You said the Arabs came in the seventh century, and that’s a long time ago. And so from the seventh century to now, you might think of that as being a timeframe long enough to allow for a valid claim of sovereignty ownership. But the Jews rejoinder is, well, we have a much older claim than that, one that spans 3,500 years. And the problem I have with that conceptually is that it’s not exactly obvious what timeframe of analysis should be primary. You have a very important point. And I don’t really know how to solve that. I do, I do. And I’ll answer your question. It’s a valid question. If the Arabs, having conquered the land in the seventh century and dispossessed the Jews over the next two centuries, the Jewish farmers kicked them out and so on. If they establish a viable state, a viable national identity there and so on, you’re right. These things happen in history. You’re supplanted by another people, fine. But that’s not what happened.