What is the interplay of femininity and masculinity in Mary the mother of God? She is the most holy of all saints, hence higher than all the church fathers in terms of heavenly hierarchy, but it is my understanding that feminine is subordinate to masculine in some way. She is clearly feminine in her relationship to Christ, but what about her relationship to everyone else? And so this is something that I’ve talked about a few times, Nicola. The way of understanding it, the idea is to understand that you can understand it as masculine, feminine, that as a basic heaven and earth, right? So above and below, but that pattern, this is when we talk about fractal patterns, that pattern reproduces itself at all the different levels of the hierarchy. And so at each level of the hierarchy is composed of a masculine and feminine aspect. So a little heaven and a little earth is at every level of the ontological hierarchy and at every level of the fractal structure reality, okay? So you could subdivide all the different levels of reality into other different levels. And then again, in that, you also have this reproduction of this pattern. And so the mother of God is, so for example, if you think about the primordial heaven and primordial earth, a way to understand it is to understand heaven and earth as this primordial opposite and then everything in between. But another way to understand it is to also understand the primordial heaven and the primordial earth as above everything else. And so the mother of God, she is feminine, but she is the highest feminine. She is the cosmic feminine, you could say. And so she is above us and she is higher than us on the hierarchy. And there is a version of something above you in the hierarchy, which is feminine. And if you have a mother, you should understand that your mother was feminine and was also above you on the hierarchy. The way that the masculine and feminine will, so you could say that that which is feminine above you in the hierarchy, you could say to a certain extent that it plays a relatively masculine role in regards to you. And so for example, a queen has an authority similar to a king on your life, but there’ll still be a distinction in the way in which those are enacted. There’ll still be a distinction between the manner in which a king acts and the manner in which his queen acts. So hopefully that is, and we have to be careful. We have to also be careful not to think that there isn’t an aspect of the feminine which is, that the feminine can’t be a kind of a tyrant or can’t be an extremely authoritarian figure. Of course that can happen. There is, everybody has experienced, not everybody, but several people will have experienced that in their own life with a teacher or with their own parents. The tyrannical feminine figure is quite possible. And it really comes about, it comes about, my brother, Mathieu, always talks about how when you start with symbolism, you need to kind of master the basic categories, right? You know, and that’s totally fine. And you need to do it, you need to master it. But as you continue to dive in, you see how you, then you start to see the subtleties. You start to see how it’s actually very, in its simplicity, there’s a subtlety which sets itself up. And a good way of understanding it is like a very good wine is that you start to discover the savers and the flavors. So sometimes when I try to talk to you guys, I always, I try to talk in a way that is understandable, but there is, as you dive in, you start to see how these things interplay with each other.