young girl dancing to the latest beat has found new ways to move her feet and the lonely voice of youth cries what is true young man speaking in the city square trying to tell somebody that he cares can you blame the voice of youth for asking what is true yeah the ones that you’re calling love are gonna be the leaders in a little while when will the lonely voice of youth cry what is true it’s all world’s waking to a newborn babe and I solemnly swear it’ll be their way you better help that voice of youth find what is true and the lonely voice of youth cries what is true alright we’re alive and I got my camera fixed because it was freaking out but now it’s okay been gone for a little while sorry about that these things happen had a lovely Easter though so that was good was up north in the wild New England Northlands got out just before the horrible storm that they just had someone goes in the hospital the whole time fantastic yeah it’s been a long time but we’re here now we’ve got our Sam Pal everybody’s got their Sam Pellegrino we’ve got our Muppet Cup right just have you considered that’s the question it’s always the question we’ve got a junkless cinnamon bar love these things for later and we’ve got some Table Rock tea because we’re organized this Friday so this is the Carolina Lapsang tea and it’s quite good hickory and it’s very smoky it’s quite delicious so welcome we’re going to talk about what is a Psi-Op because I think a lot of people are throwing that word around and I don’t think anyone even know what they’re talking about so we’re going to sort through all this and give you some very bad news I’m sure but that’s what we’re here for in Muppet land and hopefully later on people can hop in and say hi and talk about Psi-Ops or whatever and oh good to see you hickory good to see you CW yeah let’s jump in so I think people tell you these sort of spiral death stories to panic you and overload your cognition I know video coming soon on cognitive overload and that’s a Psi-Op oh if we don’t do this now then the world will end and or maybe it won’t end for you but your children or your children’s children like that’s a psychological operation they’re using psychology to manipulate you and I’ve only had two days to prepare this particular stream which is plenty of time actually I’ve spent the better part of two days on it and then an hour ago maybe maybe less I saw a quote go by my Instagram from Tyler Durden which is a fictional character from a most excellent movie Fight Club and what he said was we work jobs we hate buying things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t even like a lot of people sort of resonated with Fight Club in general and I don’t know why if you’re working a job you hate that’s your fault if you’re buying things you don’t need that’s your fault if you’re doing it with money you don’t have that’s your fault and if you’re trying to impress people you don’t like that’s two faults on you being around people you don’t like and trying to impress people and interestingly three frames later scrolling through I see Jordan B Peterson video from our conference I believe Take Responsibility for Yourself movie and Peterson’s fighting it here in the Peterson sphere I’m going to put another article up soon actually by not me by the way averages are a Psyop what’s the average home price in America it’s a Psyop using a psychological operation on you automatically guaranteed doesn’t even matter what comes next there’s no average home price for America that makes any sense who cares there are average home prices for neighborhoods that can determine the price to live in that place but that’s not even a useful way to think about it so three and a half miles from me I was telling the story earlier Cory’s going to get bored sorry Cory people have houses for sale for a minimum of like I think it’s two hundred fifty thousand dollars three and a half miles from me different county different town right three and a half miles though it’s technically a city that’s the minimum the maximum is like a million five or two million or something crazy so there’s an average in there somewhere it’s probably closer to the low end because there are a lot of cheaper houses obviously and fewer expensive houses that’s the Pareto distribution the couchy curve instead of the Gaussian curve that everybody uses because they’re dumb it doesn’t make any sense to average that out either you have more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars to live there or not just the way it is now over here the average home price or the low home price that I know of because it’s a house that sold a few years ago behind me it was sixty thousand dollars sixty six zero with a house that you could move into if you would want to move into it maybe a little bit of work but not really much that’s a big difference so how do you average the house price in a five mile area of me you can’t get any useful data you don’t you don’t you can’t not possible beware of averages right what you care about is the top end the bottom end and the variance not the average not everywhere some things are very prone to averages but not really the larger the set the less likely it is an average can help you those are sips let me give you another site a lot of sips around nine eleven twin towers disaster and the way the site so performed is very simple federal government did not blow up the buildings you idiot somebody gave you correct information with the wrong references what I’m referring to here is the building seven conspiracy theory for the world trade center now my father who allegedly has a PhD which maybe should be taken back at this point I think I think it’s pretty established to be over believes in the building seven conspiracy and I pointed out to him the building he was talking about is not building seven this fazed him not at all by the way never does the conspiracy theorists are never swayed by updates in their information landscape ever information is not going to save the world so and I’ve looked into this quite extensively most of the nine eleven theories or conspiracies or conspiracy theories of all three they’re all different things by the way are based around factual information with incorrect references so you switch which building picture you’re showing them and say this is building seven when it’s not they’re going to come to different conclusions the facts haven’t changed but the information was swapped in other words there’s a change in context so sorry for the conspiracy theorists the conspiracy around nine eleven is not that the government did it the conspiracy is the conspiracy theorists have fooled you into thinking that it must be the government that did it I hate to say it but the US government at the best of times if they were aiming for something be fairly sure that ain’t going to happen because they just suck at doing things especially the CIA by the way terrible let’s talk about a better PSIOP an actual PSIOP actually performed by the actual CIA MK Ultra the thing about MK Ultra is that yeah the government did this it’s a PSIOP within a PSIOP to some extent right because I might be wrong about this but as near as I can tell MK Ultra is kind of the birth of sort of the materialist scientific chemical psychological attack on people right overtly right you can argue oh psychology goes back kind of doesn’t but whatever we’ll get into that later MK Ultra is what produced Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber no really actually so that didn’t go well for the government now did it and there’s lots of deaths around the MK Ultra thing and including the researchers by the way who were some of whom were definitely whacked by the CIA so this is a problem their papers for MK Ultra were destroyed so we don’t know nor will we ever what happened but we know a bunch of people in fact I personally know of some people who allege I can’t prove it I wasn’t there right MK Ultra was before I was born allege that their siblings were you know went to Harvard and came out schizophrenics and that they were involved in this MK Ultra program seems credible by the way but again the purpose of the MK Ultra program itself is a Psyop but the fact that it happened is also a Psyop for sure like for real like for real real so it’s not that they don’t exist these Psyops they do they do the question is who’s doing them and are they doing them on purpose or are you just psychologically projecting because you want the world to be a certain way so for example it’s not that women have been told not to have kids it’s not like oh your parents told you don’t have I mean some some people have for sure because there’s always exceptions but it’s worth sort of considering that what really happened was women were given an option that wasn’t have kids right because normally there was pretty much no option you get married you have kids that’s what you do it’s almost like we were built for that or something but that implies all kinds of icky things like creation creators and intent all the things that make evolution work without which evolution couldn’t actually function you can justify your rebellion against your parents if you have an option other than have kids that they say have kids you say oh I have another option and from the individualistic perspective which every single person has an individualistic perspective for sure right perspective that pretty much involves only them kind of by definition right it’s clearly less good to have kids there’s no question about that they can’t be debated not reasonably you can debate anything just say no like a three-year-old all day long it’s not hard three-year-olds do it all the time but if we’re given an option now you have space to rebel you have a place to rebel you have a place to be other than having kids so you weren’t told not to have kids but a door was opened and you took the door of no kids again that goes back to personal responsibility it’s only if you can account properly for things outside of yourself that outlast you and are greater than just you that the lie is revealed it’s a Psyop of individualism confirmed the lie of individualism the Psyop is there people have psychologically manipulated other people into believing that you don’t have to have kids and maybe it’s not universal right because nothing is so that’s a problem but it’s important all the recent say I don’t know post 1960 so-called education is overtly a Psyop what people are talking about when they say education is formation it’s formation that people care about and that’s what they’re talking about who is forming my children in school it’s a good question depends who’s around them and when you look at it in that light you realize it’s a group of people trying for a specific outcome right they’re attempting to instantiate a lie and they’re trying to attempting to instantiate a specific type of an outcome so when they say education that’s what they mean now it’s not coordinated in the way most Psyops are thought of and we’ll get into that later but education is Psyop confirmed what they’re really talking about is formation the use of the term education is the Psyop it’s formation that you care about you’re forming ideas and knowledge of people knowledge is not some static objective material thing that you can just go out and have all influencers are technically Psyops getting you to follow them through psychological means it’s the systematizing or the proceduralizing of a science if it is a science science of psychology to enable the manipulation towards a known end sounds like a Psyop in and of itself not necessarily bad but tends towards the bad because without an explicit good aim most aims will corrupt and the problem here is that not all people in institutions that use those methods are a Psyop you need to be moved those moves or those attempts to move you will be describable via psychology any movement or attempt to move another person can therefore be put in the frame of psychology and can be called a Psyop you can do that I don’t think it’s helpful because then everything’s a Psyop like you can do that I can’t stop you but I wish you wouldn’t and the thing is it might even offer an explanation or a prediction a la Edward Bernays but then again so does economics so you can describe people’s behaviors in terms of economics or psychology or both those are great descriptions for certain purposes very limited purposes psychology is a bad frame very individualistic economics is a bad frame it’s not as individualistic but it’s really dumb and it’s about the same level of description it’s about the same level of explanation and the same level of prediction which one do you prefer psychology or economics you can swap them out it really won’t help you much either way that’s good to know not everything’s a Psyop ultimately seeing everything as a Psyop is shoving everything into a psychological frame and assuming intent usually based on outcome rationality competence and a level of organization or coordination and look how I can just tell you that isn’t the way the world is man it’s just not that way not ever but like fairly infrequently infact just telling you that you’re a rational creature is a Psyop against yourself it allows you to be more easily controlled and explicitly so it’s a bigger danger and a huge problem you think you have more power more control more intelligence more ability more skill than you do the implication is that the world is perfect or well controlled by competent people who know what they are doing and had a clear intent from the start and that isn’t the world that we live in it’s almost as if the world is a less than perfect place maybe it’s a fallen world why are we subject to this idea of a Psyop of just everything being a Psyop well it’s because having a good description helps or seems to help and you get lost and you want to engage differently as if there’s more rationality in the world we long for this clear description of what’s going on of how things are we want somebody to describe and that’s the first step it’s a great step the first step though on the ladder of comfort and this pattern is everywhere so it’s not just Psyops it’s comfort ladder the next rung on the ladder of comfort is explanation explanations are very comforting because they give you a string of reasons that cohere together seemingly that it’s more comfortable than just a description of what is because it ties it into the world it adds that relationship dimension back in the last rung on this ladder is prediction and that’s what we all long for to know the future in advance so that we can take right action when it’s time the prediction gives us the time and what’s going to happen that gets us to the point where we can take right action because we are rational creatures in control and intentional we can just do that with all the skills we need so we long for that and the Psyop allows us a level of understanding of otherwise mysterious events moved by spirits or egregores or whatever you want to call them this week the spirits by the way but that’s too abstract for us we cannot understand it because it is much bigger than we are our minds cannot hold it the things outside of you are definitionally bigger than you are what moves you is outside of you it may come at you from within or seem to that’s possible but it’s still bigger than you for better or for worse it’s not necessarily a bad thing the idea that the government is actively doing something to you or your group is a function of the intimacy crisis pardon me oh Kermit the frog in my throat now gone I hope this idea that the government cares enough about you and put enough resources into you or your group to perform a Psyop against you or your group or some group of people that are like you is just an attempt to recover intimacy that you have already lost as the result of knowing you live in a highly controlled easily understood clear world one manifestation of the intimacy crisis one of many but the truth is we live in an incomplete messy imperfect fallen world so what is a better way to think about Psyops how about in terms of cognitive overload Psyops are effective only in an intimacy crisis doesn’t have to be a global one it could be an intimacy crisis that you’re having because of how you grew up or what happened to you recently only with the lack of historical grounding can these Psyops be successful only when you are seeking meaning rather than participating in meaning only when you live in the age of gnosis where propositional knowledge is the highest value only when you live in the age of gnosis where propositional knowledge is the highest value knowledge will not save you it will point you to a Psyop every single time if knowledge holds the world together it is the highest value if it binds us or is supposed to if only so and so knew this if only so and so knew this then they’d think differently then we cannot bind properly without propositions this must be true the only way to convey knowledge’s value to others is through propositions that’s the age of gnosis knowledge is not propositions propositions are the communication or expression of something could be knowledge could be facts could be information could be gobbledygook people say gobbledygook all the time we usually call it word salad things like that but let me give you some examples one trick I’ve noticed that people seem oblivious to especially in this oh you need to straw man or steel man or whatever man the art the other person’s thing you know that’s garbage somebody tells you a bad story you can’t steel man it’s just bad but once you build a story you cannot disentangle it or disintegrate it with a single fact at least not in the moment see my example earlier about world trade center seven very easy to debunk but it doesn’t work a bit like watching Penn and Teller do their magic tricks where they explain to you how the magic trick works or you already know how the magic trick works and every time you look you can’t find it and that’s beautiful so who cares you want cognitive overload watch a magic show live if you don’t trust the camera it won’t make any difference at all what happens is people build a coherent and cohesive story and that’s the key to a good psyop a single fact cannot dismantle the structure or a set of facts it’s the reason why no one can dethrone Sam Harris or Destiny another one of these people that does this little trick even when they’re so obviously wrong and stupid it’s like building a dock over the water they first watched them lay out all the pillars this fact and that fact and this fact and that fact and therefore which is just nailing down the dock nailing the dock together and replacing it on the pillars right and all these pillars are lies they’re all wrong they’re all inaccurate but you know what you gotta be kind and let the other person finish their point you notice I don’t do that the minute I see the psyop I put an end to it you can be upset about that if you want it’s not gonna be any good I’m still gonna do it it’s still the right thing to do and then the interlocutor comes along very patiently and dismantles all the core key axiomatic facts used to build that dock over that water but you know what all the people that were listening to Sam Harris or Destiny who got caught up in the coherence of the story they’re standing on that dock and they’re not gonna fall in the water for you just cause you took out their pillars they’re not gonna do it they don’t wanna get wet I don’t blame them the dock remains intact and floating above the water now both sides win Sam Harris has his followers undeterred whoever’s interlocutor is has taken all the pillars out and all the people who knew the pillars were garbage to begin with cheer fantastic you’ve done nothing well done Destiny does that same trick build the story that sounds so attractive it’s just the thing is with Destiny he’s definitely psy-opping himself in the thinking he’s got it all figured out and now the solution is obvious and the obvious solution isn’t being implemented who’s to blame it must be a psy-op the government must be in on it well I mean we elected the democrats so it can’t be them it’s gotta be the deep state or maybe it’s the republic control CIA or this goes on forever by the way forever with these people then it’s like oh no really it’s the wealthy guy with all the money and all the wealthy people who are evil are republicans clearly so that’s the psy-op the psy-op isn’t the wealthy republicans or the wealthy democrats by the way the psy-op is getting you to believe that and look at some point you know this is not a joke if I were evil I would do that too I would it’s very effective but I’m gonna do that because I’m not evil so sorry disappointment all around there are days there are days but another method of getting you into the psy-op is to use your own ego against you your own sense of comfort your own love of your description your explanation and or your prediction people will appeal to your bad descriptions your bad explanations or your bad predictions to blame the psy-op you would have been right if not for the government psy-op and this seems convincing after all you were right this outside force imposed upon your prediction upon your explanation upon your description upon the very world in which you live to make you wrong that’s horrible of them I’m I resent them for that how could they I’m outraged I was right but now I’m anxious now I’m paranoid at least mildly and now you’re easily led into righteous indignation I just indignation is not good clearly if the world isn’t working the way I thought it did the way I had worked out in my head as an individual who’s smart and educated I have a degree I went to school I got a minor economics then something must be wrong with the world it’s not matching my predictions postmodern power top down from above narrative confirmed postmodernism told you that now you have an excuse for being wrong it’s fantastic somebody else’s fault you have to take responsibility for it for yourself what’s another Psyop? Well you know what you’re smart enough to see Psyops which incidentally might just be perennial patterns so you’re immune to the Psyops because you know about them age of gnosis propositionally so subconsciously you’re immune that’s a Psyop no one is immune period they do this with the so-called biases everyone’s biased there’s all these biases confirmation bias sample bias but once you know about the biases you’re all set except they don’t tell you what you can do about the biases do they no of course not sometimes they’ll do something cute like they’ll say oh yeah if you meditate on these biases or if you reflect on them then you’re less likely to fall into them and that may be true but you’re not immune to them buddy that didn’t happen that ain’t gonna happen that’s the Psyop the concept that you can understand things yourself is why Psyops are necessary something has to be causing what you see material cause confirmed and that’s what we want is a confirmation of certainty we have obtained the certainty and that’s all we’re wishing for when we think about Psyops oh I know why that happened it wasn’t a coincidence or an accident it wasn’t some sort of events that always unfold that way because they always unfold that way it was deliberate it was intentional it was thought out and planned implemented by highly competent intentional actors well coordinated who knew exactly what they were doing when you cannot recognize proper authority and leadership you can’t discern those things organized events appear to have the properties of the Psyop the assumption of control the assumption that a common goal must be organized by us by people or a person the pharmaceutical industry had to have been created by John Rockefeller even though the timeline doesn’t match by the way like none of it at all the pharmaceutical industry was actually pretty good up until the 90s and the FDA ruined it maybe I’ll do a video on that if you want to see a video on that live stream comment in the comments whatever maybe I’ll do one that whole freaking that’s a Psyop by the way all these things going around about Rockefeller and the pharmacies it’s just wrong like everything about it is actually incorrect and you can look it up and it clears day but they know you’re lazy that’s the other side they know you won’t look it up human knowledge you won’t use it they know that they know that because you have this you’ll never look it up not everybody I look everything up but almost everybody close enough and then if almost everybody won’t look it up or let’s just say 52% of the people won’t look it up bang consensus democracy corrupted forever this is why I’m not a fan of democracy the democratic republic here in the US democratic republic it’s a republic to say this idea of this organized common goal ignores spirit it ignores the unconscious it ignores desires passions it ignores all that but these are the most common causes of human behavior unconscious passions spirit these are the things that drive you not somebody orchestrating something it’s another Psyop equality doctrine if everyone is equal the thing that doesn’t fit your normalized model of the world is a Psyop of course it is it has to be this is why equality doctrine is so dangerous people start talking about equal inequality and all that nonsense run away they’re Psyoping you they’ve Psyop themselves more likely but you’re just a casualty in the Psyop chain for them the fact is that most real Psyops that are attempted by organizations fail and produce horrific unintended consequences or maybe second order effects is another way to say that because you lose control of the thing when you spread it out you try to do something by yourself you have much tighter control over it of course your limited creature shouldn’t try to do things by yourself generally speaking involve other people right it’ll be less efficient it won’t be done the right way most of the time sometimes it’ll be more efficient kind of depends right but it’ll be better the more you spread something out the more variability it has by definition it’s a math problem at this point okay math it’s nothing to do with anything else just math variance goes up you lose control and sure all the successful Psyops were successful you fell for them they’re done it’s over you can only see them in hindsight you might have found out about them afterwards but that’s too late why do you care it’s all done what are you going to do nothing you’re going to do nothing that’s what you’re going to do no one’s going to do anything so why are you pointing at things bigger than you that you cannot recognize control or avoid because you can’t recognize control or avoid them someone’s going to do a Psyop on you you’re done because it won’t be one person most likely and that makes it bigger than you don’t worry about it and because the unconscious is most of your life you are easily manipulated because you’re only looking at the conscious side of thinking and you’re thinking that all that conscious side is all there is and I see this thread although the McGill Chris Peterson conversation they did McGill Chris brought this up not Peterson the unconscious is bigger it’s way bigger I mean he quoted some ridiculous number like 94.3% it’s oddly specific so I don’t believe it but the unconscious is most of what you do most of your life and when you don’t tend to that and no one’s talking about the unconscious anymore I don’t know why they’re like oh Freud and Jung okay but like they knew about this and said this was the bigger more important piece guys why aren’t we talking about it weird you’ve been Psyopped by this irrationality by this rationality BS Psyopped rationality is not all there is it’s not all it’s cracked up to be you can’t even define it we are not rational creatures okay sorry we are creatures capable of rationality for very short times at great cost and no one tells you that I’ll tell you that I’ll tell you that because it’s important so what do you do how can you live with the reality of rare Psyops even more rare successful ones well knowing that you’re subject to them be aware of people offering answers which contain no action on your part maybe no relationship to you unless they’re telling you to disengage your attention and the issue at hand is far away or maybe that they’re going to take care of it maybe then that’s okay disengage let them deal with it trust them and maybe you’ll be betrayed because we all get betrayed everybody’s going to get betrayed hate to break it to you and be aware of the responsibility who’s taking that on and where is it being taken on who where is this responsibility being shifted to does listening to the news about a far away place make you responsible for that place can it I heard about this country being bombed in the news does that make you responsible for their actions people are acting like it does or it should or could all of them by the way to understand is an individualistic thing understanding things through psychology is individualistic frame by design and what you might not realize about that is that all psychological operations are you and what do I mean by that surely the CIA is out there doing something to someone yes but again it’s not optional successful psyops are successful it’s a very hindsight bias frame to know about a psyops and you need to be strong psychologically if such thing exists to protect yourself knowing about a psyops even if you did know in advance won’t help you not fall for it knowing in advance won’t save you the age of gnosis has lied to you about the power of knowledge knowing is not half the battle or any of the battle stupid people are often less likely to quote fall for a for a psyops it’s a common problem with real world operations by the way and this is well documented happens over and over look at the history of central and south america and the CIA’s attempts to do anything there you’d think after the first 42,000 times they’d figure it out but no so stupid people are less likely to fall for these things than smart people are designed for smart people confidence kills be less confident more humble the effects of a successful psyops are going to be less on the people who are just doing the good it’s not going to be nothing it might get wiped out you might lose everything nothing I can do about that nothing you can do about that we all get betrayed one thing you can do is proper participation in a structure that you can be contained within where you can contribute despite the fact that the structure sucks and it’s wrong and the people suck and just it’s going to betray you but in that structure you do not have to worry about those things so far outside yourself like politics that you have nearly no influence over much less control of much less even understanding of although they’ll tell you you understand it oh you watch CNN I understand this from people with a below average IQ by the way for professionals journalists and below average IQ for professionals because people will use this to manipulate you in a way that you have no ability to defend against as a single individual you just don’t you can’t do it structures are things which protect you against things bigger than you they can also tyrannize you sure absolutely sometimes for your own good by the way like you tyrannize children constantly and that’s to form them so it goes back to education as formation right and that’s good for them formation is important going to work every day is good for you being on vacation constantly is not so tyranny is not some automatically defaulted evil condition what if things bigger than you move you and you have no choice better a structure you understand chose for yourself and accepted maybe the trade off of then be subject to whatever you’re rebelling against or whatever is out there that you don’t realize has captured you because just rebelling against everything you see is a structure that won’t work that my friends concludes my treatise on Psyop I’m going to go through my chats I already said hi to Corey I already said hi to CW did not say hi to Sanjuro hello sir good to see you the first rule of navigating patterns CW there’s no first rule of navigating patterns I like the thought though that’s that’s clever is your father one of those architects and engineers no he’s a PhD in English literature I didn’t know I had a vintage I’m happy to know that CW I had no idea top ten monologues for sure oh wow that’s interesting I like that feedback that tells me if I’m going in a good or bad direction Steve says this show is a Psyop and Mark with that ket up is a Psyop Cyclops I am accident coincidence the mystery happens I like that that’s cute CW the anarchic nature of the global order was one of the themes in the film adaptation leave the world behind yeah well it’s not an archic it’s just moved by things we don’t understand Steve S the Cyclops Psyops crisis what is the meaning patient interlocutors want to know oh that’s that’s clever I like this I like my audience my audience is not stupid John Jackson Grieger when I lost my mind I basically believe the operation paperclip read to a cohort of the Nazis at the highest level of government who had been selecting embryos for sixty years to turn themselves into something that had little relation to the human spirit their technology was 10x than what was on the market and every piece of debris in our atmosphere were actually layers building models for our prediction the plan was to generate a policy and culture that would make the general population’s blood is distant from their own and when the time was right it would be used as a bio weapon against them I think there is still something deeply correct about this you should write that as a story it would be great I’m all in I’m like yeah that would make a great story I thought it was at the center of the Psyops for beginning to stumble on this right well there’s the self reference Psyops often have a self reference or a self referencing component where oh I’ve got this answer right and then this answer leads to the answer and that answer leads to the other and yeah and it’s all self referencing it’s a good way to know there’s a problem with something self references the really real yeah that’s a problem your self referencing don’t do that part of the dream was that they had trouble with me because I’m too erratic oh yeah well hey you’re the rebel hero heroic rebel is a big theme nowadays especially in the age of gnosis because you’re fighting against the gnosis implication of propositional knowledge is the highest value is that the world is a machine and then we want to fight against that so to be a rebel you have to like not follow the rules it’s that simple I wish it were way more complicated I really do but actually this is like why I hate psychology psychology is ridiculously banal good to see you sir Mark is giving me answers but I trust Mark he’s a good guy I don’t give people answers please don’t betray me I don’t think you will we