that? Yes, I do. I went ahead and said that. You’ve got to be on summer break right now. Yes, we just finished. We just finished school last week. So already, you got any big summer plans? Or you just bumming around your hometown? So I have a few big summer plans. I was still deciding whether to do like, whether to get a job or do some summer classes or not. But some architecture friends and I have decided to come up with a few side projects to keep practicing over the summer. So we’re going to do that. One of them is designing a castle for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. And then we’re going to come up with the other one. Put some of that, some of that academic knowledge you have to some productive use, right? Exactly. Now, Andrew’s flashing us a ghost here. Oh, he can explain the ghost now. It might be because he’s now filled with the Holy Ghost. Does that sound right? That might be it. How you doing other Andrew? Doing good. Looks like you’re in the cafe. All right. I’ll go ahead and let you order. I think I’m going to mute you. Yeah. OK, he muted himself. All righty. Yeah. Got the castle coming along. What are your big dreams for this Dungeons and Dragons castle? So my friend wants to rework this castle that he’s been working on, or that he’s played the campaign for several times. And he just doesn’t like the layout of everything. He’s like, it’s all wrong. I got to change it. So now we’re redoing everything so that it’s more kind of realistic, but not too much. He still wants it to be kind of the it’s all about a campaign where like a vampire is in a castle and you go to the castle and it’s like this spooky thing where you think you’re going to have dinner with them, but then he attacks you and you have to like go to the throne room and defeat him or something like that. You know what? I’m just having crazy ideas right now, but putting time travel into it could be cool. As long as you stay inside the castle, you can like zip back to an earlier time and like that’s interesting. A wing that’s now broken down and disheveled, like it’s now perfectly repaired and you can go up the stairs. That’s a cool idea. Actually, demon talk, Mark. What do you mean by demon talk? Dungeons and Dragons is okay as long as you’re killing the bad guys. Yeah. Jacob thinks time travel is horrible and he hates it. But you obviously have not played the PlayStation 2 masterpiece, Dark Cloud, and specifically the Castle of Time, where as you’re progressing through the dungeon, you’re going back in time and the rusty suits of armor that are attacking you become pristine and more powerful. Yeah, and you kill them, Mark. That’s what you do. Yeah, you’re supposed to kill them. Yeah, it’s got a vampire-themed Dungeons and Dragons campaign. You kill them. I don’t know. This doesn’t seem all that complicated to me. I don’t know. Well, one of the things that the reason, one of the reasons my friend approached me on this is because it is well known in the department that I’m interested in church architecture and that I’m Catholic. So apparently there’s this chapel in the original map of the dungeon and it’s like the deity that it’s supposed to be worshipping is apparently very close to something like Catholicism, where it’s like the deity of the eternal flame or something like that. So he said, I want you to design the chapel because I think you’ll be able to do it well because that’s what you’re into. So that’s one of the big things that I’m pretty much the, like I have that whole space to myself to design. And I was thinking of making it a big part of the campaign. Like maybe it’s corrupted and you have to restore it and that’ll help you against the vampire or something. Got to do an exorcism. Like an exorcism. Yeah. Yeah. Andrew looks so tall right now. Look at that. He’s a giant. How’d that happen? This gets weird. Okay. Mark doesn’t like your project. We’re having time travel at Heathen Chapel. My other idea was to turn the vampire into a shape-shifting intergalactic space vampire. And he flies his castle from planet to planet and hides it underground and then shape shifts into the local aliens to prey on them. And then during the final battle, he flies into space at the edge of the solar system where the sun is weakest. Of course, but the sun is weakest. We could put that in and the time travel and the Heathen temples and it’ll be great. You have to align a complex mirror system to shoot him with sunlight. That’s right. And somebody has to heroically sacrifice themselves. Get Michael Bay to direct the movie and it’ll make a billion and a half dollars, guarantee it. Good idea. Oh man. So yeah, that’s our first summer project. Alrighty. Alrighty. I’ve got to address the time travel haters out there. What about Back to the Future? Is that not a fantastic movie? I’m not saying it makes sense. You know, I’ve never watched it. Oh my gosh, Andrew, before you get time traveling, you have to just watch the first one, right? Okay. They accidentally spawned a bunch of sequels. It was that good. Oh, wow. Must be like alternate timelines or something. Yeah, yeah. The Indie Castle and time travel. All right. We’ve got our new title for the video. It’s a goofy, funny movie. Yes. Yes. That’s what time travel should be. And if anybody says that Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t end up being goofy and funny, they’re taking it a little too seriously. Yeah. Yeah. I think time travel should always be taken with a grain of salt and just don’t worry about all that paradox stuff. Yep. Perfect. Perfect. Because if you’re just sitting there worrying, you’re going to miss a great movie like Back to the Future or Edge of Tomorrow. Yeah, I don’t know if I’ve even heard of that one. It’s got Tom Cruise and there’s a war and stuff happens. Okay. The Indie can be funny and goofy, but I like serious dark RPGs. Everyone knows that you cannot time travel with salt. You immediately have to punish your salt when you land. When you land. Terminator. Terminator. There’s another great movie that doesn’t work without time travel. You can’t have a Terminator without time travel. Oh, no. All righty. Very good. So what’s the deal with not traveling with salt? I have no idea what Mark was on about. And he knows how to get in here if he wants to explain himself. Okay. Well, I was looking forward to a very calm summer, but that’s all changing now. Andrew, Kay, were you here when I announced my new assignment? Oh, yes. Are you there? Oh, no, you’re not, obviously. Nope. I’m still in my list cubicle. And to all 10 of you who are listening, I am not sure if I’m going to be able to continue doing this over the summer. So this Sunday evening slot might not be filled by me. There’s a few details I got to figure out before I can commit to that. But I do think by the fall, I should be able to or by August. So the longest it would be like a two month break from all of these things. So anyway, somebody else will just have to pick up the slide and start hosting a Sunday night show. Are you just like, are you not going to have internet? Is that why? Yeah, I just don’t know what the computer situation is going to look like. So my housing situation is going to look like 100. Like I’ve got all the basic details, but all the fine, great details. What are we doing on Sundays? So yeah, we will figure this out. Yeah, could end up in one of those old stone mason monastery type things. I don’t know if those come with power outlets. I I’m not expecting that, but I suppose it could happen. And then this Wednesday, I fly out for Chino, California. And I have to say Chino, California. Like I’m just not used to looking at the weather forecasts for that part of the world. Because it’s like a it’s like a perfect sine wave, right? It goes up to 80 degrees in the afternoon, and it goes down to 60 degrees at the evening. The wind goes up in the afternoon, it goes down. It actually I’m going to pull it up. Okay, yeah. Weather Underground 10 day forecast here. Just so you guys know, that I’m not being silly. So like, you know, in the Midwest, all sorts of weather happens, all the time. Then you come over here. Here too. Yeah. And we’re going to present, we’re going to share screen, Chino, California 10 day weather forecast, pop that up there. And look at that. Look at how regular that is. It’s like, oh, my gosh, you know, exactly what kind of weather you need to we need to plan for. The rain chances too. What do you mean by extreme? Like such extreme weather shifts? I don’t think of 20 degrees as an extreme weather shift. It’s all mostly sunny or partly cloudy. We are not used to such extreme weather. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know what you’re talking about being extreme here. But look, it’s extremely regular. I guess it’s just going to be perfect. 85 degrees in the afternoon and 60 degrees in the evening. Okay, Marc. Jacob wants me to look at 90034. I’ll let Andrew back in here. Hello. Hello. Oh, I got to get over to the 10 day. He’s already back in his room. Oh, okay. Yeah. I see what you mean by extreme. The ocean must keep things more regular. What’s going on? Yeah, look at that. Look, it only goes with like 70 to 60 in Los Angeles. Yeah, that’s 10 degrees. Okay. Instead of a 25 degree shift, it’s just a 10 degree shift. Okay, that’s what you’re talking about. Now. Yeah, water is pretty good for that. Yeah, that’s what water does. Extreme mild wet. Oh, bubble this has a new. Not sure what to make of your new profile picture. It’s very, very 1764 right there. I like the hair. I’d actually like to wear those really big white wigs sometime. In a party like it’s 1769. Yeah. Or at least convene like it’s 1769. I think Lynn’s got the reference to the time traveling with salt. It’s warlock. I think that’s the question she’s answering there. Sounds like the weather you can’t time travel as a warlock with salt. I guess it was related. I don’t know. It’s not even weather at that point. I’m with you, Mark. And there is a silver lining in Los Angeles. That’s for sure. Talking weather. Listen, weather is the universal human reality because we all have to deal with it. That’s why I’d sufferers go to the small talk because we always have that in common. Yeah, it falls on the unjust and adjust. So don’t insult anyone by doing that’s a really that’s a really great way of putting it. You should write that down. Andrew, the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. You know, I just might. Somebody hasn’t written it already. We should get more streams of chat on this more. Yeah, 10 day forecast is the weather 300 plus days of the year. It’s not weather. I’m with Mark on this one. That’s not actually weather. Unless you live in L.A., in which case there’s nothing to talk about. That’s why they had to make movies because they couldn’t talk about the weather. You talk about movies. That picture is I’ve a Sumaisha, the best soprano of the world for even the music. You’re 17 something was very good. OK, OK. All righty. I don’t know, man. I see big wigs these days and I’m wondering, is that is that? Yeah, so I’m not going to worry about it. Andrew, I saw Andrew T. Excuse me. I saw a picture of you at church today. Yeah. What was going on there? If you care to share. Bit the bullet and got baptized. Jacob was there. My roommates are there. Pretty much like everyone at church I knew was there. So, you know, now it was pretty cool. It was pretty cool. Jacob on this chat. Yeah, I found a richie. In Minnesota. Jacob from L.A. Oh, you’re in L.A. Yep. Which bulletin was it? It’s in his channel. Jacob’s discord server. Oh, I thought it was like Father Big Mac saying, oh, at my church’s bulletin, I saw your like, wow, everybody wants to. I don’t think we would perform a coptec orthodox baptism in a Roman Catholic church. I don’t know if we could. Now, did they did they just spray you or did they dunk you? They don’t me. All righty. I wish I wish I could dunk people, but I’m born into the tradition that I am with just just the infusion. Yeah. Are we allowed to dunk people? We are allowed to dunk