AJ Dal Torio asks, hello Goodserve. With all the chaos going on in the USA, I’ve been thinking about how there are not religious and non-religious people. We are all religious. I was watching the BLM supporters forcing patrons to raise their fist and I thought, wow, they are way more religious than I am. Yeah, they are basically running an inquisition. That said, are there any good stories in the Bible or symbolic structures that illustrate this concept? The closest I can think of is in Exodus where the people bow down to a golden calf. Yes, I think you’ve got a really good image of it, which is that we all bow down to something. So in the denial of God in scripture is always seen as idolatry. It’s not just the denial of God, but it’s a denial of God in order to worship something else. Now, let’s say the new atheists or the kind of materialists, they’re naive about that. They don’t realize that they are worshiping something else, but you can see it. Freud worshiped sexuality and all the different kind of niches worshiped will, and you always end up worshiping something which is lower. The Enlightenment, the French revolutionaries worship reason. They had the goddess of reason. They even had statues of her put up in churches. You’re right. You’re totally right. The making of the golden calf is a great example, and especially because there is this animality to it. Moses goes up the mountain. The people stay down below with the animals, and then they worship the golden calf. They end up worshiping in an upside down way their animality. You can understand it as being led by your own passions. You deny God, but you worship your own desire for money or your own desire for sex or your own desire for power and being more, or prestige or whatever it is. It doesn’t matter. It’s mostly the idea that yes, indeed, we do always end up worshiping. Human beings are worshiping creatures.