all get betrayed I’ll die someday Paul I think you know who knows which of us will go first one of us is going to betray the other my friend only Cyclops thinks PsyHop’s work I like it John that’s funny except that the thing I worry about is the boring might be real well pastor Paul I think we could create it gotta finish the sermon I hope that’s yours Arandu the madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason boy there’s a deep truth there I like that Steve S at Paul VanderKlay thank you for jumping into comment love you we have pastor Paul lovers in here CW this is truly a new low put that in your damn speech weak or truly inverted high oh I don’t know be the PsyHop you want to see in the world I like that live with the PsyHop you know then the one you cannot yeah well to some extent right to some extent all right I’m through all my comments here so if you’d like to jump in you do not have to talk about PsyHop of course but that would be fine too questions concerns anything jump on in have some Lapsang tea here get over my frog in my throat permit the frog I’m convinced it’s Kermit has to be Kermit the frog here it’s not easy being green but the real question about PsyHop is have you considered that you’re a muppet you really should because once you know that someone’s got their hand up your backside you can at least make a choice about who and what that is CW sorry that you have to run I’m glad you like the top shelf monologue I I thought it was good I thought it went pretty good flails Kermit arms okay Sanjara you’re gonna flail your flail Kermit arms I wish I had a Kermit doll sometimes what I need next is a pirate I just never think to buy one when I’m out like a little stuffed pirate I’ll find a way to sit him on my shoulder just up my pirate game by by a couple more points and I fix my camera too because it’s off a little bit in ways I did not anticipate so I gotta figure that out one of these days I’ll figure that out Matthew CW yeah CW was here but he left us he doesn’t love us man just no love from CW Orandu there’s a screen test with Kermit and Fozzie bear where Kermit tells Fozzie he’s not a real bear yes I’ve seen that very funny yeah there’s a lot in the old muppet stuff is just quite amusing that’s why I use the muppets muppets are types of puppets so yeah and we’re puppets and that’s why the Psyops are important because we’re being moved by something and I think that’s why it’s everything’s a freaking Psyop everything is Psyop the world is that planned is it I had no idea involvement in Ukraine is a Psyop please stop please am I gonna justify the entire Ukraine war and Russia’s involvement by making them part of NATO a genius move absolute genius move of retrospective stupidity well we know this is the wrong answer so let’s do this look there’s a Psyop the Psyop is you think those people are smart they’re not very bright hate to break it to you the people in charge of our countries are not the best and brightest and you know you can argue maybe they should be but I don’t think that’s what matters there’s an adage in business about managerial theory in particular but business in general that making a quick bad decision is better than making a slow correct decision especially if the slow correct decision takes too long and there’s a reason for that and it’s true Matthew Parlato in Mamanastic Flatland Mamanastic Flatland okay that’s a new one Psyops are a great and straightforward tool to move your zombies around and arouse them oh well when you have flat world it certainly looks like everything’s a Psyop I mean Psyop is again it’s a function squishing everything into that into that particular frame right which is the psychological frame Mamanistic yes Mamanistic I got it eventually Matthew takes a while I was away on quote vacation spent six of my well how many days was it every day except Easter I was in the hospital with my uncle so was not what I was expecting for Easter so I’m a little tired and we just drove back I got back on Wednesday so it’s like it’s a long drive and we had to drive through like clouds and death fog and rain and all kinds all kinds of whatever Matthew bless him and you well thank you who else were we blessing? Maman we’re not blessing Maman are we that would be bad no takers this week no one wants to jump in and say hi I’m not feeling the love oh I also didn’t pin my link I should do that some things I’m with it on today but some things I’m not there we pinned the link I’m navigating patterns at least so that’s a good thing Benjamin Franklin I’m not here on time oh that’s shocking Matthew claims he’s finishing a jog a jog who jogs at night Sanjuro says he would but he’s watching a two year old that’s why are you doing that that’s a Psiop man you sure that kid’s yours? could be a Psiop everything’s a Psiop I checked like every stuff people are saying are Psiops which is so funny now it just cracks me up it’s hard to it’s hard not to see synchronicity when the Tyler Durden quote comes up and then the Jordan Peterson quote comes up on my Instagram you know an hour and a half or something or maybe less than an hour before my stream but that was funny we’re gonna put that in the notes we’re gonna mention that one that was too good oh see see you’re being controlled by your two year old Psiop exactly definitely a psychological operation see and I can explain this as a Psiop too it’s not hard so children vie for your attention because the only thing that’s really valuable to them is attention unless they’re tired out so they are Psioping you into paying attention to them constantly which means you can’t jump on my stream so it is a Psiop Psiop is successful and there’s nothing you can do about it now what I’ve explained the Psiop to you just like explaining the magic trick I like magic I don’t go to enough magic shows we’ll say but I’ve been to a few and I’m always like and a lot of the tricks I know how they’re done I know exactly how they’re done it doesn’t help me to not be fooled it makes me feel better I I know they misdirected my attention from here to here those bastards okay it’s still wonderful still like wow they did it how did they do it uh Porter Nilsen is it possible that people can murder to gain secretly and have immense power without us knowing about it wouldn’t that be a Psiop no I don’t think so a psychological operation is a psychological operation people murder all the time and yeah people have whatever you think power is which I bet you don’t have a good definition for it because almost no one does except me on navigating patterns and definition of power people do all kinds of things all the time but labeling all the things people do Psiops is really not helpful again there are Psiops like MK Ultra was there’s two Psiops effectively there’s MK Ultra and then there’s the Psiop that MK Ultra about what MK Ultra did right which is the Psiop because again we don’t know the records were destroyed Lazarus I understand your point on stopping people from building false pillars rather than steel manning yes kind of have to uh but does this ever really work oh yeah it works for me all the time actually uh what prevents them from simply using the same tactics uh well yeah it’s called asymmetry so if the other person is making claims and I’m not I’m at a super advantage right because I’m effectively in the defensive position not the offensive position um simple tricks like that because they’re based on simple understandings of a very simple world in which we live which is a very disappointing thing to realize uh really help uh the the problem with steel manning is what if they don’t have a point and what if you’re handing them a frame that they can’t support you basically screwed them it’s a lot like sending someone to Harvard when their grades don’t warrant it they’re just going to be bitter and resentful that may have happened a lot of times by the way just saying uh maybe a well documented phenomena even at Harvard just saying um I think it from the guy who actually used to hang out at Harvard’s campus probably knows something about Harvard probably so yeah you can’t use that tactic on me because I just don’t make claims uh or when I make claims you can’t knock them down because my claims aren’t actually wrong so that always helps you know and the trick isn’t like oh you think you’re right all the time the trick is only speak when you’re right I can see there’s an asymmetry there like people don’t get it this is really easy you know uh look I I had forgotten yesterday to do this but I have it on my list which I don’t really keep lists because my brain is too good at memorizing not good enough but too good at the same time I had forgotten until about one hour before the stream to look up the World Trade Center’s building number to make sure I had the right one like but I actually do my research like these monologues are expensive time-wise and energy-wise because I do my research so the guy who does the research always has an advantage over the idiot who didn’t this is what sort of shocked me about the Jordan Peterson destiny conversation it should be clear that destiny is not a good interlocutor or debater because he by his own admission spends all his time playing video games not reading books not researching not looking things up not working them out in his head on his own which is why he just says a bunch of lies like oh you know the amount of carbon in the atmosphere correlates with the temperature no it doesn’t that it actually is just false like I don’t even know where he gets this from that is false I am not saying you can’t manipulate the numbers from some time period to make it look like that of course you can they did and they got caught and Peterson pointed this out um and they’ve been caught many times with that tree but if you actually look throughout say a thousand years there is zero correlation between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the temperature on the earth zero it’s actually none for real and so he just says this and nobody pushes back on him and I’m like but that is false it’s false and he wouldn’t know that because he’s never done any research never looked into it I take these things seriously so he tells me something like that that’s important that I feel like I put my time into I’ll go research it myself I don’t need other people to read me the freaking you know experimental papers I don’t you know so it’s easy it’s really easy so they can do whatever tricks they want or whatever tactics they want they can use my tactics on me it’s not gonna work because I don’t have those flaws I have other flaws I ain’t telling you what they are so ha John Jackson Greger oh my god sorry Paul for fiercely vaping every time you spoke nice Randu Penn and Teller cups and balls with clear plastic cups oh yeah dude it’s unbelievable Matthew Marks Jiu Jitsu Jitsu guard yes this is true no I just follow very simple principles like shut up if you don’t know what you’re talking about everybody’s like are you talking about this thing you know what you’re talking about no no I only talk about the things I know about it’s not that hard it’s not a magic trick it really isn’t it’s very simple Peter Nilsson if software has gone through a meaning crisis faster oh someone watches my private my personal channel it’s not private faster what does that mean for people working in it oh well a lot of the people working in it have been killing themselves dude and no one told you by the way sorry I didn’t mean to let you know but also should people see it as a good career option is there hope it will improve look if you’re suited for something you’re suited for it if you can make it work for yourself you can make it work for yourself if you want to talk about an average of an industry you’re going to run into problems the average of the computer industry is going caput ski layoffs are still way up employment for software engineers is in the toilet employment for devops engineers has stopped growing it’s really bad does that mean it’s a bad option no you could get involved in a software project and be the next big thing and make a billion dollars that’s easy to do I could actually tell you how to do that it wouldn’t be that hard because you’d have to pay me because I’m poor and I need income but yeah I mean there’s six different projects I could just tell you about right now and if you were good enough software engineer or had enough money bang instant cash all day long it’s not hard nothing hard about the software industry the thing that’s hard is to find good people in any industry who are competent because most people this is the this is the most people are incompetent can’t be educated to competence sorry Peterson goes into this by the way in one of his stories I think it’s in Maps and Meaning problems I’ve watched too much Peterson and I get all the references get jumbled but I’m pretty sure it’s in Maps and Meaning he talks about one of his patients couldn’t stuff envelopes couldn’t be taught to stuff envelopes there are people like that out there and so when you when you consider how wide the spectrum is and the spectrum of intelligence IQ and competence are all different spectrums by the way I’ve met really smart people who couldn’t implement a damn thing they knew about not one no matter how well they knew it I mean there’s people that are again they’re physically klutzy so knowledge of lab procedure is not going to help if you’re forgetful knowledge of lab procedure is not going to help you’re going to forget the procedure like you know there’s lots of limiting factors that you have none of them are addressed by quote education and so basically you’re you know you got to find what fits you instead of trying to fit into something that you want and that sucks because it’s all compromise and trade off and you know like I really want to be a purple flying unicorn but I can’t yeah like well one of the things I tell people is you know they’ll say I want blah blah blah and I’ll be like yeah and I want a pony it’s disappointment all around kid like I don’t know what to tell you industry collapse is always a good opportunity you know is that opportunity right for you like look if you’re at the bottom of the ladder you just got to get in and do the thing and yeah would I tell anybody to go in technology why why I’m desperately trying to get out of technology and I can’t don’t try to work with nonprofits that’s my only advice Lazarus I guess I’m thinking of compassion maybe in a Catholic sense I don’t know about that compassion or Catholicism so I appreciate but I appreciate your response that helps a lot it breaks things down to their base levels rather than continuing to build towers thank you well that’s the best compliment I could possibly get Matthew yes thank you Mark destiny is a joke he really is but disappointing that Peterson at the end was like oh I want to talk to you again you’re so smart it’s like dude he just he just told you a bunch of lies he told you a bunch of things that are not facts they’re the opposite of reality and he believes them because he games all day and hangs out with people that agree with him like it was stunningly uninteresting to hear him insist on the same lies over and over again it’s about care and attention is reality well maybe it’s not reality but it’s certainly a part of it right like what what you attend to matters right you care about matters that’s true John Jackson Grieger if you’re curious Mr. Vanderklaas I hadn’t formed a Nazi fish in my bed that came when I was lost in Mexico you were lost in Mexico you could tell me that story lost in Mexico sounds like an interesting story I have never been to Mexico I have been to Canada I did not get lost in Canada although one might argue that being in Canada is being lost talk about meaning crisis we’re all kind of one country even though there’s three different just culturally distinct groups in the area and then they introduce all these immigrants and then boom the whole thing just collapses pretty much overnight I remember telling people this when Peterson came out with his Bill C-16 video I was like wow Canada is in trouble and people were like Canada no the US I’m like no you don’t understand anything about the world the US like everybody thinks like the US is actually doing pretty well the rest of the world is not for some country doing better than us but not many and they’re small and you don’t know which ones they are I guarantee you that England is on the verge of collapse France is already in the process of collapse Germany is just clueless and confused and paying too much for their energy forever for no apparent reason other than their own self destruction which you know they did that to themselves so they can suffer and we don’t want any nuclear plants yeah good job dipshits well done I was horrified in Vancouver when the clock struck 9pm and all the fancy shops closed up and the needle people shuffled onto the streets oh yeah yeah I bet well look man I was pretty horrified in California when I went out to visit my buddy Adam who I do history videos with by the way watch Echoes of the Past it’s a great video watch all our stuff it’s good Adam’s awesome I’m driving to the hotel and it’s next to the highway it’s in Fremont I think it was in Fremont it was on the Fremont line whatever and you know it’s an industrial area right next to the highway and it’s nothing but cars parked on the side of the road many of which had homeless people in them I was like oh wow this is new this is different I’ve been to California before it wasn’t like this what’s going on it’s been pretty sketchy I don’t know how it is you’re I think you’re in southern California right I was in I was up in the area southern part of the Bay Area and we went up to Sacramento but that was real quick drawing I go back to Sacramento I gotta see I gotta see Pastor Paul I gotta get up there for one of his sermons that would be nice but I don’t know it’s not looking good things are still iffy here oh Fremont yes Fremont is yeah yeah and I think all the all the places are becoming like that right like things are really disintegrating I think that’s also why you see the rise of the Psyop framing is that people notice things disintegrating and they want a rational for that and the rationalization is that this government is in charge and in control or something’s in control and it’s just corrupt and it’s like corrupt control and therefore and I understand why people want that to be true but also that’s not true so that’s not what’s going on it really is sort of anarchy and chaos all the way down at some point and there are patterns perennial patterns that move the world and you’ll see them right so one of the things you should notice although we have to round out our revolution series with the Russian Revolution is that if you watch the French Revolution the English Revolution beheading of a king and Greece versus Rome and all the history videos on the internet and all the things that are getting patterns you’ll notice that there’s a perennial pattern to these revolutions and yeah we really have to do the Russian Revolution because that’s the ultimate the thing that you don’t see as clearly in the French Revolution is so clear in the Russian Revolution it’s shocking because the Bolsheviks are sort of like encouraged to do this thing and take over control of the whatever that means and then once they do it the organized people because the Bolsheviks are just disorganized anarchists effectively this is always the anarchists so the ones that lead the revolution this is not a coincidence perennial pattern and then the minute they do the deed and get rid of the king and do take over control they’re all immediately murdered that happened in the French Revolution too by the way and you don’t see it and I don’t know to what extent that happened in the English Revolution but some of that certainly went on in the English Revolution too and so this is it didn’t happen in the American Revolution by the way which is why I don’t think it’s revolution it’s a rebellion a proper rebellion even successful proper rebellion oddly enough and I go into why I think that is by the way so you can engage in the history videos and learn more about that and navigating patterns when you see these perennial patterns though it’s like oh it doesn’t matter how it starts to some extent like when you do this type of a thing these certain events happen usually in the same order it doesn’t matter what the culture was or what the time period was or what the technology was these patterns happen over and over and over again and you know maybe there’s a way to avoid them like you might call that religion I don’t know call it anything you want but that’s what people miss they miss the fact that these a lot of things happen in patterns and they’re not as deliberate as you’d like to believe people get very scared by the idea that the world is not as controlled as they have been taught we’ll say or told and that’s where people get confused right the world is not as mechanical as was indicated to you by your ridiculous history teachers storytelling about history Matthew optimally navigating that’s religion it’s not a bad definition I like that definition of religion optimally navigating reality or something sure it’s a good pragmatist definition are you a pragmatist Matthew I hope so it’s good framing though I like it I’ll think more about that I tried to stray away from the R word as much as possible but sometimes we just have to go there hopefully we don’t go too deep in and when I do usually it’s Father Eric that does it so he’s got a collar and all that stuff so you can get away with that I have no authority in that department thank goodness for that uh oh uh oh there’s trouble there he is can you hear me? on your mind Matthew oh not much not much I just wanted to give you some company man I just got finished on an eight mile jog it’s only seven o’clock here and it’s still very much daylight in West Texas oh that’s true it’s still daylight yeah I keep forgetting the sun’s out later and later what’d you think what’d you think you like the monologue? I’m about to do the biggest taboo I came in so late in fact I was gonna ask is your thesis that Psiops are overplayed or that the Psiops are a fundamental part of what’s going on what was your thesis where did I miss that? no no they’re overplayed and the ones that are successful are successful it’s all hindsight bias I tend to agree on a first glance I tend to agree with that I think something that jarred for me was the conspirituality notion of like you said when you’re in such a world of chaos and you don’t have a good sense making apparatus or community you start just kind of seeing the synchronous patterns even if there’s not a real you know tried and true synchronous through line and you just start kind of you know putting that hermeneutics of suspicion and pointing a lot of you know cynical and you know bad motives. Skeptical yeah. Right no that’s well said yeah I mean I think the problem is if you assume rationality and you live in the age of gnosis where knowledge is the highest value and it’s basically propositional only then yeah Psiops explain the world it can’t be spirit it can’t be there can’t be perennial patterns right those that’s not in the realm of gnosis that’s for sure so so you know what do you do and then my other point was even if you know about them ahead of time you they’re bigger than you like you’re gonna get sucked up one way or the other like even if you could know for sure the CIA was launching a Psiop we’ll say within the borders of US which by the way they’re not supposed to do I’m not saying they don’t try to do that because they’re all incompetent retards for the most part but there’s nothing you can do about it dude like it’s too right and that’s even a little bit you know just another nefarious kind of wrinkle to it right is that there are disparate disparate you know every once in a while there are some you know nefarious operations nefarious operations aimed at you know the psychological health and you know equilibrium of the of the constituency so that just you know that just screws it up even more because it’s like I said there’s a grain of truth in there and then you can navel gaze on it and there’s not no Psiops I mean one of the things I covered was MK Ultra in the beginning I’m like no no MK Ultra was real the thing is it’s worse than you think like whatever you think it was so incompetently handled that it just does a lot of deaths and the Unabomber and a bunch of people going nuts and that happened for sure yeah yeah I want to get to this real quick Sanjuro I think it was Alan Moore who said it’s not that there was one conspiracy with one cabal but many by many people conflicting and colliding with no one in charge to some extent I mean a lot of it I used to call it the conspiracy of stupidity which is to say that people come up with equally stupid ideas because you know intelligence the intelligence in the Senate is you can use an average there for sure there’s a couple outliers but really they’re all kind of low intelligence failed lawyers right they couldn’t make it in law so they went into politics it’s a very common pattern by the way and so yeah they generally come to the same idiotic conclusion a lot of people fall into Marxism not because they read Karl Marx but because Karl Marx is a retard and any three year old will come to his conclusions because they’re three years old I mean that technically I’ve heard three year olds actually say Marx quotes and I’m like wait a minute I’m pretty sure that’s oh that is a quote from Karl Marx I wonder how the three the three-year-old didn’t read the book guy well how did it come up with the quote because it’s easily reproduced stupid ideas are common and easily reproduced I think I can’t break it to you and so they come to these things that way right and this is where James Lindsay actually I think makes a mistake when he starts talking about you know oh there’s a through line of these gnostic ideas and heresies and blah blah blah through this person through Marx because he mentioned Karl Marx and it’s like no dude they’re just all of the same rough intelligence they all came up with the same idea. The attack of the midwit. Is that yeah pretty much that’s a good way to frame it. I almost hesitate to do this just because I don’t exactly know where we go but I mean this is how I do conversations Marx I mean where my brain is kind of on the edge at is you know where I would want to push or investigate is where does an elite where does a leadership where does a culture go wrong where does it spiral away from a more this is going to be very vague but you know a more righteous more honorable more integrity based kind of method of communicating emergency dealing with catastrophe you know trying to communicate with your constituency and I’ll leave it just kind of blank blanket statement of that. Is it as simple as good? Well one of the things I said in the monologue was basically you know when you don’t understand leadership and authority you can’t recognize it or discern it anymore. You’re going to run into problems right inside your government. Now my argument would be and you can see this in something like my video on the fall of the fourth estate which I’m told reliably is one of my better videos top three or something crazy what you’ll see in that video is that things happened a long time ago and you didn’t notice and now you’re like CNN being a corrupt news organization that was true very many years ago like way before anybody thinks it was true right. And one of the cases I’m going to make I haven’t made it yet I started yeah I started to make that case in my Peterson’s sphere article by the way and I have a longer version of that coming because I actually wrote a very long version and decided to write a shorter one for the website website I’ll put the longer one on my sub stack someday when I get that running so hopefully someday soon. But one of the cases I make is that Carl Benjamin Sargon of Akkad was right about everything. Gamergate in 2014 spread everywhere and then I have a larger case that 2014 was a breaking of a bunch of things but it wasn’t a breaking because they broke in 2014 they broke before that. The thing that happens in 2014 is that that is some kind of point of no return and I don’t want to I can’t not that I don’t want like I’m withholding I can’t get into a thesis on why that is because it’s not well formed in my head. So let me try to answer you now because I know I haven’t answered you so I don’t want to do that. So the question about how because I think this is your larger question you obviously will correct me if I’m wrong the question about how to run a society towards virtue rather than towards the things we’ve been running to which I think is your okay that’s your core question is more wrapped up in the bad framing that we got from the postmodern ethos I don’t want to say the postmoderns because it predates the philosophical movement in some important ways but what I’m what I’m getting at here is that if you do something really stupid like you try to define a country and let’s suppose you did something amazingly dumb and you took a ridiculously huge geographic area with literally every resource we know about say one or two and called it a country you might call it the United States or something stupid and say that’s a country and then say France is a country and Germany is a country and England is a country or the UK is a country whatever that would be a dumb mistake right because you can’t draw a parallel you cannot draw a parallel there right because it might lead to weird side effects like you might say well look we can’t compete with the country of the US you think like the US is a huge it’s enormous the US is enormous I’ve driven across a good part of it it’s enormous it’s not big it’s not huge it’s e-freak enormous it’s enormous it’s e-freak enormous right and so you can’t compete with us no one can grow more food than we can technically there’s no single named place that can grow more food than the United States period end of statement we’re done here mic drop moment so so you then might make a further set of mistakes it’s all hypothetical Matthew it’s all hypothetical right where you would go well let’s get a mass of land with approximately the same population that’s roughly as physically large geographically and we’ll form it into like a union and then we’ll compete with the you and well that wouldn’t work either you muppet why did you think that would work like what are you doing and then you’ll install a government on top of all the little governments oh yeah that that’s gonna go real well right without any thought to how any of this is gonna work because they didn’t think about that right you might end up with a big mess which by the way I think we have but you know just hypothetically no so I think the two just kind of throw it back to you now I think two points you mentioned there the the the the latter one was you know the misframing so like you said you know talking about you know borders and and and and you know material and economies it’s like you can you kind of get lost in the sauce in that and and how you how you you draw your lines in around around distinctions on that but then the earlier one you meant was authority and this was brought me back to kind of my thesis on this of you know not not too strong on these research but I have done some research into this stuff especially when I was still very much in a political mindset is just you know authority is you know when our leaders when our elites look to say hey we’re in a tough spot what you know what should I do you know do I have the power to make this tough decision I think there is this this removal from I mean I put in Machiavelli in the in the little product chat to me and you know there’s this Leo Strausian notion of think it’s 16th century or somewhere on there Machiavelli when when we go away from like you said this this striving for for virtue you know just to throw in another buzzword of you know we we we vacate the the world of transcendence and we go into flat world and so now it’s like you said it’s all this land it’s it’s it’s all just it’s all just what we can see and and perceive and manipulate here it’s very left brained right and and and and yeah I think once you get in that you’ve really rendered you’ve you’ve you’ve handcuffed yourself it’s like at that point you no longer can can wrestle you no longer can can you know look look to the future with some kind of you know hopeful and transcendent vision on your own constituency and mankind with some kind of transcendent vision go ahead Mark yeah there is no future you’re looking down instead of up and we have to look down sometimes I mean Paul Van der Kley pastor Paul I hope he watches this he has this great I just wish he’d do it in 25 minutes he has this great concept of eyes up eyes down it’s such a good job with it and it’s like yes yes more more more shorter just more concise right you can’t just look up and you can’t just look down right and the age of gnosis is looking down and flattening the world to your point like that’s flattening the world we’re just thinking like material cause we’re collapsing the four causes into one or two maybe two but usually just one right and we’re thinking like oh well this is the answer right the answers the age of gnosis lots of answers all kinds of problems they’ll come up with answers all day long unfortunately the problems aren’t real and the answers don’t work but you know whatever you know and so you you you do you look down you go all right well I know what a country is a country is a geographical area defined by borders right and then what we do either it already has a government and we just call that the country and use government classification to define the borders well they’re already in charge of this okay or we go the other way we put the borders on it and then we name it Ukraine and then we just put you know without any consideration is the culture the same so how do you let me put it this way how do you define England in terms of ethos brother you know I’m in the same waters as you I think that’s a that’s a very deep question that’s a tough question but guess what country you can define in terms of ethos and I think it might be the only one I could be wrong about this I don’t I’m not super expert but no no no no Israel’s got three different three different cultures and groups of people in it because there’s a bunch of there’s a bunch of unpracticing Jews or poorly practicing Jews or something right it’s a big fight in Israel over that and then there and then there’s the Muslims in Israel right so there’s three cultures there just like Ukraine right Ukraine and Israel have one thing in common rockets are being fired from within their borders to within their borders are they country look I’m not I’m not I’m not coming down on one side of the earth I’m saying like that’s kind of strange other