people. Just priests don’t want to get wet because we’re all a bunch of pansies. So we don’t dunk people that and we do a lot of infant baptisms. And, you know, when you don’t have one of your own, get a little nervous about putting somebody else’s baby under the water. I saw that one gif of a orthodox priest doing it where he just kind of whoosh whoosh and the baby’s like, what just happened? Just looking around like, you know. Yeah. All righty. So you would have gotten baptism, chrismation and Holy Communion today. Yeah. All righty. I could just see the halo now. Just radiating the Holy Spirit. Are you speaking tongues at all? OK, I always hope that’s going to happen. Yeah. Soon you got to process. Yeah. A little kid said, where’s the baby? It’s a very, very large baby. Yeah. Splash to splash to splash it to them. Yeah. All righty. Well, hey, big congratulations. Yeah. Thanks. Well done. Mark, only only the orthodox have felled onto the tradition of issuing halos that’s that’s been lost in the West. All righty. So, yeah, how long, Andrew, between first showing up in that church and getting baptized? Was it like a year and three, four months? Yeah. All right. Mm hmm. Jacob pushed me over the edge. He was like, Andrew, if you’re not going to another church, you should just bite the bullet and go to this one. Yeah. I was like, Jacob, I’ve got two thousand years of Catholic blood running through my veins. It was like, you don’t know any Catholics. You don’t know any Catholic traditions. Yeah. And you’ve been going to this church for a year. So, yeah. Yeah. Those are all, you know, I am partial to Catholicism, but those are all pretty decent arguments right there. So, but the good news is, is that we would recognize all three sacraments that you got today as being the same as our own. Not sure if that’s reciprocated. So as far as I’m concerned, you’re just as full of grace as one of ours would be. Jacob feels the need to set the record straight here. So anyway, you guys can hash that out later on. You can join any time. Yeah. It’ll just be, now it’ll just be a profession of faith, you know. Yeah. I believe and profess everything that the Catholic Church believes and professes to be revealed by God. Boom. Catholic. Wow. That was fast. Yeah. He’s practiced. Yeah. Yeah. Did that for a gentleman? I did that for a gentleman last week and then confirmed him and regularized his marriage vows and gave him first holy communion. It’s alright. We can, we can do it. We did it all in half an hour. It’s as that famous Roman brevity right there. It’d be like a three hour commitment if we were going to do it in a Coptic Church. Yep. Yeah. In the Coptic Church, they talk about like taking stuff from monastic traditions, right? And just like importing it into the city. And yeah, you can, you can tell. Yeah. They’ve got portions of the hymns that are just like, you know, different tones of just one letter, right? So like when you’re first starting, I’m going to hymn so horribly. I do not want to hymn on stream. But it’s like. Are they like going syllable by syllable? Yeah. Yeah. Kind of. Yeah. You’re not going to hymn on stream? No, man. I’d do horribly. I’d be. I’m not a deacon yet. Okay. Alrighty. Is it like a singing hymn? Yeah. Yeah. Like chanting, you know. That’s actually where the word tenor came from. Because as Western music was progressing out of the simpler chants into more complex multi-voice arrangements, one of the things they would do is they would take an ancient melody and an ancient text and instead of just chanting it through the way it is, they would have some of the voices hold on to that. So you get tenor, which means holding onto it, and they would just hold on to the one note and then have other voices go around on that, doing these other things there. So that’s where the word tenor comes from, the ones who are holding on to the note. Started to read that from that catechism link you provided. Read the first two pages so far. Very good. Big fan of the catechism. Got one right here. Recommended to everybody. And yeah, you know, most of the stuff at the back is like indexes and such, so it’s not quite as big as it looks. I’m planning on reading one page a day. That’ll do you just fine. A couple of years, you’ll have it all done. Yeah, or they’ll enjoy it too much and start reading faster. Now, do you got finals coming up, Andrew T.? Midterm V2. Midterm V2. What does that mean? They’ve got two midterms in these quarter systems. So yeah, I know why they call them midterms. When are, do you get a summer break? Yep. What does that start? A month or so from now. So. Wow. Yep. I just keep chugging along. Yep. Alrighty. Well, hey, it gets you educated somehow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was my experience was my first semester of seminary took a very long time and then everything after that has gone at warp speed. It’s like life just just sped up from that point on. Yes. Yes, Mark. It’s more like training than education. He’s got a video on that on navigating patterns. We know you can watch it on his YouTube channel. Yes. That’s all good. The people. Oh, go ahead. I was going to say, what do you, what do you study at school? Oh, chemical engineering. Woo. But that’s fun. He’s going to find the propellant that takes us to Mars. Yay. Get out of this isn’t on Mars. I wish man. I’ll probably just, you know, work at an oil plant somewhere, kill a bunch of fish. All right. Well, you could do that too. I just got a new pair of tires this week in preparation for driving out to Washington, DC. Nice. I guess tires have just been on a continual improvement. So the nice man on the phone sold me all weather tires, which I guess have even better grip than all season tires. And he says, I’m going to love it in the snow. And yeah, since we’ve got so much snow through the year. Yeah, I’m looking forward to that. So anyway, maybe you can design tires because I guess it’s part of it is the, the, the materials that they’re making out of the copy orthodox only ordained celibate engineers. You’re not going to like this, Jacob, but when we’re, when we choose the Pope, we only choose amongst monks. So, you know, all your dreams of me becoming Pope are not going to exactly become reality. Do you say they only promote celibate engineers to bishop? That’s what, that’s what Jacob said. And he’s not okay. Take it too terribly seriously. Mark, how are you doing? I’m doing good. How are you doing? Doing all right. Sites and sons moving company got 70% of my stuff moved over to the bishop’s house yesterday. Very efficient, very efficient because my dad brought his pickup and my brother drove up from the twin cities for Mother’s Day and he brought his pickup. So it was just one trip. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. We had it all taken care of, but now I gotta get to the chiropractor to get adjusted. I don’t think there was any serious injury. I just need something right back into place. And I’m getting ready to bring out coffee and oatmeal to, to Chino. Figure that out. That’s great. All righty. The Chino preparations are going. So there’s no, there’s going to be no stream next week. Well, I mean, unless I’m like hanging out with Jacob and he’s got his phone and he wants to stream, it’d be like 5 30 there. So it could. Yeah. We’ll just have to wait and see. Oh yeah. Yeah. Next week it’ll be, it’ll be a hit or miss sort of thing, depending on the, the craziness. So this potentially could be the last one before the summer. So very sad. This might be the last stream. Yeah. Until August. Until August. That’s like super summer. Oh, cause you’re, cause you’re going to be in Washington. You won’t have time to do it at all in Washington. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know if I have time. I’ll have equipment. Any of that. So he’s, he’s going to be in a castle with no electricity. That was the, that was the Yeah. There’s lots of castles in Washington. Actually. That’s a rumor that I made. It’s true. They have a, they have a nice church with wine buttresses by the way. Yeah. You’re talking about the national shrine of the immaculate conception. That might be a really, really big one. Yeah. You could be there. I don’t know. Nothing’s big anymore. I’ve been to Edinburgh and like that they got some big churches in Scotland, big church, big buildings. You know, I’ve been to St. I’ve been to St. Peter’s Basilica and they do have speakers painted like marble and automatic doors in the basement. So it is possible. No way. Yeah, that’s cool. Yeah. You go to, if you go to Roslyn chapel, you know, they’ve got like a visitor center thing outside of the chapel and it’s all this modern glass and you go back, whoa, there’s a stone chapel. Like what’s going on? Yeah. That’s the mixture stuff. A lot of the churches aren’t churches anymore. So they’re mixed and they’ve been updated. And so, yeah, they’ve got automatic doors and weird things. And you’re like, ah, this doesn’t look right. If you had an automatic stone door. That sounds expensive. Okay. The flying buttresses. This is the national shrine of the Maccabees. One of the best churches in Catholic churches. But there’s no flying buttresses on that one. So I’ll have to keep on looking. Not at all. Not at all. Yeah. Yeah. Andrew K. if you design buildings, they have to have flying buttresses otherwise. They do. Yeah. If you don’t have a flying buttress, you don’t know. Yeah. Yeah. Churches, office buildings, residential. It needs flying buttresses. Everything. Sky scrapers. Outhouses. Everything. I’ll keep that in mind. That’s my professional architecture. Which might be why. That’s going to be my concept. Concept on my next project. I’m not talking about this one, are you? That’s a beautiful one, too. I’ve got bad news for you. It’s Episcopalian. Yeah. No, no. It’s not that one. That’s pretty. Is it Episcopalian? It’s the National Cathedral. They don’t eat fish. How can Episcopalians have cathedrals? Is that legal? Yeah, they’ve got bishops. I mean, I don’t recognize them as bishops, and neither would Andrew, but they’ve got people they call bishops. So once you have a bishop, you can have a cathedral because the cathedra is the seat where the bishop sits. I don’t know. We need better rules. We need much better rules. I was watching a series called Monarchy with David Starkey. It’s a UK series on the monarchy. It’s very compressed history. It’s very focused on the changes in monarchy on the things that altered the monarchy in England. Fascinating. And you find out how devastating it was with Henry VIII and Protestantism coming along. And just basically England becomes a nightmare after that. Like an absolute hellscape. It’s like, whoa, it’s not good at all. Yep, Henry VIII’s with a monster. Can confirm. So what happens when you destroy the social security of a country overnight that took hundreds of years to build? Yeah. Well, and also, you know, at first he was, you know, the Catholic church were sticking with it. And then through these weird circumstances, where they’re just a few months too late, then it all falls apart. He’s like, no, I need to get a divorce, which he had grounds for. Yeah, it was just this weird set of circumstances. It’s just all these strange one-off events that shouldn’t have happened all at once. And then bang, you get this explosion of catastrophe and fighting. And oh yeah, it’s a total mess. Wow. But then of course, being British, he totally, Starkey totally pooh-poos the Stamp Act. He’s like, oh, this is minor tax. It’s like, no, it was not a minor tax. I don’t know what math you use over there in the UK, buddy. But that ain’t how it works. They use math in the UK. They use maths. Maths, exactly. They have different arithmetics. They use maths instead of math. They have multiple arithmetics over there. Exactly. It’s all stacked up on each other. It’s incompatible. It’s a good series, though. I highly recommend it. Just a really interesting narrow-bound view of one particular aspect of historical unfolding. And most of it’s pretty good. But I mean, I think