This is how it begins. When individuals join a regulated profession, they do not lose their charter right to freedom of expression. At the same time, however, they take on obligations and must abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression. That’s just one sentence after another. That’s how it starts. Yeah, yeah. Perfect. It’s a great thing to highlight, you know. It’s, well, you have this fundamental right, but, well, but what? What rules? There’s what? There’s a rule, eh? There’s a rule. Is that right? There’s a rule that I can’t criticize Justin Trudeau on Twitter. That’s a rule, is it? And if someone anywhere in the world complains about the fact that I’ve criticized Justin Trudeau, let’s say, that all of a sudden that’s a rule, even though it wasn’t a rule. And of course I get to criticize Justin Trudeau, not only because he richly deserves it in every way you can possibly imagine, but because that’s actually what freedom of speech means.