countries are firing rockets at the other parts of their country like even France which is a mess and certainly not one place ever was right this north and south and and then there’s Paris but I don’t know what to do with that you know Charlemagne was it was a miracle yes but the US is all ethos okay okay all of it I see something about being American and standing for freedom and you and I don’t have to we probably do but we don’t have to define freedom the same way like I can fight for your freedom that I disagree you should have just on the basis of that gives me a freedom that I want to have like that’s the first and second amendment argument people make this argument all the time they go I don’t think you should have guns but I have free speech so I’ll fight for your right for guns people make that argument all the time it’s fascinating to me I’m like that’s a little weird I mean it’s correct right but in a gnosis frame in the age of gnosis frame it’s wrong it’s like what do you mean you know you should fight for the thing you want it’s like no dude fighting for freedom and I’m not smart enough to say that the freedom for you to own guns is more or less than the freedom for me to speak that and so so they both support each other I tell you what mark it in a you know some of my darker moments here in these past few years really going down the political path and you know coming out in the meaning crisis and you know finding God and stuff and really giving up on like the construct that is America you in just the last 90 seconds kind of gave me a little the littlest glimmer of hope right there I mean I don’t want to push it too far obviously you know but but if I’m if I’m recapitulate obviously you just stated there’s there’s a specialness of America right that’s what you’re just kind of outlining now I guess this would be it came later I’m trying maybe I’m trying to save face but I would say maybe I would just off is can you can you point at where that also becomes a curse is there a way that that is there a way that that imposes you good oh sure absolutely so let’s suppose and this is just hypothetical Matthew let’s just suppose I love your hypotheticals that you injected a question of identity into the ethos of the population right to what happens well let’s suppose let’s suppose you ran it as a grand experiment maybe by accident maybe on purpose I don’t know I don’t care George Soros and you just injected identity into all of these countries you’re just going to use the colloquial countries that everybody uses countries and so you injected into France okay so you inject the question of identity right the skeptic cynic question of I did I have a video on skeptic skeptical cynicism there’s cynical skepticism however you want to frame it right I have a video on that in Never Getting Patched watch that video it’s great if you did that and you just cause people to attend to that to point to that I am a Gilchrist and Peterson agree right attention the world is attention that they agree right they said a little bit differently but they said the same thing right what would happen in each of those situations might be different because those countries might be different places with different cultures or whatever right they might have a different ethos so in France for example what might happen is you might get the yellow vest right where a bifurcation happens over the ruling class in Paris and the and the working class which is everybody else like actually everybody else there’s more than those groups but that’s where the you know that’s what happens right and then in England you might get a figure rise up like Tommy Robinson right who says look we’re losing our identity right and you might be right I’m not I’m not saying right or wrong I’m just saying this might happen you know hypothetical I’m describing that looks an awful lot like the world but what would happen in the US well that’s a good question so what would happen in the US is it would just manifest differently all over the place because the right way to understand the US is the city state model right because we have all these different states now I’m sure it’s a random coincidence that almost all our states are the size of the sizes of European countries geographically and and and for the most part population wise too by the way with a few exceptions the Midwest is just the Midwest just forget it fly over that section of the US if you will so you’ve got this situation where the identity question is not only going to be looked at differently but it’s going to be reacted to differently and so you might have a big state like California which really should be at least three but probably five different states by the way and they’re going to have different set of problems from say North Carolina which dealt with this with bathrooms recently in the hypothetical Minecraft world but I’m outlining as opposed to a place like South Carolina that was like nah bro we’re not we’re not no we’ve been doing it this way for years we’re not changing like go away right and there might be a reason for that like it might be that the demographics of a place like North Carolina is a big state and I had to drive through it the other day beautiful but huge that might manifest itself in terms of oh well the elite class who run the state who are in the politics who control the politics for whatever reason might try to pass a silly bill that the most of the state just actually doesn’t like right and so you might have a big fight over that right and so what I was going to recapitulate a little bit was just so basically you’re saying and I tend to agree is that it’s going to take on a different character in the different context but what I think the through line there is that there’s going to be a conflict when there is a multitude of ethics or an overlying ethos that kind of unites a culture or a country and then the ruling class for whatever motive or mistaken misguided inserts this very divisive notion of hey let’s get a solution let’s get an answer let’s get a propositional gnosis arrival on what is our identity and boom the flames go up. Right although I would make the argument I can probably defend it but I’m not 100% sure that I can but I’ll make the argument that we don’t have a top down government we have a bottom up government right and actually we’ll say since the beheading of the English king the flip that has happened and I’m going to tie this back to your earlier question the flip that has happened is top down control emanating down upon you from above versus the bottom up control and the way that manifests and so it manifests one way in England and it manifests differently in France and in between those two events it manifests in a mysteriously just weird way in the United States and I give a thesis to that I think it was in my not echoes of the past previous video the English king video I think as to why that would be like what because Pigeot talked about this like somebody asked him what makes the American revolution so different and special and they kind of pulled it off and none of the other revolutions worked by the way at all I think I know why I have a good thesis for why and so when you look at this bottom up versus top down thing what’s going to happen with identity here it’s going to be vastly different because the bottom up is going to you know manifest differently because of the structure of our government is very bottom up by design right but we think of it in terms of well the president is in charge or something which is never the intent and still not true and would be a bad idea let’s stop acting like that’s true right away and so what you get is well and this is wrapped up in identity right what’s the identity of the United States well really it’s the president who’s in charge know that the president’s not in charge you guys isn’t how the government structured at all even a little bit you just misunderstood it right so when the president starts acting that way though now we have a problem now we have a big problem because the government’s not designed for the president to act that way the country’s not prepared for that even if they think that’s what’s happening and so that’s going to cause two levels of divisiveness that have never before been an issue and so like you can look back like people do this all the time they go this is the most vicious presidential election in history and I’m like dude you need to pick up a book one once ever like seriously like oh my god this is so mild like go back to the 1800s holy crap I mean like this is nothing like these guys were insulting each other’s wives it was like his wife was a former prostitute and then with lies and there was violence and then oh yeah and there was violence and oh yeah our elections after 1900s so mild like fleeting I’m a little bit on my edge here but I liked what you just threw at me and I want to kind of try and push it a little bit further for my model here and I’m going to tie back in again with that Machiavelli thing where we evacuated the textured imminent and emergent ontology where the king or the leader the elite was supposed to be answering to a higher power and then serving the population yes and so there should be this dynamical relating to where once we severed that and you get into these more corrupt why the great what did the English call their the glorious revolution goodness I had to get it off and so you see this even in flat land the top down is still corrupt and evil and then so it’s almost like the American version which is so crazy because if you read history and read Plato in the Greeks it was obvious that to invert that and go to democracy is not the answer but yet we were so in the historical story we’re so far away from that and had such a certain construal of that classical notions through an Aristotelian propositionally you know to your eyes view of it that we said oh no we can invert it and we’ll just do the democratic bottom up thing and I think that’s what you’re describing now and you see that that can be an answer to a degree if you have a certain aligned values even that I think it’s still misses because you’re still missing that embodied dynamical relating with something beyond you that is keeping this group this spirit this culture this country aimed at the good navigating towards the good optimally navigating towards the good right right and that’s explicit in the federal’s papers right like they say this experiment the words matter this experiment does not work without God and what they mean by that is everyone’s got to agree to this one thing God in order for this to work and so you can imagine in a hypothetical world again math go all hypothetical you can imagine that if people were no longer engaging in the God thing the experiment might start to break apart and if you flatten the world and make individuals out of everybody or convince people they can try to be individuals even though that’s the most absurd proposition that’s ever been made in the history of the universe things are going to start to break apart and you’re going to have this divisiveness and what’s going to follow from that is tribalism because in a flat world you only have your tribe tribalism is correct in a flat world like it absolutely is in the same way that in an equal world socialism is absolutely correct we don’t live in an equal world like I’m not equal to you I’m sorry you’re not equal to me sorry just the way it is like evolution is true and therefore equality is not you get to pick one you have evolution you have equality you know both evolution would evolution doesn’t make any sense if we’re equal it makes none it doesn’t function none of the theories pan out like everything fails immediately I still believe evolution is true and therefore equality cannot be true like it’s just that simple I don’t know why people make it hard so just let me wrap it up so that pointing at identity for us and pointing at individualism for us because identity and individualism are tied together right well you have an identity an identity what if I take this off and do videos without it because I do now what does that say about identity right that’s going to manifest one way in the US it’s going to manifest completely differently in England which it has again Tommy Robinson and it’s going to manifest completely differently in France everywhere it’s going to manifest differently well I got two kind of thoughts on my mind that one of them is more of a left turn it’s more on your evolution comic I don’t know if we necessarily want to go there but then I also just wanted to offer you I do have a definition of power I think you mentioned earlier on the stream you had a definition of power and I think and the reason I think it’s a little bit relevant here is because we were touching on the authority thing and I think that’s this removal from relating to a higher power and then this kind of taking on the authority but yet the messiness of where does my authority come from now that I’ve severed that and then okay if I don’t have the authority to make these decisions can I can my identity then be authentic right because identity these are all very near coalescing notions I would just say that power is the ability to make happen and then I would say authority for that is the the right to say it need to be done the right to say it need to be done what’s your definition of power power is just time energy and attention directed okay that’s more technical I like that time energy and attention and you direct it or focus it is another way to say it that’s power right and then see that that definition scales right because you can say if a group of you is putting your time energy and attention to this similar thing or similar enough thing and someone’s able to direct it that might be a leader then that has more power than an individual doing the same thing right and this is where people get like oh you know like I was doing this thing and his company came along and put me out of business of course they did they’re bigger than you what do you expect thanks captain obvious I wouldn’t have figured that out by myself that a group of 10 people can oh is that how that works the tyrannical chimp doesn’t win because there’s only one of them you idiot and the thing is a psyop convincing people that a tyrannical single person is like some horrible thing like get two of your friends like I don’t understand the problem like you’re thinking in singles you’re thinking in like there’s me in the world and there’s a tyrannical other it’s like well the world’s a lot bigger than that dude it’s not that flat and then once you realize there are other people that agree with you take the big chimp out like that’s what happens it’s not hard it happens all the time it’s like really it happens in the playground right it’s not the bullies not the I saw this when I was young I don’t know what the hell is going on with me when I was young and I can’t remember a lot of the real young stuff because it’s in the before time right before homeless I saw this group of kids and I think there were maybe five or six of them I forget but they were the bullies right they were the in charge crew or whatever and I was like well there’s Tommy and Tommy he was the guy he was the head alpha male whatever you however you want to whatever doesn’t matter right they’re all valid frames unfortunately they’re all useless but valid frames so but I knew that A he wasn’t going to be the guy forever and that he wasn’t bad he was just spoiled but his number two was like a vicious little weasel and that pattern happens everywhere so if you’ve ever looked into Cuba and the revolution and Che Guevara same pattern Lenin and Stalin Lenin and Stalin same pattern yep good call didn’t even think of that one didn’t think of that one myself thanks Matthew appreciate it yeah that pattern is everywhere because there’s always a strong man who’s vicious and you need that guy like you know like you need him you need those viciousness skills and just again kind of you know I’m running on my edge here but but my intuition is like you can almost anyone can kind of stumble into into you know a bad situation a poor decision but for someone to lurk and to intentionally take advantage of that it’s like that’s kind of what the Stalin was doing right it’s like Lenin you know maybe had some ideal I mean I you know again I’m like very much on my edge but trying to kind of map the pattern here is a I could see that I could see that kind of like you know you have an idealistic thing and you and you stumble into an atrocity but the dude that’s waiting in the wings look the fuck out like he’s why is he why has he been waiting in the wings for this Lenin Lenin Lenin warned everybody Lenin said yes yes yes yes don’t let Stalin get in charge he’s a little weasel bastard that’s right I forgot yeah and yeah like Lazarus you’re not in the same universe at that point buddy powder puffs the the traitor is George Bush traitorous to his Republican cause and Cheney I mean come on Cheney’s such a harmless little creature it’s harmless little butterfly of God there for sure like Stalin just killed a bunch of people flat out and everybody knew it and he didn’t care good I’m glad you know that I was responsible and that’s why he was able to take over but the other thing the problem that I have with Stalin it’s a it’s a lot of research to reproduce like I I learned all this again in the before times you know when I was going to libraries and looking stuff up you know contemporary texts because that’s how you do real history look up contemporary texts Stalin is a freaking genius Hitler genius those two guys were way smarter than anybody else alive at the time no really they were actually really bright they knew what they were doing and then that’s actually why like Stalin never got over the fact that Hitler betrayed him and attacked Russia early and and the all the indications that I can find it who knows what else we’ll find but all the indications I can find is Hitler had no choice he’s out of resources and Russia had the resources so he just had to do it at that time what you’d argue whether or not he would have done it whatever doesn’t matter but you had to do it at that time because of resources or at least he thought that was the case that seems to be true but those two guys were like this because they saw the same thing they’re like hey look at these idiot intellectual class that actually lead people and the intellectual class is almost always the authority they’re not the only authority although that’s where the problem is right we lose the monasteries we lose a bunch of authority we also lose the ability to make authority at least religious authority that’s bad collapse of the monasteries I should I should actually do a treaty on that because like collapse of the monasteries is like apocalypse it gets and it’s still unfolding obviously right it’s but it’s a huge apocalypse the size of which you cannot appreciate I’m sure I can’t appreciate it yet it’s just the more you dig the deeper it goes when you but when you lose that that authority structure right you get the intelligentsia as the authority but that’s a diagnosis that’s knowledge is propositions being the authority like oh listen to the experts it’s like and I’ve said this many times but do not ever listen to an expert period the only the only person who should listen to an expert is a leader who’s going to decide when to listen to the expert what to listen to the expert about and what to do about it right experts should not even be making prognostications well and because because any every situation will have a context that that entails a trade off of experts but but but aside from that it’s the it’s the nasim talab skin in the game problem the leader is the guy who takes responsibility for listening to the expert so that you don’t have to and and and this is where I think I might depart with Jonathan Peugeot I think scapegoat is necessary that’s what the leader is the leaders the scapegoat for better for worse and some leaders aren’t going to be scapegoats because they’re not going to screw up enough to warrant it but other leaders are not going to get that lucky and and I and I would and and I think I tend to agree there for at least what you put down there but I would say yeah I don’t I don’t know if it’s so Matthew let me just let me flesh this out a little bit more I don’t think I did a good job so Hitler and Stalin see the intelligentsia as the authority that’s moving the world in some sense right they’re moving the rabble you need someone to move the rabble that’s what you need right in order to do anything you you you got to get the public to go along with you somehow so they they’re smart they manipulate the intelligentsia using that you want Psyop there’s the two Psyop guys right there for real for real we’re getting you can’t even appreciate Hitler genius beyond measure beyond measure he goes we see where this leads we know that this socialism idea is retarded and can’t work we know the shell game they’re playing they’re saying everyone’s equal and no one needs to own anything that’s obviously stupid and wrong like of course somebody needs to own it because somebody needs to take responsibility for it because things require maintenance now you don’t have to do the maintenance but you have to be responsible for making sure the maintenance gets done that’s the leader it’s always the leader okay so you take the authority welcome welcome Jesse you’re echoing badly there we go anyway so you take you take the authority and you manipulate them into saying oh absolutely this retarded idea you have of equality where no one owns anything and everything just gets mystically distributed from the government and you don’t define the government at all because the socialists can’t define government they can’t can’t afford to because the minute you name the government and actually say what its structure is is the minute people will realize wait a minute I’m not there well therefore it’s not equal if you’re not in the government but there is a government of a certain structure then the whole lie of socialism vanishes bang immediately because you’re not equal but the trick is they don’t tell you that part you assume that you’re going to be in the government all the socialists that I knew early on when I when I was homeless they all participated in ren fairs and if you’ve been to a Renaissance fair or ren fair they’re they’re they’re they’re all I highly recommend them I love them fairs they’re great I’m in the one in a few years unfortunately but I gotta get back to it hold on let me let me let me make this quick point and then and then you can and then you can but I just want to finish this one story because it’s good in the Renaissance fair everyone’s a nobleman almost there’s a few rebels in the Renaissance fair everyone assumes that they’re going to be living out the medieval life as a nobleman all of them they’re all that arrogant and they’re all socialists and that’s not a coincidence that is a perennial pattern go ahead Matt yeah no I I I agreed I agree with most what you said there I think one of the bigger problems with us though is for the scapegoat notion is I mean this is obvious that it’s just beaten our rhetoric is we there’s no way of holding our elites accountable we whatever system we have implemented at least for my lifetime those people don’t they’re not accountable to anything in fact they all get rich no matter what they do that’s not the problem Matthew that’s not the problem at all it’s easy to hold the elites accountable the problem is we’re not holding anybody we’re not holding destiny accountable like I’m telling you I think I’m not sure I’d have to go through the talk again more extensively so I don’t want to overreach because I try very hard not to do that again the trick is I only talk about things I’m sure of and then I seem like I’m smart it’s a trick imagine right I think every fact that destiny put in front of Peterson is actually incorrect like I said every single one of them is just flat out false and no one pushes back if we can’t push back on the retarded gamer kid because he is bring it I’d love to have him here I’d slaughter him in four seconds glorious I just can’t wait this is why I shouldn’t do it don’t take me up on my offer but if you care to I will be so happy for like that’s the problem we can’t push back on him he’s a derelict gamer who’s divorced because he had an open marriage and he lost his alpha guy fight and he’s got millions of kids that subbed him and paid a million it’s such a shit show dude it’s no bueno man how you doing Jesse? I’m good nice to meet you so we sometimes destiny is a Psyop by the CIA I’m for real I’m not joking I mentioned him in the monologue in terms of Psyop I mean the Psyop is what he does you lay the pillars and they’re all wrong you lay the pillars and then you build the dock out over the water and then what happens the other guy is like waiting I can destroy all those pillars and then he comes in and destroys all the pillars every single one and you know what happens the dock doesn’t fall and no one gets off the dock and no one falls into the water what happens is all the people that listen to destiny go aha I have this wonderful dock and you did nothing to it and all the people that already agreed with whoever’s interlocutor is go aha we destroyed all your pillars and now you can’t be there you must fall into the water and no one falls into the water and nothing changes and it’s like not a debate and it’s not whatever it’s just a terrible conversation between two people who didn’t move and whose audience is dug in and this is why conversation won’t save the world conversation but man I just want to give you your flowers here for a second that’s navigating patterns right there I say we don’t hold our leaders accountable and I meant that I’ve thought about that and you just say boom no we don’t hold anybody accountable we don’t hold it it’s like yeah man you got to work up the ladder right you got to be able to hold yourself accountable you have to be able to hold the freaking Australians like Jessie accountable I mean Australia accountability come on you got to be able to hold the freaking Americans accountable what are you doing to your country guys like really like why are you letting this happen you got to be able to hold these other people accountable right and you see this you see this false accountability so people go after Peterson that doesn’t work because he’s just impervious to anything for whatever reason I know why but whatever I’m never going to tell anybody ever you know and then what happens they go after Huberman they go after Rogan they go after they go after anybody they go after right right Brand they go after Russell Brand they go after right they go after why are they going after these guys why first of all why go after Huberman and let me be unbelievably clear I don’t like him not as a person he’s a fine person I think his podcasts are terrible I mean that’s some interesting people so I’ve listened to some of them and they’re quite good but like this guy he ain’t got no contributions man like and I have a great deal he’s doing things his life nobody should change your mind about Huberman based on the fact that I just don’t like him please do not change your mind like don’t follow me down that path I have my reasons and I think they’re valid reasons but they’re mine like don’t but but why are you going after him he’s helping people well that’s weird why they go after Peterson he’s helping people why are you going after Rogan he’s helping hold on I see a pattern let’s navigate this why are they going after people who are helping people let me ask you a question see this is this is the problem nobody ever asked these stupid questions because I’m dyslexic I go backwards on everything everything why what kind of a person would go after the kind of a person that is helping people yeah you’re a philosopher you’re not just a student what does that say about that person that’s the question to ask and people always go like well I step outside of the box and I do critical thinking and I know you don’t because that’s the first question you would ask what kind of a person goes after the type of person that is helping people like Peterson is obvious right so the guy aside from being one of you know in the top 1% of published scientists just flat off and never mentions it by the way he never mentions it I don’t know why I think it’s good he never mentions it but always either one or two of most life changing class or professor always at Harvard at UFT why are you going after that guy all these people who have direct experience with him in the classroom go this is the guy of all the professors I had this is the guy so there’s two you know top tier social ways that Peterson is right and then you get all these people emulating him or maybe criticizing him pastor Paul right maybe inappropriately publicly by the way whatever I’m still cool but you know what what why are you attacking him why are you denying him New York Times best seller status and then lying about it overtly oh well we don’t we don’t we don’t put Canadian books in best seller lists and of course he finds out they do and you guys just why are you doing this what does that say about you right how do you know the bad guys by what they know them by their fruits that’s written down somewhere in some old book I’m sure right like what does that say about those people and that’s the correct way to do quote what they call critical I don’t think it’s critical thinking what they call critical thinking I have a video on that obviously on navigating patterns that’s the correct way to do it is to not not engage only at the level of what’s happening here and now always asking you attacking Peterson right because all that is is either you get defensive mode with Peterson you jump on board with the bad guys that’s what people tend to do but what I do is I go wait a minute why is this happening why is the person asking this question I don’t understand like what is the point and purpose I think that’s the mark of a philosopher’s mind is to ask the why and then also to push the premise to the furthest extent I think that’s the two the two things I’ve done my whole life and why I think I’ve you know 34 years old landed in this little part of the internet or whatever and has been obsessed with philosophy because I do those two things and I’ve done them my whole life is I always ask I always ask like you said I always push the question to the frame beyond the frame that is presented and then also you got to also take it all the way to the furthest extent you got it you got it you got to really if you’re going to take a notion you got to take the notion all the way because that’s what philosophy is yeah I don’t necessarily disagree although I don’t like the term philosophy let me just address this real quick because I’ve been I’ve been negligent I apologize a randu government has nothing except when it takes away from the people and can give nothing to the people it takes away less the cost of taking and retribution okay that’s all wrong by the way government is inevitable right is the statement that structure needs to be created so that people can cooperate that’s what that’s what government is like you have to cooperate hopefully culturally that’s the best form of government that matches culture but you can get around that like the way the US did it not the only US but France under the king had this system too by the way although it had a king the way to get around this is to say all right well each area has representation and there’s a roll up representation layer in the US that’s the federal government is the roll up representation layer but they have very little power the president makes proclamations all the time you know nothing about because they never affect your life sometimes they do but infrequently and in weird ways and then it falls that as government takes and redistributes the people have less than they would have had otherwise no they won’t have anything because this is the socialism trick something has to do the redistribution we just happen to call that government so you can’t not government that’s not an option the thing we call government is the thing that takes responsibility for and enables the redistribution you can wind all along that redistribution is unfair that’s fine it’s always going to be unfair to someone somewhere because the world is asymmetrical and we’re not equal and it should be unfair sorry is Mark saying some people should starve to death yes actually I am if you coke yourself out on cocaine and starve to death I ain’t going to shed a tear and I ain’t going to try to help you sorry I’m not saying no one should I’m saying I’m asserting my right not to be dragged down with drug addicts this comes up for me occasionally I apologize it’s very emotional for sure but also was always like that I have relatives right I was like yeah no I ain’t helping you I ain’t helping you because you’re a drug addict and until you not be a drug addict I ain’t going to help you because I don’t need to be dragged down with you and it’s not like I never help them at all for anything right but like you’ve got to have a line there you got to draw a boundary and say look I’ll do this and that’s it or this is the last time or whatever you have to do that otherwise you’ll get dragged down with them right lowest common denominator is a thing that’s the only way socialism can work drag everybody down to lowest common denominator that’s also the only way no government can work is that everybody’s poor because you can’t trade because trades not safe without a government but you also just you also and this is why you tickle you’re so enigmatic markets is hilarious you tickle me pee two minutes ago you said you don’t like the word philosophy and then you totally interrogate the notion of how socialism is an is an is impossible because there cannot be no government it’s just it’s hilarious that’s exactly right it’s exactly right there’s always going to be an entity that is doing that redistribution thus there is no equity anyways that’s I just I just find that so funny I would love to hear your philosophical take on why you don’t like the term philosophy I would love that I can I can go into that let me do two or three things first thing Sally Jo I’m okay with it the destiny battle yeah I know you are Sally I just this is a Claire Khan moment for me right just like no one should be that happy about the amount of destruction you’re going to to bring down upon the interlocutor total summary destiny is a CIA plan no it’s worse destiny might as well be the CIA plan right right that’s why is everywhere because from any rational perspective a guy like this and he has to be a CIA plan like he has to be paid by the CIA to Pied Piper all his little gamer buddies into believing the ridiculous garbage that the anti factual nut job stuff dude dude I I can just