he goes nuts in the very last episode. It’s like bonkers to me. Yeah, I have heard that UK people use maths before, but… They’re shortening mathematics. Okay. And so they say maths, whereas we want to drop that last s in America. And we do, because it’s America. Question for you, Andrew. What was going on with the precious blood of Jesus at Communion? Did people get precious blood of Jesus in the back of the church, or only some people got to drink? You probably didn’t see it because you were in the fourth row at the front, but they’ve got the Communion cup right in the middle of the aisle. So yeah, it was probably behind you. Interesting. Yeah, seeing Communion at a different church is always… Even different Catholic churches, because I’m a specialist. I’d be like, no, this is how they’re doing it. Okay, okay. But then you go to a different tradition entirely. It’s like, oh, what are they doing? What are they doing? Until you go to a low Protestant church and you’re like, plastic? Yeah, you’re not going to get over that trauma, are you? I was like, what is going on? As long as it’s understood that it’s a very lowercase T trauma, yeah, I’m not getting over it. As for the bishop’s chair… Bishop’s chair? Yeah. Yeah, we’re the first Coptic church in the U.S., so we kind of have to set the standard, you know? Right? It’s a huge chair. It’s got like an icon of Christ the Good Shepherd on it. Absolutely amazing, you know? Yeah. And it’s got a… The bishop who raised the funding for the church and everything was, I think, ordained by Pope Kirillos, oh my gosh, who’s a major figure in Toptic orthodoxy. Friends with Master, if anyone’s interested. So, yeah, yeah. Very cool. Very cool. So how many… And I don’t know if I got the right word for this, so I’m just going to say the Latin word, diocese, do the Coptics have in the United States? I think it’s like four or five. Okay. So yours is kind of a west coast? Yeah, we’re like California and southern U.S.? We’ve got one, two… Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know about this plastic thing, it just seems. It’s like plastic. You can pop up a church and have one anywhere. You just go down to the dollar store and get everything you need. It’s like, are we at churching at this point or are we… You know, like, is this K-Fabe? Is this LARP? What’s going on here? How important is this really, if you can go down to the dollar store and get it done in 20 minutes? I don’t know. Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile, you know, I bring a little kit with gold vessels on vacation. In fact, he does. I can validate all of this. And confirm. Is that like an emergency communion kit or is that because you put communion yourself? So the current code of canon law says that a priest can celebrate Mass away from a consecrated altar for a just cause. And if you know a little bit about canon law and there’s a reason why I’m getting sent to study it, you’ve got three levels of cause. You’ve got just, grave, and very grave. So just cause is the least amount of reason. So if I’m traveling and the church does encourage me to celebrate the Holy Eucharist every day as a priest, and I think if I’m away from an altar because of my travels, that’s just enough cause to celebrate Mass away from a consecrated altar. Yeah. I’ve heard of other priests who do this. I’ve also heard of priests who don’t. So that’s it. Yeah. Yeah. I also, I have a portable altar, but I am not putting that in the hands of the TSA or United baggage handlers because they shouldn’t be expected to handle that. I’ve got a picture of it. I can show you a picture of my portable altar. Is it consecrated? How does that work? I haven’t gotten it done yet. I need to get a decent altar, or relic to mount in it. But once that happens, I can do that. Share screen, window, portable altar. Snap. I hit cancel instead. That was not what I wanted to do. So that’s my portable altar right there. Oh, wow. Oh, that’s cool. Yeah. So it’s got this altar stone there and there’s a place you might be able to see it on the stream. I’ll see if I could zoom it. There’s a place where I could mount a little relic in there and then it would be a very consecrated altar. Very consecrated. And then this is a little hatch that I can use to get the altar. And then this is a little hatch that opens up and I could store things in there and the whole thing folds together and weighs like 30 pounds. Wow. This was an ordination gift from my parents. Oh, nice. Father Eric. Is that a good email with you so you can alter while you’re there now? Not putting that in the hands of the TSA, not putting that in the hands of United Baggage Handlers. Oh, you’re flying down. That’s right. I forgot. Yeah, it’s a long way to Chino and I couldn’t get anybody to carpool with me from Fargo. Really? There were no other people from Fargo going to Chino. I’m shocked. Let me put on my shock face here for a bit. Yeah. Are you from a big family? I have three older brothers and one younger sister. Oh, okay. Were you the only one to join Holy Orders? So far. I have three brothers who are technically eligible because they’re not married. Oh, okay. I don’t really see any of them doing it. My sister’s getting married this summer. Oh, good. I’m going to fly back from DC to do that wedding. Oh, great. That’s cool. Yeah. So, anyway, looking forward to that. So, yeah, I don’t know. Some people think big is five. Other people think, sorry, five is big. Other people think five is small. I’m not sure how to describe it. I think it’s at least a midsize. I don’t think anyone needs it. Yeah. It’s hard to say it’s small. I guess maybe you could go by the maximum number of children that people can have. That’s a big family. So maybe double digits. I mean, are we talking just like a traditional family? I think eight is big. I mean, come on. Because you’re way above the average one and a half. I think if you have to start, if your car purchase has to be, if you need something larger than a sedan because of the size of your family, something really more than five seats, then you’re at least a midsize family. You can’t say your small family fits in a standard vehicle. Small family standard vehicle, midsize family, midsize vehicle, large family, 12 seater. Yeah. That’s a bad way to categorize it. When the homeschooler van shows up, you know you’re having a good time. Yeah. So thank you for recommending those. Is it the Qantas 101? Yeah, the Qantas 101 videos. Yeah, those are super good. It’s like seven minutes and boom, you learn something. Problem of Evil. Yeah, it was eight minutes. Oh bam, yeah. And the last one I think I watched was on the soul and the body. The relationship between the soul and the body, which I think is sort of very topical these days. With like AI or? Well, that too. Transgenderism or people spending too much time on their phones? Well, the transgenderism thinking was where I was, that one as well. But the transgenderism, I mean in Canada, it’s very topical because now we have this Bill C-4 that passed. So it’s effectively enshrined that you can’t have into law, that you can’t have anything. Of course, or even recommend that anyone be heterosexual or the sex they were assigned at birth. It’s considered conversion therapy. I don’t like thinking about Canada because every time I look up there’s one piece of horrible news like that. Yeah, but I was thinking that it enshrines into law this Gnostic outlook, right? You could be born into the wrong body, right? It makes you a bad God. That’s why I said Gnostic, right? It implies a denier. Because God’s not going to make mistakes like that. It’s perfectly Gnostic, you’re right. It’s dead on. What’s the best way to describe it? It’s as Gnostic as Gnostic can be. That’s what they’re pushing as science these days. Which is really interesting because you were talking about Aquinas 101. Since Thomas Aquinas is one of the sponsors of the show, I’ve got to go off on it a little bit. If you look at good, Thomistic, hylomorphism, that just means soul and body together when you’re talking about human beings. Is that your sex assigned at birth is actually an accidental quality of being. It has to be that way because otherwise you would have two species of human beings, men and women. That doesn’t mean it’s a mistake though. Right, right. Then you think, okay, hold on, accidental quality of being. But just because something is not essential to human nature as such doesn’t mean that it’s not essential to you. Being born in 1992 is a really big deal for me personally. But it is not an essential quality of a human being. Because they’re locating it in the soul, and all human souls are the same. It’s a structural functional organization of a human person that is common to us all. Whereas your body is what differentiates you from other people. Because if you had the same body, you would be the same person. So basically the fact that they’re locating gender in the soul is a point where they’re not agreeing with Aquinas. And that’s why they’re going way the heck off the rails. They’re going farther than that. They’re explicitly saying that you can be born in the wrong body. So by implication they’re saying that God makes mistakes. Mistakes cannot happen in the ensouling process. They’re saying you were born in the wrong body. They’re saying you are already a mistake. It’s a great winning message. I find it fascinating also that they think that just telling somebody that maybe that’s not okay is therapy. I imagine telling people that anything is wrong is therapy. That’s because of the loose language of the law that they passed. I’m sure that was just an accident. It’s intentionally very vague and loose language. But it’s very explicitly only goes one way. They said making someone heterosexual or trying to promote someone. Even if somebody wanted that therapy, it would be illegal. Like an adult consenting. I want to address Sandy here. You can think of the soul. One of the things that the soul does is it is the essence that makes you to be the sort of thing that you are. We’ve got different essences around the world. We can recognize the function of something by its essence. The essence provides the function for something. The tree has its essence. The squirrel has its essence. The dog has its essence. The human being has its essence. Which provides the limitations as to what kind of thing that you are. Since we’re all the same kind of thing, we’re all human beings. Our souls are actually identical. What makes us different from each other is which body that we are embodied in. Those properties right there. They have a heavy emphasis on the relationship with form in the soul. In the Aquinas video. They’re talking about how the soul is what forms the body. It forms it into a human body. The body has its own reality to it that has a feedback on the soul. The soul doesn’t make the body male or female. Black or white or whatever. The fact that people think they have a gendered soul is a place where they go wrong. If we die and go to purgatory and don’t have our bodies, are we all the same? According to Aristotle, this is where we get a lot of this language and tools from. Aristotle wasn’t sure if the soul survived the death of the body. He thought of it as an unsolved. There’s a little thing in there where he’s like maybe. I don’t know. I can’t prove it. I’m not going to speculate on it. When Aquinas is importing a lot of this Aristotelian tools and languages into a system. That makes a problem for him because Christianity is pretty serious about this immortality of the soul. He’s able to handle it somewhat. There’s a reason why the doctrine of the resurrection of the body is important. You’re not properly fully human until you’ve got a body linked with that soul. It’s a sort of soul that needs a body in order to be able to behave and act properly. Aquinas says that it’s actually an aberration. It’s kind of unnatural that death separates the soul from the body. That these souls spend this time away from their bodies. That’s only going to be corrected at the last resurrection. God