Why in the world would anyone in their right mind do this? Especially because they’re often married by that point too, and generally they’ve married a husband who makes as much money or more than them. So they don’t need the damn money. And so they think, well there’s more to life than this, which is exactly the right thing to think, and so they go and find a job that’s nine to five and controllable, so that they can hire a nanny and have some kids and have a life. And it’s like, yes, that’s the intelligent thing to do. So we’ve got things backwards in our culture, we’re thinking, at least in part, why aren’t there more women in positions of power? Wrong question. The right question is, why are there any men at all who want those positions of power? Because it’s not just positions of power, you have to be such a not-head to think that. Oh, it’s a position of power, it’s like, sure, but it’s a position of overwhelming responsibility. And if you make mistakes, you’re done.