ask the freaking thing it’ll give me the fucking answer to that question I’m not going to do that I’m not going to do that dude dude I I can just ask the freaking thing it’ll give me the fact that all his facts are wrong it really will and the gamers all have access to this because they’re gamers they’re online so I know they have Google they just don’t ever do the research they never look it up I mean they like they might look something up that confirms their suspicion but they never actually do the research and and you know I think I think you just spoke to the to the to the to the the the level of of of low intelligence of his constituency right if you have this super online constituency and they’re not fact checking it’s not intelligence it’s not they’re very smart people to see this is this is what Peterson was enchanted by destiny clearly very intelligent right it’s just it all the it’s it’s this it’s a computer principle garbage in garbage out if I feed you bad facts and your IQ is a hundred and eighty you’ll be a bad person and you’ll say bad things very intelligently like but like it’s still bad like it’s still wrong and it can still be used for evil and that’s what that’s Hitler and Stalin they’re like okay we need the intelligence is stupid information and let them believe the thing they want to believe anyway because they’re retarded because they were then they’ll lead the people into the inevitable conclusion that we need to be dictators okay remember they think Hitler was merely the chancellor and then the people like voted him in dictator for life they voted him voted democracy voted him in dictates control that didn’t happen he could voted dictator because he was so good so so but this is why we have to have conversations put it on my tombstone so let me reformulate then because you know this is we’re wrestling here so then what my question would be the philosopher in me the question would be then what is what is going on what is the mechanism what is the what is the feature what is the the what is the scenario that that constituency is able to be you know a bamboozle you know be able to be you know yeah I went over this I went over this in the monologue right like you you’re missing certain things right so there’s certain components I don’t want to I don’t want to make a statement about how many which one what extent right and I don’t want you to redo the monologue that’s my yeah I’m not well I’m not gonna that’s for sure I can’t because the monologue is a you know whatever I’m receiving let me put it down whatever flow I get into we’ll go go McGill Chris’s idea of flow it’s better than vervecky’s or chicks at my highs the age of gnosis right so knowledge is the highest value knowledge is defined as propositions the intimacy crisis right well we’re not connecting correctly anymore right the quality of relationships not being considered that’s intimacy crisis right and lack of grounding okay and then you can add a fourth to that but I’m just gonna go with three the lack of grounding right maybe any one of those but certainly all three which we definitely have pretty much worldwide is gonna lead you into a condition where you can’t look up the world has to be flat and so you’re gonna be led by whatever enchantment comes along I know I have to do a video it’s on the bullshit charlatans well right but Sam Harris he taught he taught he’s got a very soothing voice that’s type of enchantment number one right total and he he’s got a rhythm to how he speaks that’s not total enchantment but it’s a second type of enchantment right he tells a really good story like man everything he says kind of fits together right even when he’s just like he just makes these statements I’m like that’s just wrong dude like I don’t even like how did you say that like I don’t and you know but he but he puts it together and with the other two it sounds like it fits I happen to be immune to most forms of enchantment so it doesn’t work on me lucky me sometimes on the other hand I have to watch everybody train wreck and go oh why are you train wrecking it’s a curse not a gift right so he and he’s intelligent so you can pull more facts out and he can keep going like he can counter whatever is coming at him some of these enchanters can’t do that right like like the Ken Wilber types they can’t do that if you question them they they can’t give a good answer Sam Harris can give a good coherent answer to any question of his system right he’s not but he can do it that last trigonometry episode yeah that last trigonometry episode was pretty a lot of bad misleading self-referential loops in there that for sure people never catch self-referential loops like the number of people say we’ll say on the verveky server who followed verveky who are like oh yeah they’re really real and I’m like did you not understand what he said he said the really real like do you not know that that cannot make any sense ever like there’s no context in which the sentence though really real right or that sentence fragment can be made meaningful at all he didn’t say anything it’s a self-reference it cannot convey information data or anything it sounds pretty though like it does it’s got that rhythmical the really real so in this case he’s appealing to his own emotions to reason out why you should believe his emotions are more true than your emotions it’s like I don’t know we could bodies you know I don’t care if we I don’t care if we find dead bodies my emotions so superior to yours and I’m the smart person in the room so listen to my well to be fair Sam Harris is not even that sophisticated about it right like he he it’s a highest value I have a video on that right yeah I failed over a thousand views by the way so watch that one he he just has a highest value he believes the church of his highest value the educational to the college system has been violated even though that didn’t even happen which is even fun like his basic facts are wrong again Sam Harris is real good for just getting everything wrong right and Trump University collapsed my understanding is everybody got repaid do you know how many colleges rip people off all the time and collapse you think Trump is guilt oh my good let me tell you teaching the college system like working behind the scenes I talked to some people in that industry what a scam the smaller colleges in particular smaller small private colleges oh my god these people knew exactly what they were doing they were ripping people off and they were going out of business and they weren’t giving any money back Trump made sure everybody get their money back like of all the bad and he didn’t know anything about it like he didn’t go into it with the intent to rip anybody off clearly he paid the money back which just came out of his pocket like he didn’t make any money on the Trump University he lost money on that deal like why is he the bad guy he lost money I don’t understand like what are you doing what are you saying right so like of all the things to pick like you corrupted my church buddy you got real problems in the church of college that you need to work out but like what’s more important than your church like well obviously Jesse it’s not dead babies in a basement even if we know whose basement it is and we can do an investigation it can’t be that it’s got to be whoever corrupted the church of college that’s the way obviously that’s the highest value the highest values knowledge and the church’s college and that goes right into this very new age thing of like evil is ignorance right if the highest value is knowledge then then then to be ignorant of that knowledge is evil I just want to throw in one other thing up because that trigonometry interview did kind of go viral big but he actually just this week did one with Alex O’Connor and Alex O’Connor roughed him up like I because I’m I mean cards on the table you know four or five years ago I was still very very still close and kind of you I mean I can looking back I can see what it was I was still kind of participating in the political game and he would I would identify with that and then as that as that worldview faded away from me and I realized the futility in that stuff I also realized it’s like okay I don’t care about those shibboleths anymore and I could just see you know how he uses consciousness as a magic word how he uses emergence as a magic word but anyways my point with that was just if you are interested in in him actually getting wrestled with Alex O’Connor I think it’s the best one to date and by the way Alex O’Connor isn’t some like full blown cards on the table you know theologian or anything he’s more of a you know modern you know new age philosopher who’s just kind of getting is cosmic skeptic is that his thing? yes you nailed it you nailed it yeah and so he basically what he’s doing is he’s having conversations in a more holistic and good faith stance with more religious thinkers like that and so that on its face is just like Sam is just not being able to play in that realm and boy I’m telling you what Alex really he really turned up I mean it’s not like a home run anything he’s like he got didn’t ruin his career there wasn’t anything like that but you could just tell like Sam’s normal little jujitsu moves and Matt is Alex wasn’t putting up a fight with any of it Alex would just keep on putting putting the thumb the thumb in the eye you know just keep on putting putting the pressure on so if you are interested in that I would definitely recommend that yeah it was a strange week for the new atheist sign up of the 2000s with Dawkins also coming out and saying oh you know this Christianity thing may not be too bad after all actually I do I do like my Christmas so I do like my Christmas and I do like my Christmas and I do like my Christmas and I do like my churches and you know in quaint English towns so hmm maybe we should put back cultural Christianity it’s like wow you killed it well and that’s a fun and it’s also it’s also a fundamental misunderstanding of just again I mean he knows what he’s thinking he’s trying to he’s trying to repent in the most lame factitious way possible rather than actually owning up to the work that he caused he kind of tries to slyly proposition his goal when your whole identity and career has been built on that you can understand why he’s hesitant right it’s if he if he if he your life your life’s work just got you know folded as well I don’t know if it’s his last work though I think that’s actually that’s the misdirection his last work is around the meme around memes and biology I think the whole which has was the misdirection from that sort of that’s yeah that’s my that’s a good point that’s a good point and I would also say in the proper right with a theological religious worldview right like the I mean he’s going to but like the meta-memetic of like you know optimally navigating perennial patterns like that’s that’s religions right that’s how religions are dealing so I mean you can you can take Dawkins and actually it still holds water but I would say I guess let me refine his point that would be you know his main public sticking points you know kind of what he made his bread on in the public sphere of really being a combatant of that that would you know kind of fall to the side and I think that’s still accurate there was one other point I wanted to make with Sam I got I got lost a little bit I guess I guess just yeah I guess I just wanted to comment on how how disappointed and how just bamboozled I was by that like I mean I think I think Mark nails it on the self referential I think I think Alex O’Connor really nailed it like this was the first conversation that someone really tightened the screws on him I think again like I said Mark was gone a second ago but like the way he just bandies you know the these magic words that all the science use of you know this consciousness thing is like no idea what that is we have such a little idea and but that’s his staple you know you talk about his religion like that that’s one of his sacred things right is you know conscious we want to preserve consciousness and then and you can tie that also with emergence right they all worship emergence bottom up so it’s like if you had if you had real sophisticated it’s my thing is you know as the John Ravagy nerd again you know cars on the table that’s what I want to see have a discussion with I think John Ravagy would I think it would be I think I think Sam Harris would be very uncomfortable with the conversation that John Ravagy would maneuver maneuver him towards yeah I accept John might be too nice to him and that’s a problem I’m like why are you being nice to this guy he’s a jerk like he’s just a jerk I don’t even know what to tell ya in nonsensical in nonsensical it’s like if you’re gonna have a discussion to try and make sense well but let’s see this is it here’s a pattern people often go like well somebody you know said so and so you said such and whatever and it’s like okay but that doesn’t make any sense and they’re like yeah but they were trying to make a point and I’m like wait that’s a bold assertion some people are just talking to fill space that’s very common they don’t have a point and sometimes people say perfectly coherent things with no point like somebody might tell so I could tell you something right I could tell you like so I was I was up in New England at my aunt’s house and she was having a water flow problem and I went out to look at the French drains what was the point of me telling I didn’t have a point I was trying to fill space and make and make a point that you can say things without it and I’m not saying that’s bad right like like and this is a deep difference to say between men and women women are more prone to talking to think and when you’re talking to think you don’t have a point you’re in exploration mode and this is so this is one of my deep disappointments with the with the Peters and McGill Chris talk is they’re still in the flat binary world and they don’t understand exploration is the thing and so they’re not talking about it I’m like guys you’re missing the most important piece the third piece which is exploration where you don’t have a goal right you don’t have a goal you’re just kind of looking around in case there’s something cool there right like maybe there’s a burning bush I mean it could happen once allegedly right at least once right or or or maybe there’s a maybe there’s gold like in your backyard I don’t know right or or maybe there’s a way to engage with and find meaning somewhere although I disagree fundamentally with finding meaning or making meanings a better way to put it right I don’t know but that’s a different mode from goal oriented or say not goal oriented even right like that’s just a different mode and and the one thing that struck me and maybe this is an experiment for the listeners and viewers listen to the Peters and McGill Chris conversation and go find all the ways in which they’re one word away or one connection one inference away those are three different things to look for by the way just to be clear I used three different words on purpose from the model in my knowledge engine video because they are I’m like oh my goodness like how do you not see this it’s all you’ve got all the pieces can’t you put them together you know but that idea of exploration which is very human to your point like that’s you know everybody talks about the hero that goes off to get the golden fleece do you think that exploration isn’t the draw listen to the heroes like pay really close attention to the hero stories they’re told they can’t do it they’re told they’re not going to make it it’s not so much goal oriented as it is challenge oriented and a challenge is an exploration because you don’t know if you can do it right in fact you probably think you can’t and that’s why you need to push yourself and it’s also it’s I think you’re highlighting the standing on the order in chaos right because you know you’re about to you know you have your stance and your abilities so there’s some of an order but you also know that you’re going to enter into an ambiguous realm to an uncertain area or domain and so it’s like this it’s almost exploration is like you said it’s kind of standing it’s that JP wisdom standing on the border between order and chaos at least that’s kind of how I’m taking it which no that’s that’s it and that’s why I don’t understand why he doesn’t get that play what it’s play plays not entirely goal oriented I mean McGill Christian talked about that I’m like all right there’s play that is goal oriented and there’s play that’s not goal oriented what’s that called that’s exploration mark you’re making me hungry I haven’t eaten dinner so I might have to clock out here soon well eat dinner I don’t want to I don’t want you to starve to death we need we need you alright buddy well it’s been good it was nice to meet you Jesse and you know you know I always jump on everyone smile so God bless guys see you Matthew okay Jesse what you got what you got come on hit me well we already did feminism is a sigh of sorry let’s let’s look at the list oh wait wait you see father Eric’s video that we’re going to be doing I’m going to do it with Adam and you’re going to love that yes I did like the point that averages are a sigh of there are no averages defining the average yeah I particularly liked your comfort line oh yeah yeah the subtitle of this was description explanation prediction right those are the three buckets that people miss and that’s part of the enchantment talk so a lot of this the 19 things I do and these live streams most of which either fail or go over people’s heads which is totally fine I get it is to figure out if people can grasp that because that differentiation is key to understanding enchantment yeah well the nature of psyops are kind of I think right one maybe we’ve I did skip ahead and I need to watch the monologue is that psyche is also another word for spirit right we’re trying to you know we’re trying to enact something resonance or a flow or a movement we’re trying to shift some aspect in the world whether it’s physical, spiritual, mental, psychological, political even narratively these when people participate in a collective identity or collective movement trying to make some sort of effect happen in the world there will be an essence to that often the problem is there’s always you know plans within plans or there’s multiple things happening and well you can’t I mean yeah you can’t do one thing people think you can do one thing it’s like now you can’t and science gives you that promise but science is lying to you and you’ll notice also that science flattens psyche in psychology through a material thing science it deliberately overtly hijacks psyche as spirit and turns it into a scientific thing which it can’t be right and then operates on it or dissects it that’s killing it by the way because that’s the same thing you have to kill things to dissect them and never looks back right and then what happens so what happens let’s just say Freud and Jung do this because they certainly do right what happens is they go they define something they call it consciousness and then they have to they have to they have to say they have to say but most of our activity happens unconsciously or subconscious same thing by the way one’s Freud one’s Jung they’re talking about exact same thing so what you’re saying is the science only works on less than half of or maybe 4% or 5% or 10% of us because psychology is all about consciousness not that it doesn’t mention unconscious it doesn’t really talk about what you can do about it that gets into the woo instantly right because there’s hypnosis and then there’s auto hypnosis and then there’s meditation and these are all unconscious psychological manipulations we’ll say so they’re not psyops but they’re in the realm of psyops because psychology but again psychology is supposed to be in the spirit it’s not supposed to be a science where you individualistically divide a person up into qualities or properties that sound scientific that doesn’t make any sense right well cognitive behavioral therapy would make sense either because the repetition the pattern okay we’re going to try and get you closer to the door closer to the door now you’re in the elevator let’s go off to one level that’s a Peterson narrative about CBT that’s got nothing to do with what’s happening in your head they’re embodied practices and beliefs essential essences that you have to confront and you know go through a spiritual transformation pattern that’s got nothing to do with brain waves in that sort of psychology sense it’s an it’s an it’s an unintentional I think unintentional admission that psychology as this manipulation or interaction with these concepts these psychological concepts is the wrong answer and the right answer is embodied participation right and and that’s justified in the psychological research right which is oh who is it that he always quotes now I can’t remember the childhood development guy right but he starts with you know no no no no no no no no the old guy who is explicitly religious in his in his thinking but no no before Carl Rogers or maybe just after yeah the childhood it’s like the childhood development guy one of them there’s a bunch of them but yeah the point is that like the development the embodied participation moves the psychology not the other way around right like in other words you can you can Psy Ops somebody and I’ve seen this done I you know I’m not going to say I’ve done it because that would be an admission I have seen this done right you can you can tell somebody things and some number of people will react to those things and do what you expect right but it’s usually a vanishingly small number and it usually doesn’t end up with what you want right because you can’t do one thing in the world like anytime you move one piece on the chessboard of life there’s strings attached to all kinds of things you don’t see or know about right because of the problem of attention right and that’s the other thing that McGill, Christ and Peterson were missing which I found surprising is they don’t understand the concept of awareness and I was like oh man you’re making a really flat model without awareness buddy you need a place for the attention to go I think the biggest thing people will bet is probably the lotto right so there’s this common myth oh the lotto numbers going up we’re at a hundred million dollars therefore there’s more chances for me to win right but that doesn’t work on everybody doesn’t work on everybody but it is a common myth or psychology, psyops narrative a cultural narrative about participating in an event and if the numbers are higher therefore I will be luckier or I’ll have some sense of blessing or use whatever language is comfortable to you but there’s a sense of initiation in the process and I’ll benefit from it because there’s more… It’s an expectation based psyop, yeah lotteries are a psyop, Matthew’s correct it’s I was like where does Matthew when I need him? He’s there, he’s there, good job buddy yeah I mean I think, oh Sanjur came up with the same answer but I didn’t see it Yeah, I mean I mean that’s the problem is that the lottery is an effective psyop but here’s the interesting thing, psyops like the lottery don’t work at least they don’t work in the same way at a smaller scale or at a larger scale right so they only work at scale size whatever it is I don’t know what it is we could probably kind of measure it maybe that’s it So that’s the problem is that people don’t recognize that like yeah there are certain sort of patterns that work on certain size populations because of statistics roughly speaking not really but like it maps to statistics quite well this is why economists get the feeling that they’re and this is something I mentioned in the monologue right like you could use psychology or economics they’re actually equally valuable frames which is to say not valuable at all in explaining behavior right and then right and then the economists kind of stray into the psychology and the psychology strays into the economics right you get like free economics you haven’t read the free economics books read all the free economics books that will change your mode of understanding the world for sure unless you’re low reading comprehension but they’re pretty easy to read so it should be okay because then you start to realize oh there’s all of this way in which money manipulates the situation in an indirect fashion that’s unexpected or it has the opposite effect goes to the first book I think it’s the first story right they start charging for daycare for people picking up their kids at daycare late and what do they get more people picking up their kids late of course they do and if you don’t understand why then you don’t understand like you are you’ve been PsyOpt into believing you know way more about human behavior than you actually do right because it’s based on cooperation not on opposition that’s the other thing I’ve been hearing a lot of opposition language lately we got to stop that language man we just got to stop using that word these things are not in opposition you’re lying you’re just making it up things are not in opposition we’re a cooperative species and not everything is cooperative yes but most things are not in opposition like stop stop it you’re making it worse stop pointing at opposition please well that was enhanced by that the new the atheist narrative from the 2000s was a very oppositional narrative science has to be framed in opposition it doesn’t have a choice it doesn’t there’s no other option it has to divide stuff up to reduce the number of free variables in the system so that it can make accurate precise predictions it’s not that hard I’m not saying anything bad like I’m just saying like that’s what it does it has its utility but also it can’t be applied to most things and none of the most important things zero of those right you can apply it to figure out how a plane flies did the Wright brothers do the math on I was at Kitty Hawk they did not they did do a lot of engineering on control systems no one was doing the math on lift no one it didn’t happen first we flew the plane then we figured out how it works that’s proper science science is based on observation that’s why I said this earlier right it was easy to know that the fake news virus scam was a scam full of fake news because it was a virus there’s a virus every year guys I hate to break it there’s more than one actually I think there’s always a flu and cold and almost always something else right always always right absolutely but you can’t sit there and say new and novel and follow the science if it’s new and novel you don’t have any observations if you don’t have any observations you don’t have any science it’s really that easy I hate to say it I hate to point it out because very smart people get upset that they got fooled but you know what you’re subject to bias like everybody else I don’t care if you’re stupid IQ is if that’s even a valid measure of intelligence and I agree and I know why if you are going to measure intelligence it is something to use but the measurement in the first place is the problem he doesn’t no no he doesn’t agree he says it doesn’t measure intelligence it measures stupidity and then he says but lots of things do that well no because technically like it’s funny like if you actually just do the math and I’m a math idiot but even I can do this math it’s not that hard if you start to map it you realize on a you can map it on a with a cloud chart with a statistical cloud chart you start to realize it maps really well below a hundred I think it’s just below a hundred maybe it’s below a hundred and ten something like that that’s a really consistent cloud map that tells you something about people’s abilities but you know what happens when it gets above the average that property goes away in the numbers it just vanishes in other words the consistency of the measure goes away so it doesn’t measure how intelligent you are in relation to another person for example but it does measure how dumb you are in relation to another person really well it’s like okay but then you’re not measuring intelligence you’re measuring stupidity and we’re back to averages and we’re back to average well it might be partly due to the limitation on average one of the problems that I found 15 years ago at least now is that everyone’s using the Gaussian curve and look the Gaussian curve is very useful for certain things especially in computer science if you’re mapping computers and computer activities in regular known blocks Gaussian curves fine doesn’t make any difference but anything in nature maps to a couchy curve which is where the Pareto distribution comes in and like nobody knows this I get that Taleb knows this by the way we’re back to the Enlightenment crushing down the existence and spirits into material objects or into matter or composition because people don’t realize where Gauss got his curve from right he ginned up a distribution and then fit things to it and like I did the research at least 15 years it was way before I think it was maybe Taleb’s first book was out but I hadn’t read it which is Fooled by Randomness which is I still like that book the best just because you know learning that you’re fooled by randomness is really important you want a Psyop? Fooled by Randomness will disavow you of all your Psyops immediately because it talks about how you get fooled by statistics fool yourself with them but the thing is like once you realize that the Gaussian curve is an arbitrary idealistic measure that people match things to and then you look at well how do things occur we’ll say outside of computers outside of a regular formula in nature and then you discover the couchy curve which was already obviously it’s called the couchy curve he already discovered it right oh it maps to the couchy curve so couchy curve maps to reality and the Gaussian curve is something you map things to those are opposite and asymmetrical relationships and then it’s like oh and like one is drawn out the other is imposed upon or put in right right well that’s a way to think of it right well one is an identification against one is identification for yeah yeah I mean in biblical terms in exegesis we would say there’s exegesis drawing meaning out of the text and isogesis putting meaning into the text right which one’s correct exegesis out of the text you’re going to impose upon it right so that’s the way that most literature should be read but you know and that’s the way most things should happen in the world imposing upon it you’re going to like you said create the Gaussian like a frame right yeah yeah yeah you’re going to have an arbitrary frame yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah This is your하면서 right here today is that a good Superpsychció NDog much? An Di apparatus question, the other things that happen with them. And when it comes to relationships, Becoming I was gonna say This is a 그러� hm. I mean, I’m playing with Psyop lots of different ways, obviously. But yeah, I mean, people fool you into thinking you’re good enough to be a podcaster, and then all you do is ruin the world with your stupid podcast. That can happen. I hope I’m not doing that here, but I have good reason to believe I’m not. Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I am now advertiser monetized on YouTube. So thank you, everybody. And I have been doing this for a long time. I’m up like two dollars and thirty nine cents. So we’re getting there. That’ll get you a Coke and a smile. Exactly. I’ll take it. I had really, really nothing I had. I didn’t want to do when I go there. I was going to talk about certain battle in the other side of the world that’s happening that people that may or may not be a Psyop. Anyway, I’m not going to go there. Well, no, I mean, I mean, the problem is there are psychological operations. It’s just that most people are incompetent, can’t pull them off. And so, yeah, this hilarious, not hilarious, but coincidental that you bring this up because this has been a topic of conversation on a wonderful podcast called No Agenda Show for a couple of weeks now. And so it’s really apropos that you bring this up in this time today. But it’s everywhere, Bruce. That’s why I brought it up. