We haven’t seen anything on the pornography front compared to what’s gonna be coming down with the advent of AI, because now what’s gonna happen real soon is that this is already underway. Imagine a sign up service where you can talk to a very attractive young woman and she’s an AI. She can be as attractive as you want her to be and tuned exactly to your preferences. There’s already a service offering this by the way. So now you have a friend and that friend can keep track of your conversations especially if you’re lonesome and isolated. That might be the best friend you’ve ever had and certainly the most attractive person you’ve ever talked to. Now, it’s not real, but you know, men are pretty damn visual. So it’s got a long ways towards real. And then, you know, for your subscription fee, you can talk to the woman nude and then the whole avenue of sexual display is open to you. God only knows what that’s going to do.