did form the soul and the body together. But the body is provided by the parents. God puts the soul into it. So you get your body back in heaven? Or is it the new heavens and the new earth? Which is referenced in the book of the prophet Isaiah, the second letter of Saint Peter, and the book of Revelation. It specifically says new heavens and new earth. I think there’s going to be us walking around Chronicles of Narnia, the last battle style. I don’t know. That’s what the Bible seems to be. Running up the waterfalls? Running up the waterfalls, baby. Were you asking if you get the kind of body that’s like the one you had on earth? Or were you asking if you just get any body? Are you asking if we get resurrected at all? Well, it sounds… I mean, I just sort of didn’t envision it with the separation of the soul and the body. I didn’t really consider that in heaven that we would have a physical… Honestly, I haven’t thought too much about heaven because it breaks my brain. It’s harder than calculus. Jesus is like, I can feel you here. I can follow you here. And there’s a good place you’re sending me to, but I don’t really fully grasp what that means. But I trust you. So I’m not going to… And I want to touch on Babelvis… I have no idea how to say it. I’m going to go with Babelvis because that’s a little easier to say. I’ll touch on your point here. So it’s like all souls are identical kind of in the abstract. But after you’ve lived on earth and after this soul has become real, really incarnated in this body… Because the memory is a faculty of the soul. And so what you remember, it changes you along the way. It changes you along the way. And so they’re not all identical after the fact of embodiment. But as an abstract principle, they’re all identical. So we all have the same faculties of the soul, for instance. We all have intellect, will, appetites, the senses, the vegetable powers, and then whatever physical forces are common to all material things built into us. It’s a form, like a triangle, right? There’s one perfect form triangle. And then every instantiation of a triangle is a memory or something of that triangle that is not the same because it can’t be a perfect triangle because it’s not in the realm of forms. It’s the same with the soul. So it’s really… Plato makes it all easy. It just solves all these problems. And I do have good news for Matt Moore. He can still be a soul man. Before we move on… That was a big question. What are vegetable powers? Reproduction, homeostasis, integrating nutrition and expelling waste. That’s called vegetable power? Yes, it is. Gotta love the vegetative soul. Gotta love the old school language there. Alright. Wow. Interesting. So, would it be silly to… I don’t know. I guess if every human soul is the same, would it be… Would it be silly to think of oneself as having an advantage over somebody else in some way? Well, so… We’re gonna get really metaphysical here. There’s no hierarchy of souls actually. There’s no hierarchy of angels either, is there? You can think of God… If you like… As like pure unrestrained existence. That’s what it means to be infinite. So like everything, everywhere, all at once. Power, divinity… And then when you try and think about it, you’ve got the words in the right order maybe, but you don’t have a proper concept that is proportionate to that. And when God creates, what he has to do is he has to put boundaries on that. He’s gotta put limits on that pure existence. And so that’s what an essence is. You’ve got this pure existence, and then you limit it. You limit it to this or that sort of thing. And so when you talk about the human form, the human soul, that puts a certain constraint on it, that puts a certain limit on it. And then we are further limited by our bodies. So it’s not just the perfect ideal form of humanity, but it’s six feet tall, male pattern baldness, brown beard, in a certain time and location there. Yeah, priest. So yeah, there’s no hierarchy to souls, but your body may be more or less like a human being. Your body may be more or less perfectly conformed and receptive to the ideal man. I’m sort of surprised that Andrew said there’s no hierarchy of angels, but there’s clearly a hierarchy of angels, right? There’s definitely a hierarchy of angels. Because angels aren’t human beings. They’re just a pure intellectual form. They don’t have bodies. And so every angel is its own species. It’s its own essence. Because they don’t have bodies to differentiate themselves. And there’s a hierarchy of saints as well, right? There’s going to be different stations in heaven. Not everyone has to be at the right hand of God, right? But that’s not a function of your soul. That’s a function of your whole life together. What I’ve heard is that angels all have the same capabilities, but due to their assignment by God, that’s where they get their hierarchy. Sure, yeah. And their assignment from God, that’s what they’re created to do. So the angel of strong nuclear force does nothing but strong nuclear force. I don’t know. I would imagine all of the fundamental forces of physics would get their own angel who’s irresponsible for them. And then one of them has fallen, so that’s why quantum mechanics has all these walking paths. So can actually go with this question and I’ll ask my question. Can we experience our soul? We can only experience things through the senses, right? So I don’t know how you would sensibly experience the intellectual pattern of your being. I don’t know how to make sense of that question. That sounds dangerous. Does existence precede essence? They come together. Existence and essence are concomitant. They come together. We can’t just have pure, unformed existence because that would either be God, because it’s infinite, or it would be nothing. Otherwise, existence and essence always come together. Are our souls fallen? I’m going to give you Thomas Aquinas’ answer. So we were supposed to be created with a perfect integrity of body and soul. And that this integrity was going to make our souls perfectly obedient to our bodies. So if eating kale was the appropriate thing for your health and well-being, then kale would taste delicious to you. Because it would be rational for kale to taste delicious and your body would respond to that reason there. So vegetables would taste like candy. But that was not an essential part of human nature. That was a gift given to us by God, called by the scholastics the Praetor natural gifts. And on account of our sin, that gift was taken away, the gift of integrity. So I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about our souls themselves as fallen, but the whole nature having been fallen. Wait, so the soul was obedient to the body? No, no, no, the body was obedient to the soul. Falling down. To the intellect. I think it is now. Yeah. Christ reveals to us what perfect humanity is supposed to be. The limbo of the fathers. That’s what Abraham’s bosom is. The place where the souls of the just were awaiting Christ’s resurrection. So my question is about guardian angels. Which are… The question about guardian angels is can guardian angels be fallen? Or have they ever fallen? Or how does that work? So a few things about angels. The first point is that angels were kind of constituted at the very beginning in a position where they were going to choose to obey or disobey. So all of the good angels obeyed, and all of the evil angels disobeyed. And because of… Oh, I’d have to read this again. But because of the way a pure intellectual form is. It’s a purely immaterial being. They don’t have the capacity to change their minds. They don’t have the capacity for repentance. And they would have had knowledge given to them at the very moment what the consequences of their actions were. And some of them still chose to rebel eternally. That sounds pretty foolish. And so I suppose some of the angels who were supposed to be guardian angels, they could have rebelled at the very moment of their creation. Then they’d be replaced? I don’t think… I suppose so. That function has to get filled somehow. And at a certain point we have to have a level of agnosticism about this. Where we can say certain things from Revelation, we can say certain things from good theology. But how many angels are there? Can’t count them. They don’t line up. They don’t… There. Father Eric, Aquinas, or me? Definitely Aquinas. My sponsors are sure. To know God, to love God, to serve him in this life and be happy with him forever and the next. The fallen angels are miserable forever. Yeah. Don’t be a fallen angel. Don’t fall. Don’t fall. If you do fall, go to confession. Don’t fall. All prior. Those are some good questions. I haven’t been able to exercise some of the Aquinas muscles in a while. Yes, that was very good questions. God bless the people over at Grail Country. God bless them. We all need blessings, we all need prayers. Amen. So I think I saw… How is it? I always get the priest with long funny names wrong. Is it Rippenberger? Rippager. Yeah, Father Rippager talked about how guardian angels at their formation, they choose us as their charge and they fall in love with us as such. They choose, they form, they choose to look like the thing which they love most, which is us. So our guardian angels look like the ideal versions of ourselves. Interesting. Sort of like super… Sounds horrifying. I immediately thought of super creepy fans or something, right? Like this parasocial relationship you have with your guardian angel. I’d be interested in looking at his sources there. Because I don’t think he would come up with that himself. I respect him enough. He’s kind of traditional, right? So I don’t think he would just start making things up. It passes the Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry cartoon test, right? Because whenever the angels appeared on the shoulder, they would look like a small version of themselves, right? This rests on the authority of Looney Tunes. That’s a good source right there. There’s the tropical position of the West embodied in the modern art, for sure. Maybe Hell would be seeing an ideal version of myself. Actually, one of the things that stuck with me is like Toby Lukin, who is the founder of Shopify, the CEO and founder of Shopify. I remember in an interview, he even said that. He said that Hell is meeting the person you could have been when you die. Yeah, exactly. So you actually meet the ultimate playthrough. All the mistakes and all the failures in your life have been revealed just by meeting what you could have done and who you could have been. When I heard that, I was like, oh yeah. It sort of struck me that afterwards I heard the guardian angel thing and I was like, oh, okay, so that actually does happen. Yeah, but if you could send that Ripperger video to me, I’d be very interested to hear him talk about it. Okay, I’ll see if I can find it again. See if he cites his sources there. This is stuff he’s extracted out of demons during an exorcism. You’re talking about the Ripperger, huh? Yeah, Ripperger, Ripperger, however you say it. Amazing. Yeah, yeah. I don’t know. My thought is if I go to heaven and I somehow get the knowledge that I could have been a better saint, that would actually just be Hell forever. God’s grace makes up for your weaknesses. Yeah, yeah. Oh, absolutely. The time to worry about judgment is while you’re alive. That’s been so backwards to me. It’s like, I’m going to worry about judgment when I’m dead and I’m in the perfect knee. What? It’s like, no, that’s not how anything could possibly ever work. But it sounds like Aquinas is pretty, is making corrections for the absurdity of the modern philosophical tradition, which Manuel and I did a video on recently because it’s like the more you learn about these modern philosophers, the more it’s like, oh, look, it’s psychological projection upwards to the culture. And then they solve the problem there as a way of exercising their own personal demons. Kierkegaard turns out to be nothing more than the Luther of Lutheranism, which to me is just freaking hysterical. I’m