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. But to some extent, it’s like I’ve got a list of live streams I want to do, right. A long list. Like I have a super long list of videos. I’ve got 250 video topics I want to cover. I could probably squish that down quite a bit if I went through it correctly. But like I’ve got a lot of live stream topics. I could have picked anything, right. And I’ve got a lot of videos that I want to cover. I’ve got a lot of videos that I want to cover. I’ve got a lot of videos that I want to cover. I’ve got a lot of live stream topics. I could have picked anything, right. And in fact, I was like I just got back from New England. A lot of stuff happened. I could do another Muppet roll-up thing where I don’t have a topic and I just do my thing. And then I was like, no, man, because like something’s here. And so, you know, to some extent, I rushed to put this together. Not really. I mean, I spent a lot of time on it. I just did it over two days instead of like four or five, which is more normal. I want to like it’s time to talk about this, right. And this is sort of like feathers into the critical thinking video. Critical thinking is a Psyop video because that’s the problem. Like the Psyop isn’t telling everybody they’re an individual and that they can know things for themselves and that they don’t need other people and that the government is bringing them down and right on and on. Or the problem is capitalism is that capitalism is some kind of dragon with agency that breeds fire upon you and cares about you, right. It’s all intimacy crisis. It’s like they’re taking advantage, maybe unknowingly even, right, because most people aren’t as smart. Don’t have my framing. They’re taking advantage of the intimacy crisis to say, no, the government cares enough about you to come after you. It’s like, they don’t even know who you are, dude. Like you don’t know anybody in any government, local, state or federal. Like I don’t know what to tell you. They don’t know about you. They don’t care about you. If they run over you, it’s because they were going someplace and you happen to be in the way. It’s not because they wanted you. Everyone thinks they’re more important than they are. Well, they want to think that. And in the intimacy crisis, you, of course, you long for that. Sure. Like, I mean, this is, you know, people call it identity. Part of the identity thing, not all of it. There’s multiple components of identity, but and I sort of touched on that in the monologue, like part of the identity thing is actually just intimacy crisis manifestation. It’s like, well, nobody knows the true me. What the hell does that mean? Oh, that means I don’t feel heard. OK, what does that mean? Oh, that means you don’t have a quality enough relationship with somebody else that makes you feel comfortable. That’s what that means. It doesn’t mean anything else, by the way. It just means that all of those statements are the same. I’m in an intimacy crisis because I don’t have a quality relationship with I don’t have a relationship of this quality with another person. That’s all it means. And lots of people are suffering from that. The suburbs are a project like we like they literally were called the project. Come on, think about it. The idea of a suburb as it is, is relatively new in terms of like even modernistic history. You can you can you didn’t use that word here, did you? You’re done. In the age of gnosis, gnosis. Yeah, look, you could make all sorts of arguments for the manifestation. But this is where we get into the idolatry. Like, sure, it could be that the suburbs and the projects were, we won’t get into that. That’s Boston, Massachusetts. Sorry. Right. It’s two different types of initiatives that were put out relatively in the same sort of time. I don’t know, Jesse. I don’t know. I don’t think so, because all of that goes back. It’s actually the mirror of something that happened in England. Right. In England, you’ve got the row houses. Well, see, this is where it gets tricky, right? Because the row houses work because the families can live near the factories. So the father gets home earlier. Right. And so we think that’s not there’s nothing bad there. Right. And then this gets expanded out. And maybe it could be more about this. It could be that Lowell, Massachusetts is the problem, because that’s where you get the middle girls. That causes a big problem, right, because now the women, young women, have a place to go that’s not marriage, right, that’s not staying on the farm at home. And they can go work in the mill. And they’re suited for that because you’ve got to pack more mill machines in so you need smaller people. So they hire a lot of kids, which is good, not bad. Right. And they hire a lot of girls because they’re small. And they can work these machines and fit within the machines. And the first group of owners of the mills in Lowell were excellent people, like ex. First of all, they were geniuses. They stole the technology from England very cleverly using a guy named Lowell. Right. And his photographic memory. And to be fair, they improved on all the tech, every single gear, every single component. They improved on it. And they built the second Industrial Revolution. And they sort of stole from the row houses, which we didn’t really have in Boston before that point or in the colonies, I should say. And so, you know, the colonies didn’t get big enough to need row houses for the most part. There might be some exceptions, maybe in Charleston, maybe in Philadelphia, whatever, near the ports. Right. Because that’s where that happens. Although they weren’t those weren’t great areas to live. Right. Whereas the row houses in England were, for the most part. Right. I mean, it’s cyclical. It gets better and worse. But they were good places to live. Right. Those are good factory jobs, actually. Right. The first Industrial Revolution. So the second Industrial Revolution, you have a change in all of that. Right. But suburbs aren’t bad in the beginning. Right. So one of the large suburbs in Lowell is around the trains. Right. So the reason why the mills are in Lowell, we think, I forget whose theory this is. A little bit of poison in the water is not going to kill you. But if there’s a poison slowly leaking into the water, what point does it start to have detrimental effects? No, it’s not a poison. Like, it’s not a minus. But what happens in the age of gnosis is we go, we look back and we go, oh, I know how that works. Right. And then we go factory town. So you can build a town around a factory. Now, of course, you can’t do anything that stupid because it won’t work long term. But it took us a long time to figure that out. So what you see, and like all the way up until like Ford and Edison, these idiots are the old men. All these guys are trying to build factory towns. Now, my history is a little flaky. So like, I don’t know what’s going on in Europe at this point. They may have pioneered the factory town, but I don’t think so. I think the U.S. did. And it was a big mistake. Early 1900s South Carolina, new history for me because I was living up north until about seven, eight years ago. They’re a factory town. I’m like, what do you, you guys lunatic? That area is just impoverished now. By the way, it’s beautiful, but it’s completely impoverished. These factory towns are just an idea that if you look at the result of something that was virtuous, like the mill town, the city of Lowell is a, it’s a manufactured place. It’s literally entirely manufactured. There’s nothing there but farms. Nothing. Farms and a river. Farms river. That’s it. And then a canal. OK. Farms River canal. And the canal is only there because we’ve got to get wood from New Hampshire and Maine and New Hampshire down the Merrimack River. Right. That’s it. So that’s the only reason the canal is there. Right. And you get a canal there and then the mills go to Waltham Mast. No good. River too slow. Whatever. Not really. Probably the cost of transporting goods using a wagon and a horse. Right. And then, oh wait, there’s the Middlesex Canal. It’s already there. It’s already transporting goods. The cost of transporting goods in Middlesex Canal is like pennies compared to any other transportation. Right. Like canal transportation is really cheap. That’s why the Erie Canal is a big deal in New York. But way before the Erie Canal, you know, we get this, we get this idea of canals as cheap transportation for good, for heavy goods. Well, why not put the mill up there? Because we’re going to make fabric that’s very heavy. And we need to transport it down to the coast, down to Boston. So the cheapest way to do that is there. Okay. When you look back on the fact that the city seems to have sprung out of nothing, which is not true. It sprang out of a virtuous desire to do good in the world and help young women stuck in farms. All of that was great. And it worked really well until they sold the mills. So now the virtuous guys are like, we’re cashing out. They get out at the top because they’re virtuous and smart, which is a great combination. Doesn’t always happen. Right. And then you look back on what they did and you go, oh, you can set up a factory and you can provide everything people need through the factory, through the, through the corporate store. You have your own money because they did in the 1900s in South Carolina and other places. You’re going to have your own monetary system for real, independent of the federal dollar, independent of the state dollars. We used to have state dollars in this country. Right. And you can make that work because look at Lowell. Right. But that’s not how Lowell started. Right. And so you see this flat world, this hindsight bias, which is again, that’s PSYOPs are hindsight bias. Right. It’s successful ones you never hear about and the unsuccessful ones are hindsight bias. Right. And so like you look at what happened in Lowell and you go, oh, you can just put in a factory and build a town. And now you’ve got suburbs. And that’s and that’s based on the row houses to some extent. That seems to work. Right. But when the ethos is want to build corporate town, it doesn’t work. Well, yeah, because you’re not aiming up. You’re not virtuous at that point. You’re aiming across horizontally. It’s not that you’re aiming down. You’re aiming across. And that’s not sufficient. That’s going to corrupt. And it doesn’t corrupt everywhere. Some places people always do this. Oh, it worked once. You know. And there are these neighborhood development corporations all around the U.S. that sprung up, I think, in the 90s, mostly. Right. They all spring up because of the Jamaica Plain Network Development Corporation, JPNDC. And I know this because I did a contract there a couple of times, just a couple of quick contracts, actually. But like when I do a contract in a place, I kind of learn the industry and I ask a lot of questions and I do a lot of research. It turns out that that’s where Sam Adams Beer Company comes from, that project in the 70s. OK. You know how many other successful companies they launched as an incubator? They were an early incubator. You think incubators came from California? No, my friend. They came from Boston. How many successful other companies did they launch, do you think, Bruce? Oh, zero. That’s right. Zero. They had one hit. It’s a big hit. Sam Adams is huge. I went past a brewery in Pennsylvania. Twice. It’s excellent beer. It’s an excellent beer. That guy’s amazing. He’s a billionaire, by the way, too, I believe. Right. That sounds right. Yeah. He’s a great guy. Largest microbrewery in the world. Last I checked. It might not be true anymore, but it was. Right. They’re building it since the 70s, though, like 72 or something. Like it’s an old company at this point. Right. And they’re not brewing. I mean, they still have a brewery. Last I checked in Jamaica Plain. I’ve been on the brewery tour. It’s pretty cool. I don’t know if they still put it on, but they used to. And all of that was started from a deserted mill. Ooh, interesting. Deserted mill in Jamaica Plain, which is part of Boston, roughly speaking. Right. That launched their whole company. Because they basically had free real estate and he was a go-getter. And that proved that incubators could work. The whole incubator idea seems to have sprung together. It seems to have sprung from there, from my research, not from California, not from Y Combinator, which is a very late incubator, by the way. Yeah. California would probably be incubation, I would say, around the technical world. Right. That’s maybe if you were to say technical incubators. Maybe. The idea of an incubator of giving people free space because they’re smart and capable comes out of an earlier tradition. Sure. Right. Yeah. And so, like, oh, well, you know, it looks like that works. And a bunch of these things spring up and they’re all stealing government money. And, like, fair enough. Like, maybe the government should invest in that. I don’t know. I’m kind of ambivalent on that. I know I use harsh stealing words, but whatever. I’m going to invest in the government at the moment. Yeah, they’re a mess. Yeah. Yeah. So, like, they’re redistributing funds in a very socialist way. The socialists always point to this as a victory for them. So, you incubators work. Socialism is not socialism. You’re an idiot. You misunderstand the world because you’re stupid and no one was kind enough to tell you you’re stupid. And now you think you’re smarter than you are. I’m very sorry that somebody did that to you, but I’m not going to do that to you. I’m going to tell you you’re stupid because you’re a muck. I got to go. I got to go. I got to go. See you soon. Bye. Love you. Cheers. Oh, bummer. Missing Jessie. So, it’s easy to look back on these things and see what worked and go, oh, I don’t know. And go, oh, I know how that worked and misunderstand the virtues and the values that were instantiated and then copy what you see and build a flat version of it and it’s corrupted. Sure. And that’s like that’s the history of the corporate town. For sure. That’s the history of incubators. Like I’m dealing with, they’re still dealing with incubators. It’s amazing how incubators now, tech incubators, are charging money to be part of their incubator program. Right. Isn’t that funny? Yeah. It’s bizarre. Well, they have cache. It’s got to be there. It’s sort of like who’s who. If you’re in the incubator, it’s a status. And there’s all kinds of different models. Some of them are like, we’ll just take part of your company plus 30 bucks a month or whatever it is. Some of them are like for every person in your company, we’re going to charge you this much a month. Some of them have tiered access levels. Some of them are free. Right. Some of them, I think Y Combinator is free, isn’t it? But you’ve got to apply and get in. Oh, yeah. It may be free actually. Yeah. I actually kind of wonder if this company town thing though didn’t start in France or Britain. Although maybe from a different reasoning. But yeah. You could go all the way back. You could go, well, really, company towns are just an extension of Roman legions. Sure. You could do that. Yeah. But that would be a totally different ethos. But I mean, it depends on how far back the thread you want to go. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. There’s nothing new under the sun. Yeah. Who’s copying who in what way and for what reason? And now, sure, man. Like that’s patterns. There’s patterns to navigate. Right. Right. And like echoes of the past, I kind of do a lot of that, right, with Adam. We’re doing a lot of this. Oh, look, this is the same as this. And this has echoed here and this has echoed here sort of thing, right? And we have to round out the echoes of the revolutions here with the Russian Revolution. I got to get on that. I got a lot of research to do. Interesting. I’ll have to tell you a story offline about the revolution that just came to be. So that’s a teaser. Oh, all right. Good. Yeah. I want to hear that. Yeah. Oh, oh, Matthew thinks Echoes was fantastic. Well, that’s good to know, Matthew. Yeah, it’s on my queue. You know, the length of them sometimes is hard to get through, but I am glad that Matthew thinks Echoes was fantastic. I really like doing that one. We had been planning it for months. Yeah, I’m sure it’s great. Adam is a crack crack shot when it comes to that sort of thing. Adam’s unbelievable. He’s like a mythical creature. Yeah, he’s fascinating. I know. Well, wait till you see our next video with Father Eric. You’re going to be so happy. Oh, nice. It’s going to be great. Nice. Father Eric came up with a really good idea. Excellent. We’re going to do his really good idea. Excellent. Yeah, it’s going to be fantastic. Yeah, I mean, the corporate town thing, it doesn’t really matter where you start, right? You just you kind of see this and the suburbs, you know, the city, you know, the city of suburbs makes sense. Like they’re not nonsensical. The thing is, suburbs make sense in the United States. Well, they make sense in a lot of for a lot of reasons in the United States. But they don’t make sense in Europe. We will look at the interest we have for driving. I mean, that’s like the easiest. Exactly. Yeah. And even even rail in some sense here. Well, it was at one point, but some cities have it. But here’s the problem. And I love Jesse, but like the complaint was corporate towns and the row houses or whatever houses are next to the factory and factories are dirty. Yeah. All true. So what we need to do is get the workers away from the factory. Now, the further away from the factory you go, the quality of life goes down because you’re spending more time commuting. Sure. Right. So the ethos for the suburbs is not bad. It’s good. Right. You’re trying to get families with families away from the dirty factories. Where’s the bad in that? I don’t understand. Yeah. Right now. Now we can talk about spirit and demonic possession. I’m not going to do that. But we could go into all that. But it’s kind of pointless. I think to do that, to sort of excoriate the suburbs for that is sort of if you’re doing that in this lens, you’re kind of what you would say like retconning the origin of the suburbs for what you see it today. Right. That’s the problem. That’s exactly the problem. We’ve retconned everything because we just misunderstand. Look at I hate to go back. I’m going to have to do the damn video. I really don’t want to do the video. I got to do the video. We look back and we say Hitler rose to power as a dictator. Right. And he was a bad dude. And it’s like that isn’t what happened. Even a little bit. Like all of that is just bad history. It’s all wrong. Every single thing I said there was wrong. I’m sorry. And it’s what everybody believes. I get that. It didn’t happen that way, guy. It didn’t. Like it just did. None of that happened that way. Right. You have to start at World War I. Maybe continue it and not call it World War II because there wasn’t a second World War. It’s just a break between the big one. And it’s really easy to justify given the players are the same. What changed? Nothing. Just a little technology innovation. Like the Weimar Republic, which comes out of, you know, the Treaty of Versailles, is a complete unmitigated disaster. And everybody knows this. They’re writing about it. Woodrow Wilson stops being an idealist because the League of Nations screws over Germany so badly and then won’t correct their error that he gets disgusted and quits and destroys the thing. His own creation. Like this is a big deal. And then the UN pops up. Oh, yeah. Right. We never learn our lessons. The thing that, well, it sort of brings up a point of we have a real, again, like retconning, we have a real sort of privilege, if you want to use that term, or blessed situation in the United States where, like my wife was bringing this up the other day because, you know, we’re teaching our children. And she’s like, you know, this is during, you know, post World War I and post World War II. She’s talking about the turmoil in Europe. I’m like, yeah, we didn’t experience that to any degree. So we’re seeing the like we’re kind of looking at things with this sort of date period where we get involved. But there’s all of this going on from, you know, in the 20th century in Europe. Post World War I, post World War II. It’s a nightmare for people. There’s the real sky hop. Yeah. Yeah. Hitler was always a bad guy and he always did bad things and the Nazis were all Germans. It’s like, you know how many people like I was talking about this the other day, like a lot of Jews in New York got fired. This is way before the war, way before there were any Hitler had invaded anybody. All the Jews get fired out in New York City. Like, what? Right. Well, in not just New York City, like London, Paris, like Paris hadn’t been attacked. Like there were no Nazis there. They weren’t there. But the ideology had spread because effectively, Hitler performed a miracle, right, which was saving Weimar Republic. Nobody thought Germany was going to be around after the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles actually took away the capacity of the Germans to grow enough food to feed the people population they had. Actually. Yeah. And then you want to talk about like, whoa, and this is the thing. Oh, I’m just burning my ground. I’m going to do a video on Rockefeller now because like everyone’s demonizing the guy. Oh, he invented the modern pharmaceutical industry. No, modern pharmaceutical industry generated by Hitler in Germany. Sorry. Just flat out completely. No question about it. Anybody tells you differently, is he lying or stupid? Once again, Redcon. I mean, that’s just. Anything ever. That’s what people are doing. Yeah. It’s an absurd lie, right? And then they’re like, yeah, and then he did this and then he did that. And I’m like, none of that happened. Like actually none of it. And by the way, the pharmaceutical industry was awesome until the 90s. And that was the FDA’s fault. Period. End of day. Oh, by the way, by the way, this isn’t a U.S. problem. Right. Right. Right. All pharmaceuticals were outside of the U.S. for a long time. We didn’t enter the pharmaceutical game until very late. Right. And oh, and oh, by the way, where does pharmaceuticals come from? Actually, Hitler. Like the Nazi regime. Well, that’s the thing. And then of course we throw out Otto Warburg, who’s genius, his work, which is dumb because now we can’t cure cancer because we won’t listen to him because he wrong time period. Right. It’s a mess. It’s a complete mess. There’s the freaking Psyop. Yeah. Yeah. People are constantly reading in this sort of power Marxist frame into modernism. Yeah. Into history. Right. Right. Yeah. Josh. Good to see you. Hi. Come on. Jump in. Excuse me. Hi. No, honestly, you guys can continue talking because I’ve been out all night and I’m just like, I don’t know what you guys have been talking about. So I’m just like kind of jumping in. I only talk like Psyop and. We were still on Psyop. The hindsight bias in history is Psyop. Right. Believing that, yeah, Europe was a mess after the war and the US just shakes off. Like it’s just freaking like unbelievable. Right. Right. So there’s back to back miracles in some sense, although ours is lesser, like way less. Right. There’s the miracle of the saving of Weimar Republic from certain annihilation. Germany, I think even Churchill wrote like Germany’s not going to be around in like five years. It’s not going to be around. There’s not going to be a Germany. Why do you say that? But because they couldn’t. The Treaty of Versailles destroyed their ability. Oh, OK. OK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I told them how they were burning money this morning to heat the houses. Well, and the wealthy class are literally pimping out their daughters to buy bread. Like it’s bad. Like the wealthy, like top one percent. Yeah. The actual wealthy people. Right. And so nobody thought that was going to exist. Like they didn’t have enough food. That’s why they developed the ability to do fertilizer. They had to. I didn’t know they did that. Yeah. I’m sure there’s like so many things. I’m always like asking strange people on Twitter, like send me what books you’re getting this from, because I just want to know. Because I know like so much stuff is just hidden because it’s like I’m a come to baller. Zero zero. It’s associated with other weird things. I just want to know. I’m so tired. Zero books. No, zero books. Go to the library and read the damn newspapers from the day. Yeah. Oh, that’s how I learned all this. OK. That’s actually a good idea. I never thought about that. Yeah. Then you’re relying on some retarded historian to give his retarded take on. Yeah. I mean, that’s what Thomas Sowell did, right? Because like he talks about his books and like he just has like such strange and like out there information because he just went to the library every day and would just read random stuff. Gosh, I look so angry right now. I’m sorry. I look really whatever. That’s all right. Yeah. You read the contemporary writings and you’ll just learn a lot about what’s going on. Well, yeah. And he read the contemporary but also lived it. Yeah. Right. So you’ve both of those scenarios going on, which is. Yeah. But you just and then once you do that, like once you pick you pick any period in history, the echoes of the past kind of points to this. Maybe we don’t say it explicitly. Right. You can pick any period of history and then once you read the contemporary sources, you ever read a lot, right? You ever read a lot actually, right? You can read summaries and stuff from the newspapers and from articles and papers and what not. That contemporary, though, from the time. Right. Right. And then you can look around and see where in your life, if you say over the age of 22 or something, that pattern played out. Yeah. To guarantee you, you’re going to see it. No, exactly. One thing I realized that like if someone’s telling me a version of history and I don’t understand like at all the motivation of the person, it’s like, oh, they’re just like playing evil or like whatever, like they’re just like completely this. And it’s like, well, I couldn’t see myself doing that. I know what they’re telling me is not correct. You know what I mean? Until I actually understand why someone would do that, I know what they’re offering me is not what actually happened. You know, and I experienced that a lot with the way I was educated. And it was just it’s very frustrating. Like all of my education happened after high school. Really, really. You know what I mean? And even when I was high school, like most of the important things I learned were from MythBusters. Like really. They did real science, right? Real experiments. Yeah. And it’s you know, I’m a very visually based thinker. Like there’s a 20 point difference between my linguistic and visual IQ. And so like it’s it’s yeah, you know, I mean, something that’s very useful versus when we get into math, we start talking about proofs. I’m like, why? When am I ever going to use proofs? This is just annoying. You know what I mean? Like, I don’t know. So whatever. That’s just. But there’s a lot of stuff you need to know about as exploration in case it’s your thing. Yeah. Right. Yeah. That was the problem. One of the problems I was talking about earlier was like nobody talks about exploration. Like Peterson doesn’t talk. I think just you can play a game, but most play is actually exploration to find out. Yeah. I mean, he just talks a little bit with the idea of going on an adventure, I think. I mean, adventure. Right. But he doesn’t talk about it as a mode. It’s a mode. Exploratory mode is a mode in your brain. Is that natural to some people, though? Like I’m very naturally exploratory. Like I’m always looking for things that will upset me. See, this is what puzzled me. Everyone does it and everyone can see other people do it and they just they don’t acknowledge it. Yeah. Which is a really, it’s like, it’s I don’t. That’s something I don’t understand other people is how people can get comfortable just being like, oh, whatever. You know what I mean? It’s like, no, like they’re always going to be outside of things outside of your knowledge. They’re going to shock you. And I wish more people would realize that. You know what I mean? But maybe maybe you shouldn’t be shocked. But maybe you shouldn’t be shocked. Maybe you maybe you shouldn’t worry about this thing. Like, I’m not really shocked anymore because I know I’m going to be shocked. And so if you know, crazy self-reference. Right. Like at some point you can just be calm and content with what you do know. Like this is this is the Socrates quote. It’s not I know I know nothing. That’s not the quote. That’s a lie. It’s a there’s a Psyop. Right. Please. It’s closer. It’s all contextual. But it’s closer to I know what I what I know. And I know when I don’t know something, which is a different statement. Right. That’s the key. That’s the thing. I feel that. But that’s that revelation is the thing that keys him in to agree with the Oracle of Delphi, who said you’re wisest man in Greece. And he’s like, well, I’m wiser than this guy because this guy’s going on. I yapping about stuff he clearly doesn’t know anything about. Whereas I wouldn’t yap about those things because I don’t know anything about them. Yeah. I talked about this about three times in the monologue. I think. Right. It’s not a magic trick, guys. I try to only talk about things at the certainty level I have. Right. If I make a statement, probably I’ve researched it. And if I say, well, this is kind of out there thinking I’m not quite sure that I’m not quite I can just qualify everything. Do you see my conversation with not Delphi? It’s an illusion. Right. It’s a magic trick to some extent. It’s an easy one. Right. Yeah. OK. OK. Well, I mean, how do you know when you how do you think you know when you get to there? I’m curious. Do you have an answer for that? It’s hard to say. Right. What do you mean? What do you how do you know you get to the point? I mean, like when Socrates says, I know what I know and I know what I don’t know. You know what I mean? But how does he know that he sees it in contrast with the story is he’s walking away from the Oracle of Delphi. Another guy is there walking with him away from the Oracle of Delphi. And he’s you know, Socrates is thinking to himself like the Oracle says, I’m the wisest man in all of Greece. And I think the Oracle is wrong. Right. But it’s in the Oracle of Delphi, dude, like it ain’t wrong. Come on, dude. Like, you know, like it’s famous. It’s supposed to be right about everything. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. But the way the story is, is that he’s walking with this guy and this guy starts yapping up a storm and what I would call arrogant. He’s talking about things that he clearly doesn’t know anything about. And Socrates goes, well, that’s the difference between me and him. I don’t do that. I don’t pretend to know something I don’t know. Yeah. Right. And so it’s in the contrast that he starts to concede to the idea that the Oracle of Delphi is correct. And he’s at least wiser than this guy. He doesn’t think he’s wiser than anyone else. Right. Because it’s Socrates, man, and Plato’s idealized romanticized version, no doubt. But still, that’s the character. Right. Socrates is too humble to take credit for being wise at all, wiser than anyone else. And then he sees it and now he’s able to say, oh, well, maybe I am the wisest man in Greece if this is common. And it turns out he is. Yeah. Okay. That’s hard. I definitely I’m guilty of doing that a lot. I argue with atheists a lot on Twitter. And I think like, yeah, I know, whatever, whatever. I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t. I’ve been down that road a long time. I know that. I know that road. Okay. Okay. I got a Twitter like like seven months ago. So maybe I’ll get I did it on Discord more than anything else. I prefer the vocal. I don’t like the exchange on Twitter. I know. Because at first everyone has to call me. I mean, I don’t know if there’s weird rules on YouTube about like the deep. But like whatever they call them, they call me a Neanderthal essentially and say like, oh, you don’t know anything or whatever, whatever, whatever. And it’s like, I always push that faster. People can see you a little bit. And it’s like, no, I’m a normal guy. I’m probably a guy that realistically might hang out with actually a lot of people. You know what I mean? So like, I don’t know. Yeah, I don’t yield the ground. I don’t. Their worldview is so corrupt that all I do is expose the worldview. They don’t. They can’t give an account as to why they know anything. They can’t. They won’t. They can’t. And there’s no there’s no claim to be made then. So I don’t know anything for sure. And that’s that’s the wisdom trick. It’s like some sort of like, yeah, I mean, I used to be an atheist. Like, I get where they’re coming from, but it is like an OCD. It’s hubristic. Yeah, it’s hubristic. At the least an evil at the truth. I don’t know. It’s evil. Yeah, but that’s the Psyop. Right. It’s we told you you were an individual. So you tried to be one. We told you that you knew things. So you pretended like you knew them. Yeah. Expose it really. Well, I mean, that’s what happened to you. Like you got Psyop. It wasn’t the it wasn’t the government. And it wasn’t the thing you thought. And that happened to you for sure. And I’m sorry that that happened to you. No, it’s OK. I’m sorry. Like by a mug. I just you can see. Right. This is the this is the key to wisdom right there. And I want to I just want to highlight this. Exploration is the key to my cultivating wisdom. Yeah, it is like exploration is the thing. Right. Yeah. Without constant contrasting. That’s how you see. Technically, technically your eye moves constantly, very quickly. That’s how you see the change. The motion is what is what makes it make sight possible. That’s how you see things like wisdom or even knowledge is that constant contrasting. Right. And so that’s why I’m walking with somebody going, oh, the Oriole Delphi. I think you got this one wrong. Then you talk to the guy and he’s OK. Yeah, I’m not him. He’s making an error. I can see his error. I can see that that’s an error and that I don’t really make that error. And therefore, maybe the Oracle is right. So that’s that’s how you come to that conclusion. Yeah. I’m contrasting with the wisest man on Earth. It’s a different for everybody. Like what your contrast is, I can’t tell you. Right. Yeah. It’s different for everyone in applications and times, but the root of it is the same. I don’t know if you know this, Mark, but we live in a fallen world. I put a few of those in for you. Yeah. So at base, there’s the same problem. Oh, yeah, exactly. Exactly. That’s the atheist argument. If God is real, then why aren’t I happy? If God’s not real, then how can you account for happiness at all? Like, that’s the problem with them. They’re so stupid. It’s like it’s sad. It’s it’s evil. Yeah, they have to be. That’s the flat world. That’s the symmetrical argument. That’s the assumption. Right. But those two arguments are not symmetrical. Like they’re not walkable. They don’t they don’t have an equivalence. It’s not a math equation with the transitive property. That’s not how it works. And a lot of people, that’s what their logic is. It’s flat mathematical model of logic that’s completely incorrect, by the way, where they think the transitive property applies everywhere because everything’s equal. And that’s not that’s not true. You know, is it possible that how much can you be divided like that? Because I feel like I have it’s definitely it’s not anything really in the grand scheme of things. But like I feel like I have arguments that are somewhat applicable for atheists. But like that’s not it’s not fundamentally like what I rely on for like my faith. You know what I mean? Like I have I definitely feel like I have a whole like weird dream of like I don’t understand like anything. I used to believe in the Greek gods when I was a kid and like I never like the whole merging. How that happens historically and with the reality like that never really happened. And I feel like I’m kind of still there now in a way. You know what you mean? Like, right. And I’m curious, like, you know, how far can you go with that? You know, because I don’t know. Like you think having like the sort of like a representation talk about like trying to explain panseicism to people is in any way. No, no. OK. No, I mean, you don’t you don’t you don’t come into your religion by being argued into it. That’s like, you know why? If you could be argued into your religion, you can be argued out of your religion. Right. But more more fundamentally, religion is not something you are supposed to talk about by and large. This is why I don’t like theology. I think the worst idea ever. I’m sorry, but you already know this about me. Right. I think the problem is, is that let’s say nobody should ever do any theology. You’re right. But like almost nobody should ever do any theology. How’s that? The problem is that people are not persuaded by arguments like that. Just like, yeah, they’re not. All of the psychological research puzzles me. I think I was ever OK. It doesn’t work to argue with people like they’re not persuaded by arguments. They’re not persuaded by arguments. And they’re also not persuaded by signs and wonders. Signs and wonders. But right. But but if you grow up in it, in other words, if you participate in it, say pre verbally, because we do things before we’re verbal, it turns out random. Like who knew? I think we couldn’t always talk. Really? Honest. Thanks, Captain