I have a student, former student, he’s a colleague of mine now, who’s worked with language, large language models for years, and we’ve started experimenting with these sorts of things, you know, producing a virtual Nietzsche. We have a virtual King James Bible, so you can ask the Bible any question. No, it’s very strange. It’s like, I don’t even know what to think about that, because the AI system, the large language model, does capture the spirit of a text, and there’s a lot of biblical text. And now if you have a system that speaks, what voice is a system that speaks in the voice of the Bible? What the hell voice is that? Hey boys. I don’t know if that would be it. That sounds almost like a pervy dude kind of, hey boys, welcome to the Bible. Now I’m trying to think of who it would be. Oh, maybe Morgan Freeman, you know? Right. Welcome to the Bible. I don’t know. I’m trying to think of a good person. Morgan Freeman would be good. I think they’d let you do a couple chapters, at least an apostle. Yeah, I could be a crazy Old Testament prophet. Yeah, I think that’d be it.