Dominic Elia says Shalom brother Maximus Christ is with us How do you see the ten plagues relating with the creation of the world as with the the the wedding of Cana? So for sure the the ten plays are an undoing of creation Clearly they’re an undoing of creation and they they actually scale all of creation They start with water and then they move up to dust and then they then they move up to to the world to the animals and They keep going up and then they they affect man directly with the boils and then they keep going up into the heavens with hail and and and so water and fire falling together at the same time and then you have Predators coming from above these locusts that come down to destroy the world and finally you have Darkness so it’s really is like an undoing of creation which starts below and just goes all the way up into that into the heavens but it also is in many ways a reverse of What’s going to happen as they leave Egypt? It’s super crazy because so if you look at the pattern you can see like the fire and water Mixed together and that’s what’s bringing death But when the Egypt when the Israelites leave you have fire and water Peering as two distinct columns of reality one guiding during the day one guiding during the night when they get to the to the sea In the Plagues there’s an east wind that comes and blows the locusts into the world and then when you get to the to the sea There’s also a wind which blows open the the sea in order to create the world so in the the Plague you see like the wind or the Spirit of God or The heavens acting like a predator which comes down to devour and then you see again that heaven and the Spirit of God acting like a Like a wind which reveals the world again for a new beginning But the most mysterious is of course that this leads to two things It leads to two taking of the firstborn The first is something like the end of a world where God removes the seed from the world removes the firstborn and That’s the end of their world But then there’s also the voluntary sacrifice of the firstborn because if you read the text it immediately goes into telling the Israelites that They also have to sacrifice their firstborn But that they are offered a redemption there so they can redeem their firstborn with the sacrifice With a willing sacrifice of an ant of a pure animal, but it’s like the willing sacrifice is what begins the world the accidental or like inevitable Taking away of the seed is what so it’s like if you don’t sacrifice willingly You’re it’s gonna get taken from you It’s good. You’re gonna die and you’re gonna lose the things that you find precious, but if you purposefully sacrifice Then they will be redeemed You would like if you give up things they will in a way be given back to you in a very strange and mysterious way And that’s actually like the secret of how a world begins is the is the willingness to give up towards a higher purpose and then getting the world in exchange and so and so that’s why I said that it’s related to the wedding of Kana because in the wedding of Kana it starts with Christ changing the water into wine and Then but when when when when the mother of God asks Christ to solve that problem, what does he say? He says Woman it is not my time yet. And it’s like what? Seems like the craziest thing but he’s saying he knows that if you change the water into wine, the firstborn will die He knows that and so but he also knows that it’s him He also knows that he has to give himself up as the firstborn as the sacrifice as all of those things coming together To restart the world And that’s what’s being played out in that story. It’s wild. It’s it is it is the final version the plagues of Egypt Thanks for the hot shot. That’s good. I Love that stuff. Well, too, you know, I mean there’s even there’s There’s a little epilogue to that in the sense that what happens at that Wedding feast is that the normal pattern of love and relationship and marriage is that over time the quality of the wine? Declines right but you know when Christ inhabits this relationship that you know, the best is yet to come Yeah, but it’s also the ecstasy is ahead. Yes, and it’s a mystery about About how the end becomes the beginning and how and and it’s a mystery because what Christ does in the sacrifice when Christ died on the cross He is both he’s he is both the firstborn of the Egyptians being taken and the redemption and the firstborn being given Acting as the redemption of the firstborn at the same time. So it’s like he it’s a crazy like Jesus’s story just drives you crazy It’s like it’s as if that the the what happened in Exodus is being condensed into one thing Both sides are appearing at the same time. So when we say that Jesus is both goats, right? He’s he’s both the the he’s both the the sacrifice of atonement and the scapegoat It’s like it’s all of that is coming together in the cross and I think that for the story of Exodus crisis is both the the the child of the Egyptians being taken up and the redemption sacrifice Willing redemption sacrifice given instead of all the firstborn and it’s like it just shatters you when you think about it Yeah, it’s crazy You