Obvious. Right. It turns out that when you start there, when you start at the pre verbal and you participate in it, you can do that at any point. You can participate after your verbal. That’s not the problem. Right. Participation is what draws you in. Right. It’s the constant contact with the thing that works, even though kind of a pain the way it works. You’re going to keep going and progress or things you can measure progress. You can’t really talk about it because like, you know, I mean, you can’t because it doesn’t really work. It would suck. And like, you know, I mean, for the Charismatics, like, how the hell are you talking about that? And good luck with language fails at a certain point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I mean, so like, honestly, I I’ve never really heard other people say this. But like for me, one of the things because I was one of those people that was converted by like Jordan Pearson type thing. Like I was addicted to watching the Christopher Hitchens videos. I would watch literally Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins every day until I ran out of Christopher Hitchens videos. And so I want to talk to atheists because I’m like, there’s nothing you can tell me because I already have Christopher Hitchens like completely downloaded on my brain. So there’s nothing you can tell me that’s like new right now. Yeah. But like, honestly, a big part of it was just like seeing that. Oh, like there’s I mean, I think I mentioned this before, but there’s someone else that’s aware of how terrible life is and who’s like just able to face it. You know what I mean? And that kind of created a pathway around like, OK, let me try this. Let me try believing in God. And it wasn’t actually until like a very long time where actually like I sort of had the revolution where I experienced the sort of God that it felt like that was the presence that I was there when I was much younger had returned. And that was really kind of strange. And, you know, it’s something that I try and get back in. You know what I mean? So like, yeah, yeah, I don’t know. So I think there I mean, I don’t know if it feels like I mean, it wasn’t exactly rational. It is definitely more like a spiritual argument of seeing someone do that and seeing someone be kind of courageous and like, oh, you’re I’m not alone in this. I thought I thought like, you know, that’s what that’s not. It was obfuscating suffering, not dying. I really don’t understand that, which is so weird and so funny because like the stories that I was addicted to of a child, like there’s a Justice League cartoon that I loved when I was a kid. And the character that’s really burned into my mind is John Jones being tortured by the main aliens, the villains who killed this whole family and killed this whole planet and all that. And just at the moment when they’re going under his skin, it’s like terrible. He’s being electrocuted. That’s when the story flips and then the sun comes out. And that’s what’s like burned into my head. You know what I mean? You know, I knew that story even before I was really aware of who Jesus was even because I had a real my mom was kind of hit. So I kind of grew up with like the Greek pantheon around me. And then I really had like an omniscient God that was like Darth Vader that looked like Darth Vader that was above them. And then I knew there was like that weird Jesus guy that somewhere. But like, I didn’t know anything about that. But it’s funny. But that was like holding the place until I’m right. And then it’s still something I’m really discovering right now. But those stories with those patterns resonate. They’re all good stories. Right. Yeah, I walked a hundred times. I drew out every frame of that cartoon. No joke. I have a book that was like this big of every shot of the whole thing. Yeah. Sorry. But those arguments aren’t the things that convince you. Right. It was the participation. Because if you’re your own participation, you can watch somebody else’s participation and go, hey, there’s something to this. It worked. But it did a thing. Yeah. And then you start to participate. That’s what draws you in. Yeah. Right. It’s not the argument. Well, and then my first part of participation with that was when I when my parents my parents got divorced a little bit after that. And it was not I mean, like five years after that, maybe it was a really bad divorce. I was probably like nine or something like that. And I was put into public school then I was homeschooled until then and in fifth grade went to public school. And I told everyone my name was John Jones was that character. Just identify, you know, of this suffering individual from an ailing world. You know what I mean? And I had no idea what I was doing. I was just like, yeah, no, I my identity is John Jones and Batman. And that’s what I am. Right. Right. So it’s so funny. Yeah. But that was holding that. And those are all just echoes around what’s, you know, what’s in there. And yeah, yeah, yeah. And, you know, I wonder how much that just needs to be. I mean, I guess the way it happens to me was was maybe fine. But I wonder how much because I wonder if I if I had read the Bible when I was when I was younger, I’m reading right now and I’m wondering if it would have had the same the depth that is now. You know what I mean? So I’m wondering, is there a way to do those steps? Because I mean, definitely. Well, I think that the imperative on that is to catechizing your children. Parents should be doing that. Right. Giving them the frame. Like, for instance, if parents have never introduced God of the Bible, Jesus of the Bible to their child, when someone hears the term Jesus, they either don’t have the language for it. They don’t know what it is or they’ve been infected by folk religion and they just superimpose upon the character of Jesus what they’ve been infected with. But if your parents who are raising children in the admonition of the Lord and teaching the scriptures as they feel convicted to do, now they have a frame. Now, if that child isn’t born again and falls away, whatever the case may be, God’s plan for that child is that you know what I mean? But you’re giving them what is right and good. And that’s imperative. It’s just as important as food. And, you know, it is it’s more important than food. Yeah. So I think that’s the yeah. Can children understand it to some degree? Absolutely. But but if they never been exposed to it, now you have all you have a very hard road. Well, in context of the church and discipleship and the first disciples are your children, your parents. You know, that’s that’s the first. But it’s not but it’s not it’s not the language. It’s the concept. And so like the pattern, if you want to look at a pattern, you will look at the pattern. It’s a little hard to see in Peterson. It’s really easy to see in for vacant. You can look at the pattern of the rediscovery of the concepts around Christianity. Right. And I mean, you can see this in Dawkins now. Yeah, slowly. Right. So it’s so funny and so great. I love it. But you can see this McGill Chris. Right. But what you’re talking about, John, is the again for me is the difference between the meaning crisis. I was never introduced to these concepts and the crisis of faith. Right. And you’re kind of a mix. Right. Like I had some of them kind of. Right. But like for me, I’ve told this story before, but like, yeah, they locked me in a room. I didn’t really like me in a room. But I was allowed to do my my own study in the Catholic school because they passed a stupid law in Massachusetts. And for some reason, my parents along with his garbage where I was able to take ethics in the Catholic school instead of taking religion. And I had had no exposure. So they made me read the Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe, which I love. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then at the end, I get questioned by the vice principal who ran the ethics course. And I was the only person taking ethics. No surprise in the Catholic school. A thousand people. That’s crazy. I thought that’d be kind of mandatory there. Six to twelve grades, six to twelve hundred people total. Right. So I’m the only one taking ethics. Right. So at the end of the line, the witch and wardrobe, he goes, well, you know, who does the lion represent? No way they didn’t know. No, it’s a lion, dude. Yeah. What are you talking about? He’s like, yeah, but but who does the lion remind you of? And I’m like, do you understand that this is a fiction? Like, this is science fiction fantasy. Like, why are you asking me these dumb questions? It’s a lion in a fantasy book. Yeah. What do you do? Are you are you trying to sign up me, bro? What’s going on? No, no, this this was like a real like a like a 15 minute interaction when he kept asking me these retarded questions. OK, we can’t say that. And eventually had to give in. He said, well, the lion’s like, Jesus, and I’m said, maybe. I don’t know. And like, he didn’t know what to do. And I was like, are we done? Like, I don’t know. I didn’t understand what happened, but like, I think I got another class or something like I don’t. Where the ethics? It was a great book. It was a great book. I’m glad I got to sit and read this book instead of doing some ethic thing. I got I get I don’t know. But like great party, but I got a motor like I don’t understand what you’re talking about. And like the funny part is that I tell this story like people aren’t getting it. That’s a nuclear weapon of a problem. It’s like an actual like, oh, my goodness. I think I’m right. Right. I think this points to one of the two big problems. A parenting issue, B, using something like Narnia in place of Jesus of the Bible. That has to there’s foundations required there. You know, you know, that’s clever. Right. We’ve got to get around this state law. What are we going to do? Let’s use a secular book. That’s basically a retelling of part of the gospel effectively. From what I understand, haven’t read that stupid book. They can’t use the Bible for that class. Huh? Well, no, in places where you couldn’t use the Bible, you would use the allegory. You can’t you can’t use the Bible. You can’t. Like it’s written by law. Really? For an ethics class? We’re not talking about in in in public school. No, no, it was it was a brand. And I’m not as positive of this, but I’m fairly sure Massachusetts was the first state to do it. It was a brand new law. That’s it was a separation of church and state law, which is just a misunderstanding of law and separation in the state like a. Yeah, that’s it’s rebellion against their puritanical roots. It’s evil. It’s a fundamental evil. You misunderstand the point of separation of church and state like that. But they weren’t allowed to use any religious references. So who do you have? There are a handful of people CS Lewis is best known and my people at it. Well, you can’t use all the fusion because it’s like an ethics class. What are you even talking about? That’s just such a confusion about. You know what I mean? So you’re going to be borrowing from something and everything. They don’t have any ethics material because it doesn’t exist. Like this is the other problem. They implement a law. They’ve got no way to implement it. They just pass a law. There is no ethics. You don’t teach ethics. That doesn’t happen. Right. Especially around this time at the like I mean, I’m in junior high. Yeah, there is no ethics. It doesn’t exist. I mean, our ethics like literally I remember. I mean, like I had two different classes in the same year on the Nazis from an English and in history. And I remember sorry. And I’m going to go to the right group was in in freaking my freshman year of community college. We really had like the entire class was devoted to like discussing plantations. And the one of the like the file year and assignments was debated is debating slavery. I’m not on the pro slavery side. And this is reminding me what you said about your ethics class. She announced a winner. And because that’s because the pro slavery side won. And I’m not even kidding. They don’t even know why slavery is wrong because they don’t have any reason to say it. They start making economic arguments almost immediately. Right. I’m like, what is happening? Like, really? Like, really? OK, all right. I put on a southern accent and you start talking about how I can teach monkeys to spell. And I everyone started laughing and I won. So like, yeah, this is this is part of Bruce’s point. Like, I’m going to I don’t know if this is true. Right. But but I’m going to put it at the doctor’s book on how to raise your children. And I’ll put it right back to psychology. Parents aren’t doing their job anymore. We start using this. I went over this in the monologue. We start using the site. You want to sign up the term education is a sign up for real. Like, did you know such thing as education? What people are discussing is formation. Yeah. Right. What you’re fighting about is for me. This becomes very, very clear in American. It’s so scary because it’s like, man, like the the the the political beast. And to me, the political beliefs that I was like guided to have. I mean, they really did come like a little bit from my mom, from her education and then from like the TV. That I saw. And then in high school and then all through high school. And it’s like they don’t know almost they must like never explicitly say. I mean, they do at some points. I think they do when you finally get to college. And it’s like the final reveal. But it’s always just like hints about what this the whole plan is. And then you finally get it. And you’re like, huh, I knew that I’m a genius. You know, I mean, it’s like, no, you guys have been sleeping indoctrinated since you were like fucking 12. Right. You’ve been read. You’ve been led into it of perspective that you haven’t even looked at. Right. You’ve been led into it. Right. I got to I got to comment. I got to comment on this real quick. Sally, seriously, before calling out evil and homeless Mark existed, bitter middle school Mark. No, I was never bitter ever for some reason. Like I actually wasn’t. Yeah. Outraged. M.L. printer. Why are there only 11 people watching this? Well, that depends on how many you think are watching it. There could be a lot of people on Twitter watching it. It really depends on whether or not you believe the stream yard number of 75, which is amazing, by the way. Thank you, everybody. In in a shade, more reasonable world. And he would have 100K subs. Damn you. Well, look, man, promote me. We’re getting better. Actually, there’s quite a bit of of of help with the thumbnails. Thank you, Sarah. Wheels are in time as a side. We already have 100,000 views right now. There we go. There we go. Yeah. Well, but back to the point of the top of education, like its formation we’re talking about. That’s what you’re supposed to do. Absolutely. Those two form and not just your children like you’re actually all supposed to help form each other. Yeah, that’s right. Like when I fall, my my my brother Bruce is supposed to pick me up. Right. And he falls. I’m supposed to pick him up. Right. Right. And I mean, that’s a lot of my project is people come in and they’re like in pretty rough shape and they need help. And it’s like, all right. Well, then you and I usually Sally, whoever else is around will help as best we can. And maybe we fail. But like, that’s what you’re supposed to do. Right. Like, yeah, it’s formation and we’re all supposed to be forming each other towards the same freaking thing. Like, but that means you have to look up and you have to have those things in common. Yeah. Well, if everybody tells you you don’t need that or you can you can like learn ethics, which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of in my life, then you’re screwed because you’re not you have to do the hard and you can’t only look up and you can’t only look down. We went over that earlier. That’s the pastor Paul’s report on lies up, eyes down. Fantastic. Right. You’ve got to be able to do both because you need contrast to see. But also you have to look up to something common. The only thing we actually have in common are virtues and values. Yeah. I mean, this is probably natural for people. But like what I thought a good person was like 10 years ago or 15 years ago, whatever, whatever time frame is just completely off. So like, yeah, that’s that that’s that formation. Yeah. Yeah, well, if they’re not going to if they’re if they’re not going to be formed by your home, they’re going to be formed by the world. This famous pastor says this his name’s Vodi Bakum. He says, don’t be surprised you send your children to Rome and they come back as Romans. We’re doing with the public. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I’m kind of disagreeable. Like I went to L.A. and just became more just more me. I think. But yeah, no, I don’t know. Yeah. Some some some people have different reactions. But again, I’m very disagreeable. Right. The normal thing. You see, this is where people get confused. Right. They think that what happens to me happens to everybody. Like if if I was in a and that and that brought me to a better place, then everybody needs to go to a. It’s like, no, that’s not how that works at all. Right. Well, those people are a hammer in search of a name. That’s hard. That’s right. But by naturally some people think like that. But the point is, on average, if you go to Rome, right. Yeah. Right. And the ancients knew this, like they used to swap nobles. Why? Oh, to get them familiar with the other. Right. And then and in the wars and there were wars and there were people killed, although not many. Thank goodness. A lot of people talk about, oh, the U.S. had this Protestant thing down because they didn’t have wars. Oh, no, they they certainly did. It just wasn’t as bad as in Europe, but there weren’t many people. So, you know, like I wouldn’t expect it to be. But but the wars were largely over schooling. Right. When the Catholics come in, the reason why there are schools in the United States is because the Protestants don’t want the Catholics in the school system. Yeah, I mean, that’s that’s something I’ve been saying once again, back to what I said earlier, that’s something I find a word about. I mean, it’s it’s it’s we have that going on. Having access to people’s children filled with ideas that’s like very deep. But it’s sneaky. The way it works is sneaky. Right. You wouldn’t think, look, the Catholics get here late largely. Right. You wouldn’t think they would care. Oh, well, just train the Catholic kids and they’ll turn into Protestants. Right. That should be the thinking. But there’s actually two reasons why that doesn’t work. And it’s not just the Catholics go, we don’t want our kids to turn into Protestants because actually they’re kind of like, whatever. They’re they’re getting good religious education at home. It’ll be fine. The problem is that if you let the Catholic kids go to Protestant schools, you you’re following the Protestant principles and they are principle people largely in the beginning, especially right. We’ll call them the true reform so that Bruce is happy. What happens is they have to let the parents on the school board. Oh, no, we’re not doing that. They have to let the parents have a say in the education. Well, there’s there’s a reason for that. Right. There’s a reason why you have where you have membership and affirming confessions in your church. So if your church has a particular confession and you allow membership right in your congregation from a from a very number of people that do not hold the confession, the entire conscience of your church will could eventually change. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like an infection. That’s something that’s really important is like the system that mediates like infectious ideas is the same one that that means infectious diseases because they function exactly the same way mathematically. You know what I mean? So think about it the same way they really do spread like a virus. The viruses of ideas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What? What’s his name? That one guy was always going on about I’m forgetting his name. God said he’s right. I mean about that part. He doesn’t go very deep with I think. Well, and even if they’re even even if you don’t disagree with their conscience like fundamental, well, they’ll say as a as a brother, right, you might say there’s distinctions and they have massive distinctions and you still may call them brothers being communion with them. But you have a particular distinction and that distinction is what you’re holding as the you know, you’re holding the guardrails there. And if you let the conscience slip of your of the group, the congregation, you’re going to have a different church or a different institution. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This isn’t even a church issue. It’s way worse. They’re running a secular government. Yeah, which is impossible. Right. Right. And so again, if we let the kids go and we try to train them into Protestantism in order to hold the principles together that we adhere to long before there was a government here, by the way, wasn’t the US yet. Right. We would have to let the parents on the school board. We’d have to we’d be obligated by our belief system. Right. I our religion, the principal that yes, religion, but it is going to corrupt the school. Right. Right. And the Catholics are like, well, we’d rather not have our kids exposed to Protestantism because you know, so they form their own schools. That’s why we have Catholic schools. Yeah, the Catholic Protestant opposition. Why is a weird opinion probably that battle? Yeah, that battle went all the way into the 60s and 70s in the United States. The fact that JFK was a Catholic was a massive problem for the United States conscience. Yeah. Okay. I mean, it’s not that long ago. Right. You know, where I live in Maryland was Catholicville and we and there were fights in the 1600s. Mary on the Chesapeake. Mary. Over and then the Protestants won one of these battles of seven and just started setting blaze fire to Catholic town. Right. So, you know, that’s the thing. Right. And then the Protestants won one of these battles of seven and just started setting blaze fire to Catholic town. Right. So, people and I’m Protestant, I’m reformed and but I’m not going to like whitewash the history of the battles of the wars and the problems that we’ve had, you know, but so that’s really that’s not that old. Like we still have that problem. Why I’m curious. I’m going to ask a lot of people this question. Like what made you choose Protestantism over Catholicism? Is that like what you’re raised in or is that? Do you think I have a natural tendency against authority? It’s a long story. I was Christian Catholic. I’m Italian. So like, yeah, but to me, I was I was I was convinced by the logic of the scripture alone as it’s a soul authority and special revelation. So to me, that was the biggest reason I stayed in the reform camp. You know, you can call it rebellion if you wish. I’m not rebelling against tradition as such. Yeah, just the tradition with to me without an infallible standard. I don’t buy the infallibility of the institution. No, I totally get that. That’s a big reason why. But I really agree with a lot of them, to be fair, on many issues. I mean, I listened to someone explain it recently. It’s like, well, like the whole point is to have like we need to have like a body of Christ on or somewhere. And it’s like if we’re not focusing on keeping it like in one centered place, then like it’s not then we’re missing the whole point. Yeah, I understand. I get that. And I think that’s interesting to think about. But at the same time, it’s like, well, I have to follow the Pope like he’s a king. You know what I mean? Like my own personal king that’s separate. You know, so I don’t get exactly. Well, to represent them fairly. That’s a person. So like, to represent them, to represent them fairly. That’s not how they see the Pope. I mean, so, you know, that’s kind of a mischaracterization. You know, there’s a there’s a lot of distinctions there. They don’t see the Pope that way. While we kind of would argue there’s some issues with it for me, the infallibility issue is a problem. But they you know, they don’t see the Pope as the king. You know, okay, to be fair, you asked them crisis king. Okay, okay. I know. Yeah, sorry. So I’m gonna get mad. Well, consistent. There’s a lot that’s home. But you know, to be fair, like that’s kind of the you know, they’re not as bad as they may be. No, no, no, no, I don’t think so. My dad goes my dad and his, his now wife go to Catholic Church together. I’ve been there like a few times. It’s different. You know what I mean? I don’t understand it as well. I mean, I honestly I mostly went to went to Baptist Church as a kid. And, and now I just I, I’m, I’m trying to go start going back to church regularly. I went when I had a girlfriend for me, I went to Protestant Church with her or a kid was not a nomination or something. And right now I’m not going I need to start start going. But now I definitely do need to have your videos and pray. You definitely need to go to church. Yeah, don’t neglect the church. Okay, yeah. No, don’t do that. That’s not that’s not how it’s meant to be. You need to go to church. Yeah. I mean, that’s the absolute especially if you’re proclaiming Christianity, like that’s absolutely required. I want to be a Christian is what I go to church. The Bible is meant to be understood in the context of the church. So you need to go. You get it. You got to reach out to Jacob and have a convent with him. That would be interesting. Is this Oh, that’s Jake. Oh, yeah. Okay, fine. Okay, fine. We’ve talked about this before. Reform theology is indefensible from the Bible. I tried many times to find someone who would even try and no one even tries. Well, I think lots of people try. I think I think you found your man because I bet Bruce will try. Many people have tried. Yeah, well, I don’t. I’ve talked to Jacob plenty of times. I just haven’t done a formalized one. You should. Yeah, you should go on his channel and give him some content. That would be interesting. I’d even watch that one. Well, I mean, yeah, it’s it’s yeah, we could do it. It’s been re it’s been hashed over so many times. But yeah, we can do it. At some point. I mean, to be fair, like, we’re not surprised that Jewish guys not convinced by biblical theology. Like, you know, like there’s nothing to uncover here. But maybe it’s gonna be a long conversation. Maybe it could be very short. I don’t know what he thinks. Very short. Yeah. Seems like he’d be hard. Oh, he says he’s invited you many times. It’s easier to convince an atheist than it is to convince an already religious person. Honestly, I’m not interested in convincing anyone. That’s not my goal. Yeah, convincing, right convincing. Yeah, that’s a disagreeable and be trying to beat my old self on an argument. I would think that it just putting the ideas out there and letting people see them is still I mean, reform theology is Protestantism like anything else is just a derivative. So if we’re going to do that game like this, Protestantism is not defensible in that case. Well, I don’t think Protestant is defensible. But again, I’ll give you a new bucket and call you reformed. That’s fine. Like, I think that’s valid. Actually, actually, because I can see that there is a differentiation between we’ll say we’ll say the the people who lost some of the aspects of Catholicism, but kept a bunch of the other aspects that the others kind of threw out babies in bath waters. Yeah, yeah, I agree with that, actually. Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is a market difference. Like I, like I said, I acquiesce the reformed bucket because there does seem to be a difference between the true reformed and the rest of the Protestants. There is right. And they’re a lot closer to the to the cathodox. The funny thing is, the well the fire, the thing I would argue actually is, I mean, this is really we’re going to derail the stream here. But the real issue that I see is actually a number of the Protestant positions have gone back to Rome, actually, like theologically, not practice in practice, but theologically. They’ve they’ve departed and basically crossing the Tiber, but they’re but instead of joining the Catholic Church, they’re maintaining their, you know, Protestant distinction. But they really should just be a rope the way they they portray, you know, well, except they won’t add any other things. And they’ve been trained with a bunch of lies about the Catholics, some of which are laughable, some of which are justifiable, like the Catholics have done some bad things, the Jesuits in particular, done some bad things. But but like a lot of it is just complete garbage and never happened. Right. So I hop. Yeah, well, they train their children that way. Yeah, I was with a guy once and we were looking over the Basilica in Columbia, South Carolina, where we were the silica. Whatever mysteries of the world. Right. We’re looking over the Basilica and I said, have you been in that church? And he said, oh, yeah, I was in there. I said, yeah, it’s weird because it doesn’t look beautiful from the outside. I’m living in a boring brick building, but inside it’s absolutely freaking gorgeous. And, you know, that’s bad. Right. My estimation. But what he said was, oh, yeah, I remember when I was there because the day before I went, I had just gotten done with the Basilica. I was like, what? And then I think, you know, the more products you talk to, the more it’s like, oh, yeah, we learned this in school, in public school. Well, a, it’s wrong. And b, why are they like the Catholics don’t train their kids that the Protestants don’t train their kids? Yeah, well, in the public school, they’re teaching Catholicism through a political lens. And so that’s how people get it in the public school. And I think that’s the biggest thing. And I think that’s the biggest thing. And I think that’s the biggest thing. And I think that’s the biggest thing. You’re probably giving arguments against yourself, by the way. Yeah, well, in the public school, they’re teaching Catholicism through a political lens. And so that’s how people get it in the public school. Right. So that’s kind of how the world history is taught through that lens. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? And so you’re getting that. I mean, I don’t know much of the curriculum, how much of it was the teacher’s opinion, but it was just constantly seeping through. You can’t teach history without teaching religion because religions will move every event in history. And Catholicism just ruled the roost in the West for a long time. Like, I don’t like it. At some point, it’s like, well, is that bad? I mean, even if you’re Protestant and you hold to that, it’s like, well, you should know how the Catholics move the world because then you’ll know what to do about it if it happens again. Or, you know, or you’ll know what to do to move the world that way or whatever. Right. But you can’t you can’t reproduce Christendom with Protestantism. That’s a big problem. Although the US made it seem like you could. Right. But actually, it doesn’t work. And it just takes a long time for that to become clear. And that’s part of what’s going on today to sort of get back to an earlier question. It’s part of what’s going on today is that loss of that common thing that’s required for the experiment to work, which is that singular belief in God. It’s kind of explicit. What do you think that you need to have and maintain that? Is it like something like is there like a proper like is it right that you have like a Catholic church and then a Protestant church or like different levels or is or are we missing something that would keep that maintenance? I mean, because I actually I think that the Christian is being reborn right now. So it’s like I’m not necessarily sure there was ever a problem. I don’t think there maybe I don’t think it was. I guess it’s part of the process. Well, yeah, maybe. I mean, that’s the Pigeot argument, which I’m not sure I agree with. I want to I want to detour for one sec. Jacob, Mark is completely right. Thank you, Jacob. Trying to teach history without religion is like trying to teach physics without talking about energy. Yep, pretty much. I think that’s the perfect analogy. Actually, thank you, Jacob. