people having to stay married if they have children. I mean, we are two divorced men here. It’s better if they do. It’s better for the children. I think most people would agree that that’s the best. But as far as I understand, you think that the laws should say that we have to stay together. Well, it isn’t obvious to me that the liberalization of the divorce laws in the 60s was for everyone’s best interest. Now, exactly what that means, I’m not sure. But we do know that stable, intact, two-parent families are better for children. So, you know, it depends on who you put first. But isn’t that an individual choice and not something the law should decide? Well, it depends to some degree on whether the law should advocate for children. I mean, children really can’t speak for themselves, can they? They need some authority to speak for them. And so we do know, like data, for example, on child welfare indicates crystal clear that children from intact two-parent families do better on virtually every measure that you can possibly imagine. So, but I’m not advocating draconian measures to keep people together who don’t want to be together.