like, really? That’s his whole deal? And that is his whole deal. It’s the whole thing. You don’t know anything more about him. You need to read a line. He was just doing what Luther did to the Catholic Church, but he’s doing it to the Lutheran Church in the ultimate irony of life. Fantastic. Yeah, it’s crazy. Nice. No, but I got to take a quick pit stop, but keep the show going. Mark, don’t let any trolls on. I won’t. Don’t worry. Ed, I’m over here. It’s good to see you, my friend. Oh, it is, man, it is good. It is, yeah, it’s been a wild ride. I had a ton of work this last week and a half or so. It was very, it was enjoyable work. I, you know, it’s just amazing. It’s very immutable and especially when you have large hydraulic equipment. And so I spent part of the early part of this week with a three foot wide bucket balancing like 11 foot wide rocks. I mean, it was, it’s like really amazing what you could do. You want to talk about like a study in creative limitation. It’s like, all right, so I’ve got, you know, four articulating joints on this machine and I’ve got to get this giant slab of sandstone out of a pond I’m digging. And you’re like, turns out you can do it. Like if you kind of know where the center of gravity of this thing is. Anyway, it was, yeah, it was a lot of fun. You know, a lot of long like daunted to us good days. But so I haven’t, you know, I spent a lot of time listening to it’s funny you’re talking about Father Ripper. I was actually listening to some lectures on, I don’t know, Zander, if this is where you came across him, but on since this Fidelium on. Yeah, but this guy named Dr. What was his name? Dr. Fagerberg, Dr. Fagerberg on on asceticism. He’s like retired professor from Notre Dame, I think in Illinois. And he’s got like five or six talks on there on the set of system that we’re just like, dude, I don’t usually re listen to stuff. And I was like, you know, when you like you hit someone and you’re like, you feel like you hit that vein of gold in the rock when you’re like mining for stuff. Dude, bust out the power drill right now. Like we got some good stuff coming down the line. I mean, yeah, so one of them, I mean, one of them just like straight up fun was C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia as a way of talking about Christian asceticism, which I thought was just like really, really good. I think most of these key got connected on this book on liturgical system. So they all he’s like, I know about others, but like this is kind of where I ended up talking about. But so what is it? What is this set us in? So it’s training. So it’s spiritual training like thesis is the process of spiritual training. And like, I mean, he’s like, he’s great. He’s like a I looked up a little bit about him. You know, he’s taught for years and years and years. He mostly taught literature in a Catholic university. So like he’s as fun as like you would imagine a very like thoughtful what professor would be. And so he’s like Christians, Christianity without asceticism is like a pancake without flour. You can put the eggs in the milk in and it’s not a pancake. Yeah. And so, yeah, he talks about it in terms of like, I mean, it’s just just really like some great a lot. He’s pulling a lot from the Desert Fathers and talking about like, so this is the process of digging the channels. So this is the process of digging the channels in your life. So that when it rains, when the great like it rains grace, like there’s something for that to flow into. You can’t force God’s grace into your life, but like you can prepare yourself to like be more of a vessel for it. And so, yeah, and just like broadening as sadism out, he’s got some really father, I think you’d really like his discussion on liturgy as it relates to that. It’s kind of a click baited title. It’s like is your definition of liturgy big enough? But basically he ends up talking about liturgy as the process by which the inner life of the Trinity is extended out into the created universe through participation in the sacrifice of the son. It’s like, okay, yeah, this is good stuff here. So what was that? Father, you’re muted. I don’t know what we’re talking about. This is a this is a professor I came across named Dr. Fagerberg. He’s retired. He’s a retired lit professor from Notre Dame University. He’s written some books, one of them is on liturgical asceticism, which is on my like top to buy list at this point. Yeah, he just he’s one of those people where you start to see like, okay, this guy’s like, you know, is this the only way you could talk about these things? Of course not. Is the way that he’s talking extremely useful for integrating a bunch of stuff. I had this thing where like Daniel Toma, who speaking of Aquinas, like the first to mystic thinker I’d ever come across is a modern microbiologist of Minnesota. He’s got all this stuff at the end about creation is being patterned after the liturgy of the church. And so I’ve got all this stuff over here and I’ve got Fagerberg talking about asceticism over here and all of a sudden this like beam connects between the two of these two enormous like clouds of thought go like, oh, now we’ve locked everything in together. It was just yeah, yeah, that’s the guy. Yeah, check out that beard, the glasses. Oh, and he’s got like such a great voice. Yeah. His voice is just not what you would expect at all. It’s just he’s at Notre Dame, huh? He’s a part of the he’s a part of the actually Catholic enclave there. Actually Catholic. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I’ve just I’ve just been I just really ate up a lot of that stuff. There’s some he’s got some really fun stuff in those lectures, too. I just if you can get past the hilarious rad try to intro to the census for delian podcast, which is legitimately hilarious. I mean, they like pulled something from apparently Terminator four where Christian Bale’s giving this like gravelly like you are the resistance overload, you know, being with like dramatic drums in the background. And then it’s like Dr. Fagerberg and I’d like to talk to you about CS Lewis and the set of this. These things don’t go together. No, no, they go together like hot sauce and milk. Delicious. So yeah, I just I mean, the whole idea of a thesis of a citizen in general, just like trying to, you know, recapture a lot of what’s going on now and saying this isn’t a denial that the world is you’re not saying the world is bad. You’re not saying that people are bad. In fact, like it seems like a, you know, legitimately proper understanding of cynicism as actually able to declare creation and man to be way better than you can. But this sort of like rule of the self autonomy thing, it’s like, no, there’s actually people and people through creation through our bodies have the capacity to integrate with that, which is totally transcendent. It’s like, OK, that’s I’ll buy that. So. OK, so, you know, Wikipedia is describing a citizen differently. Like they’re saying it’s the characters by that abstinence of sensual pleasure. Often, I’ve heard that. Yeah, because I’ve heard of that. That’s the common. Yeah, that’s what you, you know, a cynicism. If you look at the tradition, it kind of starts there, right? You’ve got the desert fathers picked up all the way through the spiritual classics. You’ve got the way of the beginners, the way of the proficient and the way of the perfect. And a lot of that, the way of beginners is, you know, you still you’re still being moved by God’s grace. You’re still being lifted up by him. But you feel like you’re doing more of the work that you’re doing, the fasting that you’re doing, the time in prayer. You’re denying yourself. You’re holding back your passions. You’re doing that kind of training there. And the way the beginner is characterized by God giving you a lot of encouragement through that, you’re getting the consolation. You show up to prayer and the prayer is just joyful. You’re going about the fasts and the fast, like you don’t even feel like you’re fasting there. And that that digs the channels, as Ted was pointing out, that that opens up the soul to make it more disposed to receive God’s grace. And then you get to the dark night of the census where God begins to purify your love. Because if you were staying in that state forever, you would have the temptation to just be there for the good feelings that you’re receiving from the Lord. And so the Lord begins to withdraw his presence in that form away from you to bring you into the way of the proficient. So, yeah, certainly that. But the ascetical life goes all the way through the way of the perfect, the dark night of the soul, these things that I don’t feel qualified to talk about. So I’m not going any farther than that. But the way of asceticism goes all the way through there and and the higher levels of prayer. And if you want to know more about that, you can read St. Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle. Or you could read some works by Father Garagu Lagrange, who integrated the works of the Carmelite Mystics with with Thomism in the 20th century and all of that. So what is is is a citizen then a part of mainstream Catholic formation? Or is it? Yeah, I said it says it was for everybody, but not everybody’s asceticism is going to look the same. So it would be unfitting for a diocesan priest to do long vigils and harsh fasts. But it would be quite fitting for a monk to do those things. But I’m asked to participate in the governance of the church. You’re supposed to have a decent night’s sleep when you’re doing that and not be half starving to death. I shouldn’t ever do a vigil or I shouldn’t ever fast. But the way that that’s going to be expressed and frankly, in married life, there is quite a bit of asceticism in there if you’re going to make it work. But the children draw it out of you. Yeah, well, and it is related to beauty in most cases. People want a objective material version of beauty. Right. And they’re like, oh, it’s something we can all point because there are things you can point to as beautiful and common. It’s just that there’s no objective independent standard. And so, you know, it’s that it isn’t the same thing. Like, what does that mean? We confuse it with the church fathers of the church. Others were the first aesthetics. And therefore, you have to live in the desert, starving like a monk. It’s like, no, you just you just kind of missed it. I think I was too materialistic about it. Didn’t really catch the formation part and the opening as a vessel. And it’s an easy confusion to make, especially in modern times, we’re looking for we’re looking for things. We’re looking at things and saying, how do we classify this such that we can participate? And it’s like, no, it’s what’s the quality of the participation? It’s not the classification. Does our conscience need formation? Because I think that I mean like the your little Jiminy Cricket that tells you right from wrong. Yeah, absolutely. It needs formation. But Aquinas says that the natural laws imprinted on our souls, meaning that if we are educated properly, it fits into us really well. And so unless somebody is quite deformed, spiritually speaking, it should it should go well. And that’s why we have, you know, noble pagans and those sorts of things that they can they can recognize the truth, the good, even though they don’t have light of revelation. That’s the sort of loose argument in the abolition of man. We’ve got that huge appendix on what he calls the town. It’s that it’s essentially that it’s here’s natural conscience developed throughout all these civilizations. Look, it’s incredibly consistent across all of them. You know, you might disagree on what exactly marriage looks like. But marriage is a thing. Murder is a thing regardless. You know, we’re kind of regardless of where murder lies. Like, you know, we’ve got these basic categories that you live in. Pretty much everyone everywhere understood that you have to rule yourself in some way. You can’t be ruled by your desires, your or your flesh. But then I was going to go back