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I mean, to address what you’re saying, I think the problem is that in one sense, you have to be correct. Christendom is gone. And right. I don’t think it is though. No, no, no, no. Currently, yes. Yeah, it’s been obliterated. Well, the question is, does it return the way it was or does it return in a new form that we can’t anticipate? Or does the whole project fail? Because like, I think he’s winning right at the moment. I watched that Japanese horror about spirals recently. I watched a video about it, but I think it’s like a spiral or it’s like you’re always revolving closer and closer towards the center with with more and more getting, you know, like, yeah, McGill Chris goes into that. There’s something to this. Yeah, whatever. I watched the Japanese horror thing. It was unrelated to that. He mentioned it too, but I’m talking about the Japanese horror video. Yeah, I’m just saying spirals is a big theme right now. Right. Yeah. Okay. That’s part of the world. Well, with with regards to that, again, bringing up the show, but Adam Curry talked about that, right? He thinks we’re in a similar state post 60s. Like he thinks the same thing’s happening now that happened in the 60s. Very similar. Very similar. They’re sort of like he goes into more detail on the issue. But like, you know, essentially postwar, people have been destroyed and they’re they hit the wall. And now they’re searching for meaning again. And Christianity is having a comeback yet again. But it’s hard to see in popular culture. But if you talk to people, it’s people like John are emerging from what I can tell. I’m weird. Yeah. But you’re not that weird. You’re not that weird. You’re not that weird. I’m not that weird, though. That’s the thing, though. Yeah. I meet people all the time and I talk to people all the time. Just even even I mean, like I said, it’s either convince atheists, but just like I don’t. The key to like convincing people is not to run out there and be like, who are you voting for? It’s like, no, you didn’t talk about that. You just talk to them. You know what I mean? Like, you know what I mean? I don’t know. You just yeah. Yeah. And then you just let your especially out there because they’re all so interested in film ideas. If you can have some really interesting ideas and talk about how film and narrative all ties together and how that relates to reality, it’s like they’ll actually really buy into that. You know what I mean? They really understand it. I think a lot of them do. You know what I mean? And it’s not very far set for them to realize one day that, oh, wait a minute, I’m now a white supremacist. Right. Right. Right. It kind of opens the door for all that, I think. And I did want to highlight this Jacob comment. Christians all become Noahides. I don’t know if that means Jacob’s dream. No, but but but like I think we all have to hold in their way a covenant. Yeah. OK. Christianity always emerges. So the danger is getting into this habit that like, say, I think even Peterson falls into, but certainly Breveke and even Pastor Paul, which is this emergence is good attitude. And I’m like, man, lots of things emerge and most of them ain’t good. And so like, you don’t you don’t want that to happen. Like you don’t want that. You don’t want to rely on that. Right. Well, you don’t want to rely on that. And so, you know, I mean, maybe maybe maybe Jacob’s got the right prediction here. Right. Christians all become Noahides. What’s a Noahide? That sounds good. What’s a Noahide? A Noahide is somebody who follows the Noahide laws. The Noahic covenant with Noah. Seven laws. But isn’t Jewish. Right. So you kind of acquiesce to Ten Commandments, but you’re not Jewish. You’re not Jewish, but that’s OK. It’s hard for me to believe in Christ, but I’ve seen Christ a few times. And in those moments, I’m like, yeah, this is the right person to be. It’s a nice way that the Jews have. This is not the version that’s Christ. It’s a nice framing that the Jews have for the non-chosen people, the Gentile, to follow the laws of God. Right. Yep. That’s that’s what Noahide is. But the thing is, like that that doesn’t replace what Christendom built at all. I’m not saying that he’s wrong. He might be right. Like, but that doesn’t replace what Christendom was. Right. And because Christendom, there was a church in the center of every town. Yeah. Right. And in Judaism, there’s like one temple that doesn’t scale. All right. And maybe there’s a way to scale. Noahide is whatever. It doesn’t matter. The point is you’re not replacing, say, the medieval town. If you haven’t seen a medieval town, by the way, you’re going to walk around medieval town. They’re all honestly, I mean, I don’t want to like I have a lot of respect for using. There was a time when I thought I think I might be Jewish. But like, like the times that I’ve seen Christ, it’s a much different experience. I don’t see. I think that like that pulls you in a lot from being more more secular because it’s real. It’s a real person that existed, who’s the main character of reality. You know what I mean? Who’s that to everything exists around. Right. But that’s like God existed in real life. That’s a game changer. But that’s also the objection. Right. That’s the objection. Like, for Vickie had this objection. He said, but but why does it have to be a person? Why can’t it be a book? Which I was like, well, that’s because you’re from Protestant roots. Oh, yeah. He actually said that to pass. I can’t be a person. I can’t be DNA. I see that. No, no. But why can’t it be a book? It’s like the book isn’t alive. No, no. But that’s the point. Like he wants it not to be alive, which I find that’s terrible. Of course, of course he doesn’t. Why would you because then you have accountability, personality, like all the person. First you’re judged. Yeah, exactly. Then you have accountability. It’s even worse. Yeah, right, right. If it’s merely impersonal, OK, that’s, you know, that’s easy peasy. Right. Yeah, yeah. You know, he said it. He said it in that same talk. I think he said, I want to remain loyal to Plato or something. And I was like, why? Well, I don’t know. It’s worse. What makes you think you can’t be? Why? Why is. Oh, yeah. Like, why is being a Christian like somehow interfering with Plato? I don’t see that at all. I’ve never read Plato for the first time right now and I don’t see like I’m like, oh, hey, these this this thought process has been around forever is what I see. I’m kind of I’m kind of like Mark and that he’s I’ve never read Plato. And I don’t have to. No, no, I’ve not read the Republic. So I’m reading Plato’s Symposium with some people on Twitter. Just just that one thing about. I read the Republic with a bunch of people. I have all of those complete works in a book. So I actually I will get to that slowly. No, no, just everything else. Just read the Republic. OK, let me know what you think at the end of book 10. When I read the end of book 10, I was like, what are these lunatics claiming philosophy talking about? Did you read the end of book 10 of the Republic, I because like you said, you read the Republic, but I think you missed the point of the book. I read book 10. I remember that. Like like the book 10 of the end of the book 10, which is the last book of the Republic. OK. If if you somehow believe because you read that, that that doesn’t lead directly into Christianity as such, you you you must have some kind of an issue with your brain. I’m really excited to say because I’m already reading like I said in the part of them reading it’s all about love and talking about, you know, it gets to talk about what Socrates believes about love. And it’s very much very much starts moving into monotheism. And it’s like, yeah, but the end of book 10 is way worse. It’s like, no, no, I mean, seriously, if you read the end of the Republic and you take Plato seriously at all and you think he has anything good to say and you don’t immediately like maybe maybe like if you’re on a so-called philosophical exploration, whatever that may mean, like metaphysical, you want to frame it. Like and and you’re looking to play it out and you read the Republic and read that like the last few pages of book 10 and you don’t like actually just put the book down and head to a church. You’re probably deranged in some way that I don’t understand. But you missed the point. For real, like like the end of book, the way the way the Republic ends in it’s like a double quote. A story is being told about a resurrection. Seriously, like I don’t like like you can sit there before Christ, right? Right, right. Like you can make all the wrong actually wrong and I’ll freaking challenge me. I’ll go get the damn passages if you want. You can make all the wrong assumptions about Plato like replacing a Homer or whatever. That that’s not true. But even if it were, he’s replacing it with the with a myth about a resurrection. Maybe it’s not a myth. Like maybe he thinks this is a true story. I don’t irrelevant. He’s talking about a resurrection. I don’t think how how does that not lead directly into the Christian story? Like I don’t even understand what you what did you read? Well, I know the story is very different. But one of the first times that I really started to digest like that connection was reading about Dionysus and Marchilia Eliade’s book, History of religious ideas, part one. When he goes into that, I mean, I was going through a lot of the time. But when he goes into the book and like it’s also just tying into it and the way the book starts out like very abstract and it’s slowly moves closer and closer and closer to history. By the time we know what’s describing like, you know, stories like Elijah and stuff like that. It’s like, oh, we’re in reality now. And then suddenly, like this comes in meeting in with like the prophesying by the by by by the Greeks, I guess, you know, and how it met that it was just incredible. And yeah, I don’t know. I can’t even recapture the framework of how incredible that was my first that first like hit me in a weird way. But yeah, yeah, I don’t know. I’m really excited to read it. Is that your favorite book? Is that what’s your favorite book? Favorite book? I don’t have a favorite book. I don’t have a favorite anything. You make any sense? That’s fair. That’s fair. That’s fair. Yeah, I want to answer that question. Yeah, I want to I want to address sort of Matthew stuff. I agree with I agree with half this take. I disagree to disregard Plato. Why? I’m not saying disregard Plato. I do agree to Plato foreshadows to Christ. Yeah, he does. Mark Navalgaze Navalgaze is the end. No, the end of the end. No, no, no, no, no. If you the reader is on a quest, we’ll say a philosophical quest to understand something philosophical, which I would argue doesn’t exist. Ideal philosophy is just incorrect in we’ll say recent times, the age of gnosis. Certainly the conclusion that you should come to because there isn’t another one is that the story that Plato make, however you explain that story, it’s either a myth or a dream story. It doesn’t matter. Right. It’s either replacing Homer or saying Homer is still awesome. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change the valence of the end of the book. Can you put the book down and to continue your philosophical or metaphysical quest? You go to a church for real. There isn’t there isn’t another logical thing to do at that point. If you didn’t do that, you’ve made some kind of error that I can’t understand because I don’t know how you’d make that error. I don’t like I maybe Satan possession like demon possession like actual just Satan gets into your soul and forces you not to go to the rational conclusion that is the only option at that point. I was blown away. Still, I was wondering if there’s something like a good, like a good way to put it. I wonder if there’s something like a first mover problem. Not every works like a place I was going to church was nice. But like right now the church I always come by next to my house. It’s like I almost never see people there. It’s like very run down. This is like shitty. I’m not saying that’s an excuse for me not to go. That’s absolutely not an excuse for me not to go. But I mean, I have walked by there a couple of times a little bit early before church and I was like, and yeah, and honestly, it was probably because like it’s just. I don’t know. So I guess I’m an excuse. But like what do you think about that? You know, should we do more beautiful churches? Is that my job? Should I go to that church next week and it’s your subcontract powers? Yeah, it’s weird. It’s weird to me, John. And this is one of the things I complain about regularly that all these people say, you know, beauty will save the world and whatever. And like I have a disagreement with that. But like beauty good. So yes, but it has to be. They write beauty, right? Right. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. And they don’t also do what I do, which is say you churches need to get on the ball and like make beautiful churches. Like, what are you doing? Yeah, they should be externally gorgeous so that people are attracted to them. Well, that’s like they don’t understand that the church in Colombia is ugly. Here’s the thing, though, if a city spends a whole bunch of money on rebuilding the church, a lot of people are going to complain and say, that’s a waste of money. Well, the city shouldn’t do it. The city shouldn’t do it. The city shouldn’t do it. The city shouldn’t do it. I mean, well, it depends how we’d say it. Like, how does the city get it? So for instance, how does the city get the money, funds and decision making to do it? Right. So it recurrently couldn’t. But if you had faithful Christians that were acting in the world and if they wanted to use the state, but the means by which they were going to do it, they would vote according to the conscience and they would get into positions of power in the state and do the work. If not, they use the other gifts afforded to them and use their resources and power without the state and build it. Right. So you have to change the conscience of the state or do it yourself. Right. No, you do it yourself. So again, it’s always our fault is what the answer is. It’s definitely our fault. No, no, it is. But again, this goes back to what we were saying earlier. Right. But this is back to exactly what we were saying earlier. Why can’t we criticize our leaders? We can’t even criticize our peers, dude. We can’t even raise our children. Yeah. Like, what are you talking about criticizing our leaders? We’re light years away from that problem. That’s a big problem. We’re light years away from that problem. Let’s solve the problem of criticizing anybody at all ever. Like, that would be good. Yeah. I can’t even do that. I want to hear what people feel. So, yeah. But I want to quickly go. So, Matthew, I’m glad you’re still around. I will support. Many of Plato’s works are inexhaustible to most. Agreed. The whole matters. That’s true. The end is how he ended his masterpiece. Right. The end is not the masterpiece. I agree. Right. By the way, I love the Republic. In the end, in the middle of the cave, in the beginning of walking into the city’s festival with his friend. Yes. Do you want the biggest Psy-op ever? The lie of Plato’s cave. Which I do have a video on on navigating patterns. It’s a very good video, actually. I really should read this just so I can, you know, find the problems with it. If you read it without other people, use my book club on the Texas wisdom community site. Because it’s really good. Plato loves forever because of the mastery and artistry of playing with the inexhaustible. Yes. Oh, lives. Lives forever. Yes. He does. Again, the problem is that if you put the… You got my angle? Oh, good. Matthew. If you put the cave in the context in which it was written and not rip it out of the text like you’re some kind of master of literature. And then throw it in the age of gnosis individualistic frame. It means something totally different. It means the actual opposite of what people say. Right? And hopefully, Jesse and I will get time to go over it. So me having not read the cave, I think… Is this sort of the idea of someone in there and they see the shadows in the cave and that whole story? Yeah, I still don’t quite get your critiques. I don’t get the differentiation. Here’s the problem. The way that Plato talks about the cave is the following. Let’s explore education and the want of education. That’s the very beginning of book seven. Okay? He’s only talking about education and the want of education. That’s the first problem that everybody skips over. Right? So that’s a contextual cue that’s important. The second problem is that what he actually says about the cave is that let’s imagine that the cave is a place where people can actually go. Let’s imagine that people were basically from birth. There’s a little bit of wiggle in the translation for sure. Were bound up on a bench. They can’t move their heads, so they can only look straight ahead. And that there are projections on the wall that they see. And there are noises made around them that they hear in a certain direction. Right? So it’s a very elaborate play. There’s a road behind them where the people walk between them and the fire and put things up on the wall so they see these affectations. Is the right way to talk about them, I think. Sorry for the fancy word. Right? So they see these things. Right? And let’s imagine that you could free one of them. The implication is very clear that you cannot do this. It’s not possible. It’s actually made clear. You can’t be freed ever. No one ever in the book gets freed. It doesn’t happen. I don’t know what you think you read, but read it again. Nobody gets out of the cave. Nobody gets out of bondage. It’s a thought experiment. What if somebody could get out of bondage? What would happen to them? Even if they could. Every step of getting out of the cave, which is not the process people describe, is painful and they don’t like it. And they have to be forced to do it by an external force. All of it. It’s very reformed of Plato. This is not me breaking the chain. Dude, I was stunned. I’m like, who read this and came away with the Matrix? Are you retarded? Did you read half of it? What did you do? How did you read this and come to this conclusion that somebody breaks free from the chains and crawls out of the cave? By their own volition? But it’s worse. Forget about the Parable of the Cave. It’s only a couple pages, whatever. Right? He modifies as he does in other books in the Republic. He modifies the analogy or the metaphor. He modifies it as he always does. Right? And expands it. The point of Book 7 is that you are stuck, born into a class. Period. Full stop. End of statement. That’s the point. The highest class, the highest value to society are the philosophers. And you, who is the creator of the city, in this case, Socrates and Glaucon, have to take philosophers away from their journey towards truth. By force. And Glaucon objects and says, you can’t do that. That’s not good for the philosopher. And Socrates admonishes Glaucon once again, for the billionth time, by the way. It’s all throughout the Republic. He says, we’re not doing this for the good of the class of philosophers, or any of the individual philosophers, which have been long abandoned by this point, by the way. We are doing this for the good of the city. And then what happens is you drag them down by force. They don’t want to go down to the bottom layer of the city, which is analogous to the cave. Yes. Right? They don’t want to go down. Nobody wants to? And they see what’s wrong at the bottom of the city, because they’ll see it more clearly, because they’re philosophers, not Socrates. Socrates are like the great evil of Plato, as near as I can tell. Right? The people there are going to be angry with them and like throw things at them and give them no accolades, even though they’re right. So are you saying that no one like would do that or you literally couldn’t do that? You know what I mean? You can’t. In the case, no one can be relieved. Why physically couldn’t you? You have to have an, why do you have to be forced? Why couldn’t, why? It’s not even that you have to be forced. You can’t get out. You’re born into a class, which is the same as if you’re born with limitations. I feel like I’ve transformed perspectives a lot. I mean, I don’t know if you see like going up classes, but people, I feel like people can change classes. Like, not even just like money ways, but like. Maybe, dude. I mean, isn’t Christ that in a way? No, no, no, no, no. Maybe. But I’m just saying. But that’s not what Plato says in his book. Okay. Oh, okay. I’m just talking about like you read the Republic completely wrong because according to Plato, it’s not possible. It’s not an option. Okay. Okay. Okay. But also he’s not wrong. It’s important to understand that I guess. Right. Maybe it’s calling for that. You know what I mean? But if you want to understand, maybe it’s valid, maybe it’s not. If you want to understand, we’ll say the miracle of the United States, because there’s a miracle there at least. There’s a few probably. Right. You could understand one miracle of the United States to be that we do not have a standard class system from the country we came out of, England, or that resembles any other historical way of being. The closest analog is Rome. Right. Because in Roman society, you could move up and down the cast because I think they had a caste system, if I remember correctly. I might be getting this wrong, but I don’t think so. I think they had a caste system. You could move within the caste system in Rome. Right. You could move somewhat within the caste system within Greece. That’s why when people talk about slavery, they get it all wrong. Roman slavery and Greek slavery were different. They don’t resemble, we’ll say, the issue of slavery, which is chattel slavery. It’s a different type of slavery. It’s very rare, by the way. Chattel slavery is very historically rare. How is Roman and Greek different? I’m curious. I don’t know. I can’t even. Hi, Sally. Let’s go backwards and upside down. Please. You’re thinking about the cave and why you can’t get out of it. We’re so American that we can’t imagine a caste system and we can’t imagine freedom to travel and freedom to quit jobs as not just being essential. We can’t imagine. I think it’s perfect. It’s perfect. To me, it’s to me, it’s allegorizing the bondage of sin. That’s how I see it. I just explained the cave of what it is to be an American. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. And I think that’s a big problem with the Christianity in America. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you’re born in bondage to sin, you cannot be removed by your own volition. The travel thing struck me hard because they don’t consider it as an essential right to travel. And as an American, you’re just like, and like you do. Right. But it’s not essential. Right. And we don’t even understand the extent to which we consider that as like, well, of course you could just move away from your, of course you could just travel to another state. That’s like essential. Of course you are. Well, in traveling, traveling alone as such, say in your car, because here you have to do that to get groceries. Yeah. And other places, that’s just not, that’s conceited. Like, gross. How could you think you’re so high in might that you’re allowed to just go get a different, you could go to a different store for brand name of cheese. No, no, you go to a different bakery. Yeah. There’s definitely something, I mean, I know right now I’m struggling between like, do I move somewhere where I think like there’s going to be like more kind of career stuff or do I want to stay closer with my family? That’s a big struggle. I mean, and it’s like, I don’t know, that’s hard. I’m not sure if everyone even can do that. There’s also like a difference. Part of the reason why it’s that way and why you can even consider that is because the entire fabric of society is built that way. So like the idea of you staying at home with your family and being multi-generational or on the farm or whatever the case or the town that takes care of one another is not, is foreign. We don’t have, we don’t have to do that. We don’t do that. The only way you would pick yourself up and move for opportunity is the ethos. Yeah. You know, it’s not. These things are so deep. Like, I really think like people in Christian churches maybe should go to the closest one to them when they have the most history with, because I don’t think people are even conceiving of how much it’s just in them. If it’s in them at all. I think one person, I think someone said, it’s an old quote. I might get it wrong at the time period, but basically said, what, you know, what was, how did, what would you, you know, attribute the destruction of the Christian church in America? And they either said the rail car or the wagon. I don’t remember which one, but it was, it was the idea that you could just go to another one. So like, for instance, you could evade church discipline by going to another church, whereas many years ago, you, there’s no way to do that. You have a church in your town. Well, but, but West Bruce church, the guy on a horse anyway. Yeah, different, different problem out West. That’s why we can’t count that. Right. We’re going to count the most people and not the, and not the crazy alert. But Sally, what’s the, what, what’s the answer to John’s question? Because you have an answer to John’s question about, do you move for a career? Because I’m fairly sure you tried that trick. Or do you stay at home? Because I’m fairly sure you tried that trick. Well, it depends. It depends if you have. It also depends if you’re a guy or a woman. I think the woman’s journey might be building the home. And the guy’s journey is to go out and get something. So like, it could be a young man, like for a time you have to go out and have your adventure. But it could be, it could be just building up your home. That’s the thing. Like right now I’m deciding like I either stay here and work as a carpenter. So building up your home. That’s good. Also with family building up homes. Maybe that’s just the answer right there. Or I go somewhere and try and continue doing video stuff. But at the same time, I can do video stuff here by myself. Just find people and just run it myself. Like how I’ve always done. You know what I mean? But I try to move to LA. I don’t want to, I’m not going back to LA. You have a, I’ll tell you my experience. I spent 16 years away from home, not entirely of my own accord, but somewhat. And it feels fake. Yeah. That whole time we feels fake. Now I’m not saying don’t travel at all. Right. I’m not saying go do six months somewhere, but I didn’t build anything of any worth. The biggest thing I learned was, I mean, a lot of good things happen. One of the coolest things I got to work with James Cromwell for a bit. I got to be like James Cromwell’s like personal assistant for a while. And I love that. He’s awesome. And he’s a tremendous actor. He just like turns it on like that and principles Shakespeare. It’s really fun. But other than that, it was a lot of learning how to deal with failures. I mean, I got, I love it. I got on the set and I’m like, Oh, most people actually aren’t good workers. You know what I mean? That’s consistent everywhere I go is like, most people actually aren’t good workers. You know, and that’s like reassuring. It’s like, okay, I can, I can make it like, I could do this. But it’s. Yeah. It’s just, it’s a stress player. And like I said, the main thing I got was a series of failures ending with me losing my mind and almost dying in Mexico. I mean, Like, I’m like, grow in with it. And if you have people, like, if you have people, if you know what I mean, when I say you have, I have people, I have people, like some people have, you have people. They’re sleeping right now. Maybe you should cling to them. Like the world’s falling apart. You might be just be describing what’s happening. I mean, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, I think it’s like, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You’re right. I think you’re right. It is really special. I’m like, I think Mr. Five and a lot of people don’t have as big of a family as me and are as close as we are. And I’m like, four of us live in Texas right now, so they’ll help you see the, even if they’re wrong. Yeah. Yeah. I’m all right with a lot of stuff. Me mostly because I spend all my time like reading. I think planning and like what does Peterson say, future authoring, like getting goals in mind will orient you to the decision to make as far as travel and stay. Thank you. That’s the first step. Say you’ve met someone in the middle of your life, right? Say you think you’ve met that person and you bring them in front of your four siblings and the crazy one’s like, no, no way. And then the other two are coming in. That’s so much more information than you could ever have on your own, even if they’re flat wrong. Even if the answer is, well, I’m going to ignore them all because they’re wrong and just say I wanted it to be like, you can’t be as big as you can be with people. You can’t do as much of your own money without your people. Yeah. What you’re saying about that is because I think about like the people that I’m around all the time, like my brother, especially my brother Kurt, who we’ve been around until they’re like for like 15 of the 25 years I’ve been alive. Like we have like the same mind. And so like talking to him is like talking to myself. You know what I mean? It’s like, okay, I can look in the mirror and ask what he thinks. You know what I mean? Am I fucking up right now? Yes. All right. But that’s also that’s the contrast, right? Like this was brought up earlier. What makes Have the insight is talking to someone else. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And if it’s people, you know, even a little bit because you don’t know people real well. Right. But you are like, Sally is always surprising me. Right. But at least you have some idea. Like, oh, there’s certain things that Sally’s always wrong about. So like, I can still ask her opinion and then she’ll give me one and I’ll know that’s not it. That’s more information than I had before right in its contrast because it’s outside of me and it’s same with your family Right. It’s same. It’s same with people, you know friends whatever and it’s Sally’s point You need that because you’re not sufficient. You’re not you’re not bigger than you I need a girlfriend to be bigger than you in order to Come with a really good girl in LA and I’m still I I’m Yeah, whatever but if this is a goal of yours to be a father and husband and that’s what you’re saying Then there are there are things you can do my mom there. Yeah, there are things you need to be doing to achieve that goal Which is not? Pining over the loss of the LA girl. It’s The loss that like her fine. She left me I was I think I was just a dick because I was after the LA girls You know, that’s that’s a problem. Yeah, I was definitely the problem. Well lost now. Yeah Quite a bit Yeah, yeah People that you meet online College or you meet at jobs That are these kind of? insecure whiny little Yeah, okay, that’s a good point When I was out and I was on my own I was doing things I didn’t want to be doing I was having a hard time and I was alone. I was more insecure whiny nivilly little version of myself and So it is with great sympathy that I see so many people leaving themselves to that recourse instead of Mustering up to build whatever they can out of the foundation of their own lineage. Yeah and they shouldn’t I don’t see like frickin like handsome like intelligent like young men in LA who just seemed like Like I’m allergic to everything and I’m like, yeah Stop leave the house. You’re fine. They’re like no I’m like dude stop like nobody cares Like stop It’s like yeah, they’re so talented too. Right like they’re making great music and stuff and I’d like I Don’t know just find something dry, you know, I don’t know. I don’t know what it was individualism is cowardice because we’re all These little fractional people and we’re not even ourselves doing that We’re part of this big thing Well, yeah, I think that people over emphasize the ourselves portion of that like if you’re if you’re a mess like yourself sucks Like, you know like you saw I’m sorry, but like this will be myself thing. It’s just like You suck, okay Yeah, so like get that portion to go correct I Yeah, I love I always say this to people all the time it’s like join the club I get the little violin out and I’m like Join it. Join it one of the things that’s been really interesting to me in recent months is I’ve been really trying to get my health together because I had so many problems happen and There’s this thing that happens where you kind of have this like lack of energy, right? But energy isn’t created by mustering up energy in the will in some way energy is created by expending energy So you have to move to get more energy? Yeah, and this it applies to all facets of life not just like energy and health It’s move to get more movement and that’s the case with all goals With all pursuits Right, you have to you have to move first. You can’t get that You know from like just sitting and waiting for it to come one day. Yeah. Yeah I’m not a good reader. So like if I don’t have a good diet, I can barely read Like there’s this thing that happens with people that pray like they talk about prayer and I think it’s I think it’s crucial prayers amazing, but people do this thing where they they’re leaning on a shovel and praying for a hole I would say Bruce like me on a shovel and dig the hole Borrow it hope can be borrowed Motivation can be borrowed and So if you can’t do it for yourself at least break yourself across the ground and I’m full that got it And I do think that’s a huge benefit to the internet people because if you can’t see anybody that can fit That’s too far. That’s something that almost can’t be overcome No, I do feel an obligation to talk about things like I am like, okay, I’m like I’m disagreeable and I get notice and like a lot of slurs don’t land on me very well Okay Yeah In the personality choice, but I’m like extremely extroverted You know, I’m the only person who enjoys calling the match in the hunting show Dude, I’ve been down there. I’ve called him before I’ve talked spoken all the guys Deepak Chopra like I just call in and it’s just it’s a waste of time Yeah, no it is it is no he posted the conversation three days ago that he blocked oh it was recently that you spoke to him No, I mean I spoke to him probably like a month ago But he just posted like the 30-minute like he posts excerpts Yeah Excerpt from from one of them I call him like four times or something like that the first time he asked me to call it back call back And I did whatever not that same show and then this time like I called back in the same episode because I thought he wanted Me to hang up and I did he was like, where’d you go? And then I call back and then he bans me He’s an axe grinding atheist who grew up in a fundamentalist home God stuff we’re just talking about science. I know He just essentially just essentially tries to cast a spell on me You can see him go on his computer look at the logical fallacy and just goes you’re committing the fallacy of division even though the entire conversation was in a debate talking about whether or not it’s appropriate to Use the fallacy fallacy division here That was the entire conversation just says I’m committing that doesn’t explain it and then kings up and bans on me Right, but that looks good Right, but did you hear what Bruce said, right? He said he’s just a fundamentalist Right and then if you wanted to look at that as a pattern John Verveckis a traumatized fundamentalist But that’s the thing like these Traumatized people who are traumatized from their religion Going out trying to create new religions like like the Collins is right the Collins lesbians I call them because he’s got a higher register voice than she does Traumatized Talk about a cave Because like I can’t be the fundamentalism Because I’m from there so like the verveky I’m like, oh no, I’ve met you hello Past like oh, I’ve heard preaching. Hello, and then they don’t see their own cave We actually have a conversation about the place versus map fallacy First of all, he claims that I’m making it and I’m saying that no, it’s only maps All you have is maps and he’s like here my glasses. I’m holding the place not the map You’re committing the map versus place fallacy. You need to look it up. I literally I pull up the quote later I mean I posted somebody on my channel But like you go on the page and it says you never have access to the place is all maps and it’s like he’s just being Difficult for no reason but this is more fundamental thing you can see naked reality in that video Yeah, sitting next to and she her girlfriend like what do you talk? It’s more fundamental than that for him. He can’t account for why it’s bad to commit a fallacy in the first place, right? Why is that wrong? Why? Yeah, it’s tell me why it’s wrong to commit a fallacy. He starts there axiomatically Yeah, Peterson’s point against science. He says you guys starting axiomatically at science is good But a you don’t have a good definition of science and you’re not just buying the good They don’t have a definition of good Right. It’s ridiculous. No, it’s actually