this deep participation exercise with other people and the intimacy and fellowship, right? And then we take that intimacy that we really develop in the course and we that’s that’s kind of this, you know, this this lateral right reciprocal opening. And then we take it and turn it upward towards the vertical. And that ends up you end up with experiences that can be really kind of you could say almost transcendent. Right. Like insights and cascades of insights that can come right things that are very difficult to bring into words like there’s like lots of people who come out of out of the experiences and they have this experience that want to communicate. But there’s like they have to they have to grasp new language to be able to say it right. So it’s really it’s it’s really an amazing an amazing experience. It is. And for those of you who might be a little bit resistant because of the idea of interacting with strangers, the what what I just said about the phylia, everybody that goes into this, like they start to form really deep connections. They’ll say things like I discovered a kind of intimacy I never knew existed, but I’ve always been looking for. We regularly hear people say that. So this is well crafted to get even the most introverted people engaged and also to get the more the most extroverted people reflective. And so it’s very well balanced. And it doesn’t mean we aren’t like we don’t think it’s finished. This is still very much a work in progress. But every time we get these the feedback from these workshops, like the guy said we work on it, we retool it. We keep going. So I don’t I like I if you are interested in not just when guys said you have lots of insight. That’s true. But people also are interested in the way that we interact with people. And I think that’s a very good insight. That’s true. But people also are motivated to transfer this and to take the aspiration towards virtue and the cultivation of wisdom into their life. And if you really are looking for something that is transformative and can impact your life in general, this is a very good opportunity for that. Very good. Yes. All right. So again, the details are it’s June 24th and 25th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The links for everything will be below. You can register through the Circling Institute website. Also, a new addition that’s just coming online for this course is we have when you register, the first thing that you get is a series of videos that where we actually walk through and give context for the different exercises that we’re going to be doing to help prepare yourself that you can listen to beforehand. Yes. Excellent. Yeah. All right. So I hope I hope to see all of you there. Me too. And I’ll see you there, Guy. Yes. Bye bye. Bye.