and like from what I’ve understood, the sort of the three basic components of asceticism in particularly in Christianity are yes, fasting, because fasting is really important. But then prayer and almsgiving. And so it’s the practice of your big three and length. Yes. I mean, that’s it. Right. Lent is a period where we’re all very consciously engaged in asceticism. Here it is. We’re doing the whole thing together. And it’s like, ideally, I mean, I don’t know, Father, it seems like besides, I mean, obviously there’s the act that it’s like it’s a penitential season. But it also seems like this thing of sort of like jumpstarting these spiritual practices in your life that should spin out in some ways the rest of the year. Like, maybe you can’t keep running exactly that way for, you know, the rest of it outside of that 40 day period. But like, hey, you found like you just you’ve I mean, this is what this is what I found, too, with going on. I went on a two day two day walking program last fall. And I just like you start dislodging this stuff. You push yourself really, really hard and you find out, hey, dude, I could crank it up another 60 percent in my life, the rest of my life really easily, because I did 400 percent of what I thought I could. And so, yeah, I don’t know, Zander. There’s a bunch of stuff that happens during spring. Yeah, God, God planned the liturgical calendar around our human realities, unless you live in Australia. What? He’s like, it’s the bottom of the world. Everything’s backwards there. Look at the platypus, dude. It’s like the edge of the map. All of God’s. Oh, yeah, they have winter right now, don’t they? Yeah, I remember that in Q&A someone was asking about about how the liturgical year fits into the southern hemisphere. It’s literally the bottom of the world. He’s like, everything is weird there. It’s like a dev playground that he just put on the side of the planet. People somehow found access to. Yeah, exactly. But anyway, I was only expecting a few marsupials and I threw all the other ones down here because they were just too weird. The thing about life and aestheticism is it’s good contrast, too, for what you, you know, it’s getting rid of the material so that you can enjoy it more later, right? And things like that. Like it’s all that contrast that helps you to be a better person in that formation. Well, there’s a mark exactly at that point. There’s a saying that the Dominicans have, which is that it is as sinful to fast on a feast day as it is to feast on a fast day. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you don’t want to do it all the time. Yeah, yeah. Like there’s some there’s some real truth to that in terms of, you know, the ascetical practices where it’s like, especially as a lay person, like you’re also ordering your desire to like, say, using food to celebrate, not just not eating or eating less to regulate your passions and to strengthen your will so that you can be ordered after the divine logos. But also, like, you’re going to find out that reality is good and that like your body will be resurrected and you’re going to just bring everything to bear. That’s a good point. Actually, this is copying notes from the Talmud. I’m actually not. This is a dilemma I’ve had about the Eric that I’ve been trying to fast on Fridays. I’ve been sort of like, I think as a lay associate of the Companions of the Cross, it’s sort of like they have like a vow that you sort of honor Friday fasting. I’ve noticed that a lot of the local Catholic events for like, you know, if they have a gala for the supporter of support for life movement or something, they’ll have like a lot of always have these dinners on Friday evenings, charity dinners on Friday evenings. And then you sort of feel like very sad. It’s very sad. It’s a disgrace. Everybody knows that it’s a disgrace. Everybody knows that Friday is the day that our Lord suffered on the cross and that we are called to suffer with him unless there is a feast day overriding that. And so it’s very sad. I’m going to put a stop to it. I’m going to make sure that this never happens again. Thanks, Father. If Donald Trump was Catholic. So in that situation, though, should you still be honoring the fast? I feel like if I go to the dinner. Lift the tables. Put the food on the ground. Lift the tables. Make a scene. You already know what a trouble I am for my parish priests. That’s a legitimately hard question to work through. And I would say especially with like children and looking at the liturgy and the way that we have to make decisions, especially as parents all the time, because there are certain things and even with like really wonderful local diocese and priests from like my children. I can’t explain on a theological level why that’s not good. That’s not healthy. And so you end up just like having to say, like, are we more concerned about the social elements of this or more concerned about forming our souls after the divine reality? And it’s like, we’re going to go to the place where like the Eucharist is never on anyone’s hands except the priests. It’s like because our kids, you know, we just want them to know that like this is Christ’s body. Here it is. Those are hard. Those are tough questions. And you kind of just got to take them one at a time and just be like, man, what’s the priorities here? Yeah, my daughter actually started receiving communion on the tongue. Yes. Neeling and receiving communion on the tongue without my prompting, but just following me, I guess. It’s pretty big because it’s like because pretty much everyone else in the congregations we go to receives on the hand. So, you know, especially for a preteen girl, that’s a pretty powerful step out of the crowd statement there. That’s part of her. Yeah. Man, there’s nothing like seeing your kids pick up on, you know, those patterns that you’re showing and not they just see it. And it’s amazing. You know, and it’s like, I think that was one of the biggest things in coming to the Catholic Church for us when we started doing that, is seeing like what our children were doing without teaching them. And, you know, our kids aren’t that old. And so there’s like, you know, you get these ideas of like kids need to be shunted off there. They can’t figure out how to be still, whatever, whatever, whatever. And realizing like just like the degree of like physical reverence that like a three year old is capable of. No, totally not perfect. You still got to pick them up and take them out. Like stuff like that happens all the time. But like just getting things pointing in the right direction and knowing what those priorities are. I mean, it just like it bears fruit. That gives them the ability to do it later. That was always the thing about the Catholic Church, was the kids just follow this all the time. Why? Why? And then you go to the Orthodox Church and they are way better educated. Wait, what do they do all the time in Protestant churches? They just do their unconstrained little hellion. Oh, yeah. In the French churches I went to back in the day, the kids did not move. And if they did anything wrong, they got smacked right then and there. And if they acted out, they got taken out immediately. Gone. No disruption to the surface whatsoever. Yeah, at least the French Canadian Catholics of my youth were very big on not disrupting the service. And the kids would usually be fine, you know, to Ted’s point, not all the time and not forever and not every one. Right. But that trains you to do that later in life. And it turns out that they are unconstrained, that they are just going to be hellions forever. And it turns out that we have done that experiment and proven that out, unfortunately. Mark, that’s like family level asceticism right there, honestly. Exactly. That’s what I was going to ask you to bring it back to the asceticism. Yeah, that’s a form of asceticism. Exactly. Christian formation too, right? And actually something I’ve observed is, even though I know a lot of engineers who have, like, they don’t have fallen out of the faith in life, but I’m always struck by how many of the people who are very talented had a religious upbringing, right? Or, and I think that part of it is they pick up that discipline, right? To that, there’s the asceticism from their youth, right? The being able to say, sit there quietly in mass serves them later on. It might be why they’re good. I have a question about that. So, like, in Canada, wasn’t Canada almost like the second Vatican at one point? And I wonder why it’s not anymore. And I wonder if that has something to do with it smacking your kid when they’re moving around. So, was it Montreal or Quebec City? Actually, I think Quebec City was the city of churches. The Vatican was sort of determined that would be the second Vatican in North America. And they put huge investments in the building these massive churches in their physical presence, both in Montreal and Quebec City. Right, Chad. I mean, man, that’s like a really tough question too. And, like, I mean, to add to that, so I’ve got relatives from southern Germany. And when I was in college, we went and spent some time there, like, where my dad spent summers growing up. And, I mean, just, I also went there after being in South America. And so it’s like the contrast, like, literally like one night back in the States. So the contrast was really wild in terms of, like, we have this perfectly physically ordered society, basically. Like, they’re, Jacob, I don’t know if that’s a cat tower in the background, but they had, like, cat towers. They had, like, cat doors on the second floor with cat balconies, with cat staircases on the outside. These, like, alpine houses in Bavaria. You’re like, when you’re at the point of adding a second floor cat door, like, you’ve solved most of the infrastructure problems in your country. But, like. So are there flying buttresses on the cat structures? No, no. And then also, you go to, like, Regensburg, and it’s, like, heartbreakingly beautiful. And, like, you go in the Regensburg Cathedral and it’s, like, you know, on and on and on. And, like, but, like, that society as a whole has basically just walked away from faith. And, like, that’s, I mean, that’s the same question, I think, Chad, to your point where it’s, like, well, we had this we had this world where, you know, like, in Canada where everyone’s Catholic and then, like, one generation. It’s, like, I don’t have a good answer to that. And I think it’s a fantastic question. Like, how do we do that? How do we do that? I wonder. Sometimes I think. I know I’ve had I’ve had high run ins with rigidity and trying to manage people. And I can only imagine what it’d be like to to be in a place where where you’re considered the second Vatican and you take your, you know, you take this thing seriously, but maybe a little too seriously to the point where it spills over into disciplinary actions that that don’t match up with what you’re trying to do. And people leave. Why would they stay? If you if you’re hitting your kids, if I’m a kid and I’m growing up in a church and I get smacked because I’m crying and I’m a three year old, do you think I’m going to stay there? Probably not. Is that more to do with the church or the parents? At the three year old, I think I will see it. Oh, sure. If you remove the church, it’s not going to change. This is the problem. Everybody’s locating the actions of people outside of people. And it just turns out people are the only agents. And so when you’re a kid, you’re making. OK, so when I was a kid, I was going to church and I remember I went to church very briefly when I was 12 years old. My dad starts a church. It was a mega day. I remember I liked it. But when I would go home and the second we would leave that parking lot, my dad was not acting like what was going on in that church. And I as a kid, I do things right. And so and then I carry that around and built myself a structure that is not healthy one. But that’s what I do. And I think that’s what a lot of people did, especially a lot of sparkling things like televisions and