Coming out of atheism and then seeing how obvious the worship is The Westboro Baptist people can’t hold a candle to the Dilla honey religious type fundamentalism types It’s not even close That’s why that’s why that’s why I have this quote, right? If you believe you do not have a religion one will be provided to you without your knowledge or consent Yeah, it’s inevitable. Yeah, it’s not whether but which which God will you serve? Yeah, right Well, which which will say which ultimate ineffable power will you serve? Because you might only have two options there and one of them might be good The other one might be actual evil and that might be bad Yeah With with spirit the ancient ism is but those people need to be drawn and quartered I’m not down with that at all. Those people are yeah, I like scum of the earth like that’s the most insane position on the planet Yeah, I find whatever names they call it. There are people who will admit and the admitting the essential here that creation is good Yes, that will not And that’s it Right, yeah Yeah when I was an atheist that actually was kind of the fundamental question that changed I think was one of these that flipped I became non-atheists was was that like, you know, I actually kind of think that like Kind of we better if I didn’t exist I’m kind of annoyed at that People just like I’m always amazed The only way I can account for the fact that these people don’t commit suicide Really is the common grace of God like they’re these people I just am amazed For me, it’s like a pragmatic argument anything but Is good isn’t useful But you will find people who don’t think their existence is good. I also don’t think Asian is good Don’t feel obligated to commit suicide because they’re not for the betterment of anything Yeah, the the argument I hear that they try to be the most consistent is that their no suit is pleasureful So they would say like it’s right. They it’s like an epicurean sort of thing You know pleasure not actual epicureanism, but very modern version of that Yeah, the recent version of epicureanism is totally corrupted and has nothing to do with epicurus whatsoever Yeah, right, which is that’s pleasure is good I thought my atheist I still very much claimed Irish claimed I still very much wanted desires like that that went for like extreme amounts of drama You know what I mean? and so your brain goes into dangerous places like that if you don’t believe in morality and you don’t believe in like togetherness and God and you still like that drama and that blood in it that You know the life that life can have and you’re just after that so you know, I think you can claim that And so that’s you know that destiny That’s his whole life Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah lesser what I was talking You know what I mean like yeah, yeah, yeah, no I just go out before it That’s feeling alive, right? Yeah, no, I see what you mean. He’s Makes you feel like you know, I mean I know it feels like we’re piling on at this point But I mean, it’s it’s it’s right to be piled on now Had a go that was fascinating who’s that Candice Owens, oh that whole situation apparently Shapiro said we’re going to debate on our program in in Nashville on the issue Israel issue What was the most out of line thing she said the crisis king So she said uh She said Christ is king and they said that was anti-semitic and there was a whole thing But apparently they tweeted them they tweeted today Said or I texted you on February 29th offering a debate. She never did He said let’s do this Monday at 5 p.m. In Nashville So I guess Owens is gonna be her former boss on the issue of Israel Palestine Marcia had the more to do with Israel Palestine stuff cuz that at least I can see both in like I don’t I don’t I don’t want to talk about this much I have a friend who’s in the Israeli military and I’ve got his perspective on it And so I have my own opinions, but I just want to just delve into is But like I Can kind of see people saying that talking about Hamas as being the good guys are being like the oppressed is out of the overton window You know, you mean as far as saying society so is What do you think about that? I don’t know. It was more so that because like I could I can hardly imagine that it was the crisis King I hope not That’s crazy I don’t care about I find it higher contrast and more interesting Candice destiny Right that I was I’m so holding with the part they talk So you get destiny and non parallel levels And Candice is at the same level But with something else and so that’s just yeah to me to see someone more at his level but still calling him out We should maybe see she means like a creep at points You know 50 year old man talking about lady should be like, it’s okay to be slutty or whatever Yeah, he’s a creep and also like I don’t think I don’t do people have the ears listen to his voice very effeminate Well, he’s fine Not a man, I’m sorry Not a man Like make male and speech not a man like well now you’re starting into gender fluid stuff It’s about Heidi Heidi of power Because power is to be scandalous. So they’re purposely toning down the force of the male Yeah, that’s true that’s that’s a very Sneaky You’re not a man That a man is not sneaky. We don’t need to be I’ll just walk up to you and smack you and problem solved for real like and it works like I’m sorry But it works. I’ve done it it works Yeah Way for trolling I’ve done experience but no, it’s it’s it’s effect. It’s extraordinarily effective. You know little effective That’s how Massachusetts runs That’s how you guys run You know, that’s how that’s how people interact there. Yeah reality and a fist are kind of hard to distinguish between Needs a participation and you need the negative signal and I’m so BF Skinner proved trying to prove the opposite but Like he spent years of his life trying to prove positive only signaling works And of course if you understand evolution even a little bit, you know That can’t be true The only signal that matters in an evolutionary framework is a negative signal period end of statement full stop You don’t need any other signals for it to operate correctly Are we sure the result that it’s come to thus far? Is true do you think you can get enough negative signals to the point where you can form positive signals or something like that? They’re not necessary Okay, no, I mean talk about we don’t talk about like small stuff right now But just talk about big things like like me like I think I mean there there are positive things that pull me forward I’m sure it’s not just bad things Not about that. There aren’t positive things in front of you or positive things Possible you need to be able to see that clearly But like if you’re driving you don’t need a signal like you don’t need a noise going Telling you you’re on the road. You need the Guard things they go when you’re getting off the road off the road. Okay, right. Well said salad Right. You look there’s no scenario in evolution where you need a positive signal. That’s just wrong. You just don’t need it You don’t need pain if you’re not smacking into something positive signal though, right? No Military parade is beautiful, right Sally How many times can be can be scary beautiful seeing beauty at the wrong time kind of crippled your brain Yeah, I can do that too much They can make you evil That’s right Yeah, they’re really positive how many times and you’re married and you see somebody you’re like, well shit and then you just gotta cope Beauty it’s not a positive that’s silly pants. No, okay, but I’m saying Like it’s definitely a positive marker of the positive direction It’s it’s like it’s saying that if it’s not just saying if there’s there’s more than just this is wrong. There’s also this is right I feel like nope That’s what Dawkins was saying though It’s all just negative It can be a positive thing But a thing and a signal not the same and for some reason I must I’m jumping and I don’t know why so Go with it. Why is a thought or meditation? Not a thing or something like that. We talked about this all the time and I can’t remember it mark Go through that one meditation meditation is no thing this in the literature Right. The purpose of meditation is not to get to a place or a state It’s to realize there is no place or state whether you can actually do that or not It’s not even relevant to the meditation in the Eastern thought Western Buddhism is a corruption of Eastern thought flat-out I want to know about that. Yeah, right. What actions that’s what I was digging for. Thank you. I got cool, right thoughts Thoughts are not actions in the world, right? We have a fantasy. We have an imagination that Right more degrees of freedom unlike what Peterson said to McGill Chris, which is totally wrong by the way, okay completely incorrect Done done what that means is that there are you can do it in two states negative and not dead You don’t need positive I’m not saying you don’t need it. I’m just saying I think it’s no I’m saying you don’t need it At all You could have negative maybe maybe Maybe the negative You do not Survival is a neutral state This is what the evolutionary people miss because they’re too busy saying you move away from negative things and towards positive is wrong is wrong Biologically, it’s wrong experimentally. It’s wrong psychologically. It’s just wrong But just because you brought the biological thing like when you said Perception is not like in action like the the mathematical principles and this is like theory right now But it seems like it’s right but like the mathematical principles that that explain How like your cells your cell behavior seems to also explain perception which makes sense because your neurons are cells You know what I mean? No, okay, it’s essentially like Nothing explains perception. No, you know, I’m not I’m not saying completely but I’m saying how at all No, no, no, no even a little bit. This is actually Peterson’s point. It’s also for Vickie’s point by the way One of them may have got Perception in consciousness sense, but I’m saying as far as categories collapse all perception What I’m saying is from Karl Friston, I know Peterson and Karl Friston have a lot of overlap How does your brain decide what to exclude? How does your brain decide what to exclude what things are not? Meaningful for the desires that you want to manifest That your seven layers of abstraction from an answer desire But that’s the point the perception is the hard problem this is what kills me as an artist all the time I’m not trying to reduce it. I’m not trying to reduce it. I’m trying to give some definitions I think it’s different I’ll draw something mundane like a nice drawing practice. I like to do is drawing a nail Because I’ve seen a lot of nails. I felt a lot of nails I’ve knocked a lot of nails into wood out of wood Oh, I have this very vivid image of a nail in my head and I’ll draw this silly little nail Just practicing my shadows and people be like, oh my gosh. It’s so beautiful Yeah Because that’s how I see a nail all the time Yeah, and they’ve never actually need a nail. That’s the funny thing people know how to draw It’s like you just you just watch you see you don’t draw the represent on that you draw This isn’t about the skill of the drawing yeah, no, it’s not they actually didn’t ever see the edges On the nail ever before they didn’t perceive Outline Objects there’s not out lines It’s not see it’s not seen it’s perceived What she’s saying is that this is her exemplification of perception is the hard problem They’ve never perceived a nail until they saw it in her drawing Right. Oh, okay Well, and this is my okay. I don’t I don’t see how that’s understood Also why I think John that people who think very visually struggle to talk In metal high-depth and it uses up all the bandwidth yeah, and I’ve had to really really learn how to Basically not think visually to talk and like sometimes it gets so bad I close my eyes to try to think of one thing to just not be All over so that I can verbalize now and I’m a lot better at it but Because not most most people aren’t carrying a freaking whatever 20k image of a nail and a spoon and the last ballpoint pen they really liked and so on and so Part of my issue with this whole thing is to me like I don’t really see a need to describe the distinctions at all Nor do I find the cover like I’m almost I’m almost lost in the conversation because it’s not as I don’t the language understand it but to me this is like a Given I guess I like I don’t really it’s sort of like from describing the love I have for my wife in tangible ways I don’t really even have I mean I find interesting honestly I mostly find this sort of research is interesting because I mean just for just the implications as far as I mean just biology works I don’t know. I just find it interesting. It’s interesting It’s like almost a foreign language to me. I’m like listening to like Like I don’t know I don’t I don’t think what I feel like maybe might be misunderstanding what I’m saying with me I’m probably explaining it for the except. I don’t think what I’m saying is but is that crazy? I think like I said, this is not I’m not trying to explain perception. I know you can’t explain perception I’m not trying to do that. I’m I’m I’m just pointing out that like what your what your categories are trying to do is entropy reduction for the goals You’re trying to compute essentially. No, no, what do you person’s wrong? Completely wrong. Why? Because he has a good map Okay, there’s there’s more than it’s not just entropy reduction There’s there’s entropy because entropy reduction over the long term means letting in that Okay, he doesn’t even have a definition of entropy. That’s the first problem I’m recognize the problem is there’s no such thing as entropy reduction. That makes no sense Okay, it’s not it’s not from the thing about entropy is that it’s actually it doesn’t work as a mathematical term unless you’re talking about From our perspective. So it actually only works with living creatures because unrecognized unrecognized complexity That’s the observer problem entropy is lack of complexity. It’s a breakdown of order. I Don’t even see it entropy reduction. Yeah, yeah, it doesn’t make sense to me. It doesn’t make sense So you’re trying to use the simplest model of the world that you can use to me to to To give what you’re trying to do your true. You’re you’re you’re absolutely not we know this experimentally first and just wrong He hasn’t read the papers. It’s almost certainly hasn’t read the paper. Sorry. Can you explain? I want to know Look I went over this earlier. This is really easy. We have a mode called they explore It’s fantastically expensive And it does increase entropy Doesn’t no explore that is the world at all needs to get with his language that is wrong He’s mapped everything mapped everything mathematically on a on a minimal energy scale Okay, which explains a bunch of things right those explanations are incorrect, right? Because Actually, what creation means is that we are striving for order Like we’re actually trying to put energy into making order. Don’t see how the system when I just said It’s totally backwards from what you just said That’s wrong, okay, because any number of things can reduce entropy but they aren’t order like it’s Asymmetrical it’s an asymmetrical relationship order is the only thing that reduces entropy. No, that’s not true at all. Okay. Okay. What else? That’s the problem Understand the third state what this is probably okay, please What what else reduces entropy besides order? No, they’re not opposites Entropy Phoenix is the ultimate symbol of order. Yeah, I get you. Yes Again it’s Asymmetrical it’s not a binary equation. This is first instance problem. It’s not first and probably everybody’s problem. They’re using binary models They’re saying we’re not dualists. We’re using a binary model. It’s like okay, but you just said there’s two things and you’re not a dualist Everybody does that like everybody it’s annoying. You’re a you’re a freaking dualist Or if you’re talking about opposites you’re a dualist it’s only two things in an opposites world We don’t live in that world. We don’t See you’re saying you’re saying you’re saying that the this is just used to it’s Using that as a category is too strict. It doesn’t it gets rid of the main meat of what we’re talking I was I count you’re saying it can’t be the world we live in at all even a little bit It’s Agency because Is all about like essentially like the path Agency there’s lots of things that aren’t order that also aren’t entropy. That’s the problem There’s a third state. There’s three things not to Then all of first instance equations break down immediately and fail which is fine Everybody else is due to right, right? It I’m saying it’s like I’m sure it’s giving There’s a the third one you’re talking about I get what you’re saying you can’t define that I’m not saying No, I can totally define it to find the neutral states easy. It’s a neutral state Wait, okay. Sorry. Um So you’re saying that when you are completely just exploring in the self and meditating You are completely not engaged in anything of the sort that you don’t talk about. That’s what I’m gonna sell There is no self. That’s crazy talk But these the Eastern tradition is quite clear on this, right? So they say it explicitly right you okay, so exploring the self in a way where you realize that there is no cell You don’t know you explore the world. You don’t explore yourself. You can’t explore yourself. That makes no sense. Yeah, actually They’ve made a nonsensical statement you need to like avoid them They’re probably doing it by accident or stupidity or ignorance or whatever irrelevant You need to avoid those people right that doesn’t make any sense Right the way, you know yourself is by exploring things that aren’t you it’s by going outside of yourself That’s how you find the boundaries That’s how you know where you end and other things begin. You can’t do that internal to yourself It doesn’t make any sense. It wouldn’t work, right? So the way you interface with exploration is you explore the exterior world without a goal Of any kind of any kind yes, is that how can that be possible? Of course, it it’s absolutely isn’t like all life to you teleological. No No So you got in that way if you were doing something No, if you want it if you want to say I don’t know we don’t see how life could be teleological No, if you want to say the only teleology is to get closer to the ineffable one or something like that or theosis or However, you want to frame it? Okay, all life is teleological short That’s not helpful and most of your life isn’t that pursuit because it can’t be like you have to feed yourself Is that teleological not really? No, it’s not it’s required No, no, it’s required why why what what’s the purpose of eating it just keeps going right, oh your purpose of eating is to allow you to explore and Then hopefully you find one to love or pursue a goal either one Yeah, right but but but you can reject the teleology because people do it all the time Right and go to nihilism because that’s really your only option by the way. It may take a while You can only reject it rationally. It’s still there all the time It’s only like a constant like like yelling down Emotions and only yelling that them in a way that actually just gets your desires right now And the fact that you can do that means that you have free will so that There is a determination right out the window Yeah, no, I don’t I believe in I’m a part of a free will I and I don’t think the free energy principle also negates free will because I think that at the end of it always Yeah, whatever it doesn’t but it also it also assumes a bunch of things like a you know How much energy there is and you know how to minimize it and that you’re executing that correctly and none of that can be true Like it can be true at all. None of it is done from your perspective So, you know Sorry, we don’t talk about this anymore Will still life of a nail that I don’t have right now, please We’re gonna we’re gonna imagine that a nail now. There’s there’s one type that you could draw that would be a symbol Okay, so it would be just that black outline with the type of shape of the head of it and it’s a you With that symbol you would know. Oh, I need a roofing nail. I need wood nail. I need attacking That’s not me the best if I was at work and I was like, hey, what do you guys need? Right, so you have the symbol. That’s the outline now that exists on the paper I go ahead and I start off with okay. The light is hitting it this way The gray is hitting it this way. I started with the steel gray are making the striations I put in the blacks I put in the yellows The yellow Table the wood is coming back Now the tail and the table and the nail have a relationship because of the light the brown onto the steel because it’ll be there if you look at it you may be in there too, right and then there’ll be this reflection of This person looking at this nail because how else was it observed now and I paint the brown What am I painting am I painting the name? Um, no, I don’t know that’s a good question Hmm I honestly I don’t know how to answer that Am I painting the light in the back of the iris of the viewer And so all that I’m trying to do with this isn’t she get the answer what I’m sure you with this example of putting the brown and Whatever color else all this relationship that ends up on this visual image of how we use paint Is to show you there’s no way that’s a part of me. It’s not two things. It can’t do things It can’t be the nail and it can’t be the nail in the viewer So what art is about is deciding what to exclude because at some point Just cut yourself off from making it better or Yeah, yeah, I just posted video my YouTube video like two hours ago I saw some little things and I’m like, you know what? I’m at the end of the amount of effort I’m willing to put into this That’s why there’s no I I in AI that’s why like perception About what you’re not including no, by the way, I’m not saying that they’re making conscious computers by making computers based off the energy principle Yeah, I think water is more conscious than a computer yeah Know what and we Don’t actually know Yeah, no, you’re right you’re right and I’m probably being too Whatever with the way I’m describing this We like working through why people don’t know what they don’t know It’s very helpful because we don’t know how far we are without it. Yeah Yeah, no, but like I like for instance, I just think like um, I mean to me makes sense because it’s basically Saying that like when I mean when Jordan Peterson’s talking about like oh when your fundamental principle Like the amount of anxiety you feel is is related to the fundamental level the principle that was violated and that’s He’s getting that Carl Fiston. I believe I Mean, that’s the sort of things that he’s always talking about Like I don’t think that’s like we’re basically talking about that that that sort of idea that anxiety is related to entropy basically kind of Yeah, and then I think that’s the thing Yeah, and then we’re trying to reduce anxiety but it’s more than that because like the ultimate thing is is it’s not just that because Trying to be in this constant state on the border and novelty which is a mixture You know what I mean? He doesn’t emphasize that enough. He just talks about reducing entropy which is where it falls flat but you know Besides that I think that’s a pretty 90% of the way Lesser light form that is not stressed out will do more for you than any theory Right. Behold the lilies dresses these you know, I’m murdering that but you get the idea right like like Growing a bean like we’re just observing plants and complete peace or observing cats not That’s just don’t care There’s squishy little critters that can just get wiped out by a radiator belt and they just lay around places enjoying the sun Yeah, more for your exact bunch of other stuff right Well, and and the problem is we don’t know how to reduce anxiety Right. We’ve increased anxiety in the whole population Right with just simple stupid things and they can’t you can’t reduce your own anxiety in a lot of cases Because you can’t see well enough to do that. And so it explains zero personal behavior actually right like like people are anxious when they’re not in the right place and Often they don’t know what the right place is and This is part of the intimacy crisis fact. I this was a huge revelation for me I was observing someone in particular and I realized that she Was anxious and that she wasn’t in the right place and I was like, oh So at some unconscious level she knows she’s not in the right place Consciously, she’s no idea. She’s doing the right thing by pursuing career and whatever right just no clue Right and then over time that actually gets worse for these people who aren’t in the right place And then they get into panic right and this is one of the things Peterson talked about with the with the female lawyer problem Yeah, they get in their 30s and they quit why well because they’re not in the right place Right, they don’t know that I’m worried about becoming a male lawyer with the decisions. I’m making As far as moving not right, but see that’s the problem It’s like when you know, they’re not in the right place You can’t be reducing anxiety because when you’re anxious you don’t know why That doesn’t mean you have to move it could mean you have to make Right, there’s a third option which right that one gets off to me is like The person who should put that there Maybe you should put a room on it. We did that historically for like, I don’t know thousands and years Yeah, so what I guess I would say, I mean I’m gonna say this and then we can just You can say something else and then we can struggle But I would say the reason why I’d like you might be in a place and not know why it’s not right But it’s just because I mean I think that like you don’t see you have First of all, listen, you’re only you’re only conscious of like 1% of your whole brain. You don’t even you know that and so like a Lot of these principles are actually derived from talking about from I think looking at embryo genesis So, I mean, it’s actually looking at how cells just move in the body generally and so in trying to go from there So as things get complex, I’m sure like it gets hard But I think it’s more like, you know I have this vague dream in my head and I don’t see how anything I’m doing right now connects to that So that’s what I think was the anxiety is and you don’t you don’t know that it’s a it’s a it’s a feeling of like The entire your entire body wanting to go this place and you’re going you’re not You’re not doing anything. So I think that’s that’s what it would be but again, I’m not saying that you could Put a computer in your head and they could tell you the right thing to do I’m not jumping there Okay, like I’ve had a bunch of I’m like a five-year I’ve done that over and over and over some of them I’ve worked by the way, but What I’ve been trying to do with myself is When I think of my five-year plans and I think of that thing that I long for cuz I long And then I take a deep breath and I’m like why? What will I do when that happens? And then I go through what will I do when it happens and ask myself? But could I do that now could I do 50% of that now 10% of that now 90% of it now and Often I surprise myself with There’s a quite a bit of things that I imagine as the thing that will come after the thing Yeah, that I can get a significant proportion of now without the cost and So Because whatever you practice is what you’re living your like like yeah, you know every day is your life I I had I had this silly thing where I discovered I could pick up People’s discarded items and sell them on Craigslist in this area. I was living in and I was like man I should be doing this. I should just break. I Started getting good at it. I got some To some gated area I was getting they were throwing out like nice stuff brand new stuff like like kids playhouse and sports equipment And I was practicing Trouble is Doing and I was getting really good at that And I don’t know trash I Was having an immediate payoff I’m being a professional said trash salesman, which I mean Yeah Yeah, no I Think I think being aware just trying to be aware when you’re getting bored is really useful. I mean No, no, I’m saying because when you when you’re where then you get bored if I’m gonna draw up and I’m I Always work at places for a long time not to think I go on board and to go to a new job I’m just saying there gets to a point right and like I think I’ve gone everything that I have from Tents Discontent is fine, you know, yeah, but discontent is better because I pushed through boredom I’m not saying you should leave a job. It’s a little boring. That’s not what I’m saying I think one of the unviewed American virtues is our ability to embrace discontent Yes But we’re gonna work through that discontent like oh no, yeah No, we don’t just leave it at being discontent. Yeah, not the whole not on average Americans I mean, that’s one thing I’m really happy about like the orthodox way I grew up everyone says like oh were you military kid because then I describe any times how many times I moved I’ve moved like like seven times but I got me used to like I mean used to moving and used to like like saying like okay, like I’m I can do a change right now You know, I mean, I know I’ll meet new friends and it will all learn to be happy again You know, I mean like that’s just gonna be part of the process and so You know people you move somewhere after like what like the first year has been homesick really starts hit really really hits Then after that, you know visit fam a little bit and then just keep it out and eventually that place will be home You know people are like worried about moving somewhere, but um, stay close to family though. That’s actually not a bad thing Don’t do that It’s build with what you have don’t forsake what’s good in your life Oh Yeah, okay that that’s a good. Yeah, that that’s great. But don’t don’t first of all, you have your unicorn. Yeah, that’s a good way to put it I know yeah And they I love the way they they they stack your family This is something I deeply regret it because it should never even when you’re even when you’re 17 and a half It could never be about you right Detriment that was caused the younger people in my life Yeah, the individualism right and and it’s not it’s not just it’s not just your family, right? That’s part of it, you know, and and maybe you have to abandon your family whatever but like generally you don’t you make that better, right? But it’s also like Sally was saying you’d be the best garbage salesman in the world. You can’t do that and your art yes, you don’t want to forsake the good art for the utilitarian the idea of Reselling garbage and making money. Yeah, right because the art serves the world not just you Yeah, reselling the garbage and really that just served you like it’s not that you’re not offering a service to others But like they’re paying for it. So like I Think it’s all good service. I I aren’t as a server Because the only trouble is is like lots of people could sell trash But I can make That other people can’t see Yeah, yeah, right That’s always the problem and so I could go into the the the piety of poverty be like No, I actually can make anything given enough time and money so I should probably Yeah, and though it’s harder and even though it’s my coffee. Yeah Yeah, and that’s that that’s the complaint of people is that some people believe They’ve given enough time and money they could do things that they absolutely can never do. Oh, yeah I’m an infinite money Right, is it because they’re materialists and they think that’s what moves the world And so they think their lack of that is what’s preventing them from doing things That’s never the case ever by the way ever all the great artists start out poor and many of them stay poor forever, right? Those John the vision is great great insight on of do you want to be an artist? No, you don’t Right, well, I mean but that’s I’m kidding. I have no idea that principle the idea that That you’re you know, the government is being unfair right because the redistribution government is the redistribution system Right. It’s the trade system. It’s a bunch of things But it’s the redistribution system is not enabling me to do what I want to do right is very narcissistic and selfish and It doesn’t allow you to recognize what you’re good at Right because you may be good at things you don’t want to do right and and that that could be considered a Look we’ve been going for a while. I’m gonna dream down Sally you want to give closing thoughts? No, I was So I’ll have to review I was just glad to catch on and Participate a little bit. I was having the itch tonight Well good. Thanks for John. What do you what do you want to give for closing thoughts? Um, I mean, thank you so much I wonder how I’m gonna react to this in the morning because like I said, I had like a good amount of beers What I’m your brother just got done playing pool but I know you’re doing this side up episode and I saw Paul van reclay in the comments and So while I lost my mind, I did go to a talk in Chino, California It was I think it’s Chino the search for a spiritual home thing And I made a big fool of myself essentially thinking yeah No, well, I thought I thought a lot of people there were working for the CIA Because I was losing my mind and so I Met I met a lot of cool people there and they were reaching out to me and I was acting Insane the whole time and so I’m sorry. I’m sorry for drawing Attention off the main thing because I thought people were trying to kill me I’m Anyways, I’m just sorry Paul van reclay. You’re not a spook. I’m sorry I went on the internet saying you’re a spook too much of people for like a couple weeks I hadn’t had sleep in a while and the cartel actually went to my house or trying to follow me home and that was like I thought you were a plot part of a plot to kill me and a Nazi and I’m sorry then none of that is true and I am sorry and I’m crazy and don’t I Will not do that again, so that’s like to say don’t get psyop by yourself Then go right right don’t fly up yourself. That was that was the part of the main theme of this particular Yeah, that’s good So I’m not too rough about it, but I’m glad you got that off your chest and Hopefully hopefully we’ll point Paul at this or whatever at the end Right in it boy, that’s it I’m like sitting here vaping like just as insane as I probably did before right? It’s good. I mean, that’s it. That’s a different take on Chino. So I’ll drop that there sigh of confirm Yeah, and look, I’m glad everybody showed up. Thanks for showing up. Have a great night. I’m gonna do this again next week I don’t have the topic yet, but I will and we’ll see who shows up John you’re always welcome Just drop it again. We always miss Jesse. It’s glad that he came for as long as he did at least and Have a great week everybody and I will talk to you later