Dr. Peterson, I’m considering going into the education stream slash system Do you have any advice for me not to become a mouthpiece for indoctrinating young students? Well One thing I would recommend is that you don’t write essays that you don’t believe in I think that’s a sin. I think it’s a sin to use your words falsely and the reason for that like there’s a good series of social psychology experiments that show like imagine that you bring someone into a lab and you Have them write an essay about or fill out a questionnaire about their political opinions You know So you get a baseline measure of their political stance and then you ask them to write a thousand words Maybe they identify as right-wing and then you get them to write a thousand word essay on why a particular left-wing position is true And then you have them come back in two weeks and you give them the same political belief questionnaire They’ll they’ll have shifted quite radically towards the left and the reason for that is that people don’t think through their positions in great detail and So if you get them to think through a contrary position in great detail Then that starts to become more convincing and so if you go into a field like education, that’s really Pathologically overrun by The postmodern neo-marxist types you’re going to experience a tremendous amount of pressure to falsify your words You’re going to be afraid that if you don’t do that, you’re going to fail and maybe sometimes you will be punished by a professor But I would say in most circumstances I’m still optimistic enough to believe that if you write a good essay that isn’t Ideologically proper you’ll still get a good grade and I guess I would say if you write a good essay That’s not ideologically proper and you don’t get a good grade. That’s probably a good time to fight So because you either fight or capitulate, right? That’s that’s the that’s the hard truth So I’m not saying it would be easy and I would also say don’t Make unnecessary enemies, right? You know, everything doesn’t have to be a battle but now and then you’re gonna know that you know, you’ll hate writing the essay because you have to sacrifice your soul in order to put the words down and then you you Dement and warp your character and you just don’t recover easily from that. So I would say don’t do that man. That’s not good