all sorts of crap that is way more powerful than anything the church could provide as a kid, especially kids in trouble that doesn’t have a great foundation. So I don’t know. I think having too many options is bad. Right. Maybe we should have fewer options. I agree. There’s the aestheticism again. But then there’s also like screens. I mean, you know, what is what is Grimgrizz? His whole shtick that the set altered a set. It’s like I mean, I feel like I, you know, I grew up on like skirting the edge of like just like total Internet addiction and all this stuff. And, you know, and then I look at the generation beneath me and I’m like, you know, 10 years younger than me. I’m like, how are any of you making it out of that? When you’ve got those things held out to you. So, yeah, I mean, I think that’s social media. Yeah, I mean, yeah, they do. Right. They do make it out. And the funny part is you see what happens when there’s no church. You complain about, oh, church, it’s too strict. But then when there’s no church, everything’s worse. And everyone’s like, oh, yeah, the answer’s right in front of you. Still, it hasn’t changed. So something that Peterson sold that was really great idea. You have to be able to tell a better story. And I think like that’s my case. But I can only see the better story once I realized the story that I was in was complete trash. You know, and that it was a story that was constructed over years of trashing myself and realizing that was much of the cause of that. I couldn’t hear their story until I could hear their story. And so, like, yes, essentially, it’s a great idea. But the story about us is what should be more powerful in some sense than the actual aestheticism itself, because otherwise nobody’s going to buy. There’s actually it’s not a Catholic person, but a person who tells that story. Well, that the story of aestheticism is a Jocko Willink. If you’re familiar with Jocko Willink and discipline equals freedom. Right. But Jocko, you find he’s not the most excited about the discipline and the aestheticism. He’s the most excited about what he’s doing. Yeah. Right. Like, I’m helping people run better. Right. And so that’s the problem that happened in Quebec. And that’s where this aestheticism goes awry is when you forget why you’re doing what you’re doing. Yes. Forget the T. Lowe’s there. Yes. That’s what. And so so people, you know, they were like they’re going out. They were doing the processions, doing the 40 hours devotions. They were going to confessions. They forgot what it was all about. Some of the priests got abusive. Right. Because when you’ve got that big, powerful structure that attracts the wrong sort of people and you have to have extreme safeguards against that. OK, we’re going to be perfect. There’s there’s there’s an element in here because it’s called the Quiet Revolution in Quebec and it happens in the 1960s. So I think that I think that you’re right, Father Eric. You’re absolutely right about it is that, you know, they lost the they lost the connection to the why of what they were doing. And there was a problem in the formation of too much like, oh, just, you know, get them through the sacraments, push them through the rituals, you know, force that one is. And that made them that they made their like it made the foundation of their faith very weak. And I think it rains and floods. Well, I don’t mean for this, Father Eric, but I’m going to say that I think Vatican to made it was it was it was a big component of that because it caused the disruptions. And to Vatican to them were OK. Sorry, what? Yeah, I don’t think that’s the document. Well, there’s there’s a couple things. I mean, but but but but it was it was the disruption of all those of all that structure that they they’d they’d built the traditions, the foundations on. So like I remember my mom tells me stories about like how it was a disruption to her faith because she had been told all of the life. Well, we can we don’t we fast on Fridays again, can eat meat on Fridays. And then all of a sudden it’s OK to eat meat on Fridays. And and and that was as even as a child, this this whole thing is like you can just do that. Like that you can just like change the I guess it wasn’t that important, actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, you have that too. I mean, there’s that then there’s the cultural compounding that happens and the cultural compounds are very, very heavy, very, very attractive. And if you think you can fight them on your own, I mean, it’s so difficult. It’s so difficult. And this is I think OK, so between what Grimm Gris talks about and what I talked about is this is what we’re talking about. Like we’re trying like I’m constantly asking the question thing, something like what is the most religious practice that you that you engage in? What is the most religious presence of your life? Right. And I would say for me, if I’m very honest, it would be the attention I spend to my phone. And and like, and it’s just as simple as I wake up in the morning. Yes, I pray for well, then after that, I spend a lot more time on my phone. Plus, I’m listening to stuff all day on my phone when when I’m seeking an answer to a problem in my life. Do you think I go to prayer? Sometimes mostly I go to Google. You know, and so like and I’m somebody who considers myself a Christian and poorly disciplined. And so these are the things that I’m talking about. The cultural compounds are more of the things that we should be. How do we overcome that? I mean, yes, we we as as the church like the capital C church or whatever should be looking at itself, but not where it’s necessarily messing up right now, but and where it’s gone wrong in the past. I think those things are important. But where do we need to crank up the volume on what it is? Where do we lean into our tradition to sell the better story? That’s what I think. But Chad, the real problem is that, you know, this is this is very much what what was done by the dictators. In the 20th century, right? You can’t tell a good story from a bad story very easily. It’s not something that people can just do magically because they can. And we’re living in an age where people are betting literally billions of dollars writing bad stories that any idiot can tell our bad stories. And yet some people watch those movies. Some people read those books. So it’s not that straight. You can’t just put a good story out there and people will flock to it. It’s not build a better mousetrap and they will come. That’s very well. We all have the knowledge on. We don’t. And if we weren’t formed with it by being forced to conform to something like the church with its liturgy, then we have a problem. And that’s the issue is that it’s not as easy as saying, oh, we have the good. And therefore you just go for the good. You have to be able to circumnavigate the good story. You have to you have to have a method for poking holes in the bad stuff. And when nobody’s pointing at things and going, that’s definitely bad, that’s definitely evil, then you have a problem. Because even the Sam Harris trick of move away from evil won’t work if no one’s pointing out evil. And that’s the world we’re living in. No one wants to judge. Well, that’s great. But now no one can judge. You can’t judge. You can’t tell a good story from a bad story. Basically, you want something like whatever whatever it was that Peterson did, but the Christian version of it in some sense, because like what he did was he told a better story. And you know, when he did it, he did it in the first half hour of the of the biblical. That’s that’s where he did it. That’s where he hooked everybody was in the first half hour, forty five minutes of the biblical. And, you know, like, that’s what really like grab people. And so, yeah, that’s what I mean by telling the story. You don’t need to tell a big, long one. What is the best punch and how do you do that? And usually in how you live, really. Right. So I was going to throw something in there because like you can say like there’s a really great story. But like, you know, think about like the best store, the things that people consider to be like the best stories mainstream wise. It’s like first things I think of are Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars. It’s like those are the three, you know, and there’s like Marvel is something else known that says those are good stories. They just like and for other reasons. But like when people love those things, like what do they want to do? Well, they, you know, they learn Elvish or they, you know, they dress up in Star Wars things or, you know, and it’s like, what are they doing? Well, they’re trying to participate in something. They want something that they can like, yes, actually, you know, your your point about where where my most religious. It’s like I’m on my phone. I pray. But then I’m on my phone a whole bunch. It’s like, yeah, what’s the thing that you’re participating in? So it’s not just like, what do I mentally affirm as the best story? Not even what am I emotionally drawn to as the best story? But like, what am I trying to put myself into? And so it’s that ability to participate that is also profoundly important. And the weird thing, the weird thing about that is that like this is where asceticism comes back in is that you can know, hey, this is the best story. I should be engaging in it. And then you’ve got all kinds of other parts of your body and all kinds of demons that are like, yeah, you can do that. But you could also play out the porn story. You could also play out the shallow whatever story and on and on and on and on and on. And so it actually requires discipline to continue to live in that story. And like, I’d argue that, you know, I mean, any enduring religion has some capacity to do that. Really? You know, I mean, like, Jacob, what is like the practice of Judaism is like you’re rehearsing Israel’s history over and over, right? You’re like living that out again and again and again. It’s like, here’s the day of atonement, right? Here’s Passover. Here’s, you know, the feast of the tabernacles and on and on and on. And it’s like, what are you doing? You’re getting inside that story. And then you have to do with other people because otherwise you’re just going to give up. But you have to be able to whittle in to the culture. See, this is what Peterson did is he was able to say things that that were general enough and specific enough to grab you by the face and say, look at this. Right. But he didn’t have enough of a good follow up. And this is where I think he doesn’t have participation. Peterson doesn’t have a story you can participate in. And that’s why I don’t even think he has a story. I think what he’s doing is he’s showing you the edge of materialism and saying, here’s where the tools you’ve been given fail. And, you know, it is about participation. Ted, just to your point, like, did some of these people like, did you go to all the did you go to all the Star Wars events or just some of them? And why didn’t you go to all of them? You’ve got your whole life, right? I mean, because they weren’t trained. They didn’t. They weren’t trained in liturgy. They weren’t trained in like the Jews do so well. Right. Like we’re just going to replay our history all the time constantly until finally we, you know, because you need that pattern in order to survive better. And yeah, it is about participation. And so it’s not what Peterson does is just say, give you that because there’s this curiosity mode that people forget. It’s the exploratory mode in your brain. You can go into exploratory mode and say, wait a minute, there’s a there’s a crack here. There’s a thing that doesn’t fit. There’s something that doesn’t make any sense. And when you reach that with materialism, Peterson’s good at saying, here’s the edge of materialism where just doesn’t work. This logic, reason, rationality just can’t explain things. And that gets you curious and interested. And then and this is where Vanderklaas, right. Then there’s after that, though, there’s no place to go to participate. Right. It doesn’t lead you all the way to the door of the church. You should get you should get in touch with Eric’s father and replicate the program that his father has made. And that will do a very good thing. But you have to be able to tell the story that gets you there. Now, with that said, I’m going to go participate in being a husband. So thank you guys. And good night. Thumbs up on being a husband. Right. See you and Gino. Oh, yeah. Yes. I just want to take that story thread or a little bit. And I think one of the mistakes you’re talking about participation is saying what the church ought to do is there’s a danger of being too messianic when our Messiah has already come and he’s already with us. Right. Jacob’s taken his head. Christians are in no way in danger of being too messianic. The fact that the vast majority of Christians are not looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. The second coming called third coming. I don’t care. That should tell you something. I’m just saying figuratively about waiting for one big figure to come and save us like a Jordan Peterson or Donald Trump or DeSantis or like some other church. When figureheads. I’m saying the alternative to that is to let the Holy Spirit work through you. Right. No, no, no, no, no. The alternative to only having one Jordan Peterson is to have 20 or 40 or 100 or every single Christian. That’s the alternative, not the whole thing. More Jordan Peterson. Okay, what’s the alternative? You still got to stand up and be part of the church. I’m saying this. You can do these things. I want to address Andrew’s point. To be fair to Andrew, there are other alternatives, too. But like this is that binary thinking the alternative to this is the Holy Ghost. No, it’s not. That might be one alternative, but I feel like I should be more careful with my language here because the references are being are too much of a red herring of what I’m trying to say is I’m just I’m just saying that, you know, we’re part of the church and we can we can tell our we can live our own attractive stories and that will bring other people to the church and resonate with the people around us. Father Eric, Father Eric, you know, you don’t tell them you act them out, right? You don’t just tell them and you invite other people to participate them in them. Sorry, Father Eric, can I ask a question? Are Christians in danger of being too messianic? I don’t think the term messianic by itself is specific enough for me to render judgment on that question. Can we look forward to the coming of Jesus too much? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. No. Could we put messianic expectations on the wrong figure? Yes, happens all the time. So, yeah, can we agree 100% happens all the time, especially with Christian. Can we sit on hands and wait for someone else to do something when we say the church ought to do something when right under and Jacob are saying the same thing. I mean, like the purpose of the whole T. Los in Christianity is participation in God. It’s the US. It’s it’s deification, just like which is through the sun. And so like Xander saying, hey, maybe like this could operate on individuals within the church. It’s like, yeah, so that they look like the Messiah. Yeah. Yeah. What did Jesus do? He went out and did stuff and invited people to help. Yeah. And that’s what I’m out. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the oh, my goodness. Yeah. Can I point out that messianic actually is the exact same word as Christian? Mm hmm. Yeah, it’s all going to just it’s just Greek. It’s Greek and Hebrew. Yeah, it’s oily. It’s the same word. Mm hmm. But I think I think part of the confusion, Xander, is that the church is all the Christians like that’s what the church is. It isn’t. I’m not referring to anything else. Yes. All the Christians need to. The problem is, if you walk down the street now, you don’t know who’s doing what and why. OK, so what I did is any idea why they’re doing. Oh, I’m a Christian. That’s why I do well. That would be good to know. And, you know, I went over this to some extent in in in the steep slope, gentle slope conversation with with Vanderklai. I don’t know if you saw the live stream that I did with it. Right. I was talking to a guy with a video from the engineer guy, Bill Hammack, very interesting channel of giving to the engineer guy. Just fascinating for engineers. But he’s just doing this new series. And in the new series, he’s actually basically saying, no, no, no, no, science is no good. See, they were building cathedrals without advanced mathematics and science. But then the way they did is engineering. So it should be engineering. It’s like engineering is now trying to displace science as the top dog. Well, why isn’t why isn’t the church out there saying, no, no, no, it’s it’s us guys. It’s us. That’s the recession of the church with they’re not taking the proper place to say science and engineering are actually all embedded in religion. Period. Full stop. And that’s the framing. Well, it is not being done though. Right. I mean, Bill Hammack’s out there doing his thing for engineering. And, you know, other people are out there doing their thing for science being the high thing, whether it’s Lawrence Krauss or any of these other clowns. Right. I mean, and almost nobody’s out there saying, no, no, no, dummy. It’s religion, which is what should be said. Well, I mean, that’s kind of what Peterson was saying. But, I mean, Mark, you do have to like you do even have to ask the question of like, you know, what? So there’s like this thing and then there’s the everyone’s pumping out videos that go on the algorithm that are sorted by the algorithm and presented. And like those are all forms of, you know, to take whoever said it’s I mean, that’s sense making. Right. It’s like we’re saying right. You’re saying get those get it out there in the economy in the marketplace of ideas. And it’s like you have to take a step back and say, like, is that how things like is that how things work? Is that how it can work? I mean, because to go back to Christ, like Christ in the marketplace of ideas, it wasn’t it wasn’t working all that well. No, no, but it did. It did. Because despite the terrible ending, it was like the most suffering ever, according to Peterson, it it worked. And that’s the thing. Like the problem is, if you don’t see it, if you live hidden, this is where this is my big objective. If you live hidden, then you’re leading everybody astray. Actually, what you’re doing by living hidden by not letting people know, no, I do this because I’m a Christian, is you’re leading them astray. Automatic. That’s already a problem for me already. What does living hidden mean? Well, so again, I go into the Basilica in Columbia, South Carolina, which I’ve never been into until Father Eric dragged me in the building. I never had a desire to go in there because it was not even close to like the fifth prettiest church that I’ve seen in Columbia. OK, and almost all the other ones are not Catholic. Well, that’s weird. Why wouldn’t the Catholic Church be the prettiest? Until you get inside, Andrew, until you get inside. And then it’s like, oh, my goodness, this is the most beautiful church in South Carolina. I can tell. And it’s like, why is it so pretty inside and not outside? Why wouldn’t you draw people in with the beauty? Everyone say, oh, beauty is going to save the world. Beauty is going to save the world. I doubt it. But it would be nice to see some. That would be good. OK. Wait, is that is that the hidden part? It’s hiding the beauty behind the Basilica? You can’t see it. It’s hidden, right? You go past the Basilica. It’s just a plainish brick building. You can tell it’s a church. Kind of a thing. It doesn’t even have the prettiest stained glass windows within four blocks. You know, and then when you get inside, it’s unbelievably gorgeous. Like it’s like next level. Well, that’s pretty hidden. I would say if you have to go inside the building to see how pretty it is, that’s that’s relatively hidden. I don’t know how much more hidden you can get really other than not existing. But we’re talking about a different thing, right? I thought you meant unlike a personal. It’s both. It’s both. That’s the higher representation of the Christians not being out there doing things that people see and go, oh, I’m going to go to the church. It’s not like you’re doing things that people see and go, oh, wow, that looks like that looks like a game I could play. Yeah, it is a game you can play helping your neighbors and doing things to be a good person. You could play that. Again, I see that nowhere. Not absolutely nowhere. But like, it’s really not. And look, years ago, you did see. And that’s I’m saying, no, no, there’s a quantitative difference here. Not just a qualitative difference. That’s not good. It’s almost as if we could say that nobody lights a lamp in order to put it under a bushel basket. But instead, they put it on a lampstand so that it can shine to the whole house. Yeah, someone could say that somebody could say that somebody write that down. Good. Now, Jacob, you’d mentioned to me in a direct message that you’d wanted to do a little bit of Chino chat here. And so before we wrap this up, I’m going to give you the. Give you the whatever was on your mind that you wanted to to bring to bring up. I just wanted to remind people that Chino is happening. And like, if you are going to Chino, hey, hit me up because I am going to be there and Father Eric’s going to be there. And I don’t know who else is going to be there. Grim Grizz is allegedly on his way. He’s been doing videos from the road. Right. I brought it up earlier, Jacob. Chad, Chad, Chad is on his way. Teo is coming and Tuesday. Anybody who’s flying into LAX on Wednesday is welcome to come over to my place, which is not far from it on their way to Chino because Chino is far from from LAX. It’s 10 degrees farther away. As we found out on the stream, it’s 10 degrees farther. It has weather unlike LA. It has no weather. Actually, I sometimes like visiting places that have like snow and stuff like that. But I mean, I have to admit, despite all of the horrible things about Los Angeles, the fact that 90 percent of the people that are in Los Angeles are not in Los Angeles. I mean, I have to admit, 90 percent of the year, I it is I have a high of a seventy five and a low of 60. That’s kind of nice. I mean, it’s room temperature outside always. Even I can’t abide. But it’s too cold for me anyway. It’s going to be in the 80s for me. But yeah, my apartment literally because of the window treatments and stuff and the windows, literally it is the same temperature inside and outside of my apartment. And it’s not a huge deal. No, it sounds perfect. Why do you need cooling in LA? You don’t. You’re pointless. You’re a tip. Oh, all right. Yeah, go to Chino. Have fun. Enjoy yourselves, guys. Yeah, for sure. We’ll be wishing you were there, Mark, to tell us why we were wrong. Hey, my dad is coming. He will tell us all my all wrong. My father is convinced of two things. There are two types of crazy people in the world, people who become psychotherapists and people who are religious. Oh, dear. And he’s coming. Catherine’s going to be there. She’s both. That is true. I’m going to be there. I’m both. Oh, my goodness. My father, I don’t know how much he’s going to attend, although my nephew is interested in coming. And so if my nephew comes, then that’s more likely that my dad will come. So it’s going to be. Yeah, if you want to see somebody who thinks I’m wrong all the time, my dad, you will meet my dad and he will explain to you why I’m wrong about everything always. What a proud papa. Now, now I’m upset I’m not going, Jacob. You know, you can still get it. That’s OK. I’m not going either. All righty. Well, I’m not sure when our little Sunday night live streams are going to happen again because of the future and its uncertainty. And so I will say before we close off, God bless you all now and always. Mark and I will have to pick it up. Maybe.