So Dorothea says, could you comment on the Queen of Heaven in the Book of Jeremiah and her relation to the Mother of God? Especially since some of the things the Prophet is condemning sounds like medieval Marian miracles. Thanks. And so the way to understand that is to say something, because one of the things I keep telling you guys about is that Christianity is ultimately a non-dual thing. You know what I mean? Christ offers the manner in which things get saved. And so if you listen to the Lord of Spirits podcast, they really go into this very well. So there’s a sense in which, let’s say these hierarchies of gods that existed, that this is actually what God wanted in the outset. That God set upon the world these guardians, these principalities that were there in like a hierarchy of being, supposed to manage at their level the will of God in the world. And so then those principalities rebelled against God and tried to take worship and power for themselves. So it’s not, yes, it sounds abstract and it sounds like just something that’s hard to understand, but you can understand it at a lower level if you want to. You can understand that there’s a country with a certain organization and the country, the army, they have generals. And those generals are there to manifest the will of the emperor, let’s say, and to have wars and different, to be able to manifest the will of the emperor in the different aspects of the kingdom. And then some of those generals or some of those aristocrats decide that they’re just going to stop at themselves. They’re just going to take it for themselves. And therefore they start to gather money. They take the worship, they take the money, they take the things of the people, but they don’t offer up to that which is above them. And they try to be little gods in themselves. And that’s what this is talking about in terms of these lower principles that are getting power for themselves, but that aren’t participating in the giant pattern the proper way. They’re revolutionary. And so the idea would be that the Queen of Heaven is still a real function in the world. And that Mary plays that role in a proper way, in a way in which she says yes to God, in a way in which she offers worship to God. The icons of the Mother of God show her worshiping Christ. The icons of the Mother of God show her praying to God. So you look at an icon of the Mother of God and she’s praying. She’s praying up. And so the image of the Queen of Heaven is one which is giving the honor, whatever it is that comes to her, offering it up higher. So that’s the difference between the divine counsel, which is being reinstated through the saints and through our reigning with Christ, through our capacity to rule with him, and the ancient hierarchy of gods. But what’s going to happen is it’s not surprising that you’re going to see that the patterns are actually going to resemble. But obviously, Mary, if you look at her story, if you look at images of her, if you look at everything about her, there’s nowhere where she keeps that honor for herself. Nowhere. She’s always offering it up. So you could pretend that that’s not what’s going on and you could say, oh, no, yes, it looks like she’s offering it up. It looks like she is, but no, it’s all ideology. But it’s not idolatry. Because there is this whole movement up towards the god of creation. And so the honor that we give to the people that manifest God to us, they are carried up into the highest. They don’t stop at them. That’s the best way to understand it. So you will see the tropes of ancient, the titles of ancient pagan gods. Those titles are not necessarily wrong. So it’s like you don’t like the idea of, let’s say, the god of war, but you don’t have a problem with Saint Michael, the commander of God’s army. Those are similar. Just that one is subject and offers his service and his worship up to the infinite. And the other has a lower sense in which he can do his own thing and kind of tyrannize the world and make people slaves to his own passionate structure. So I hope that helps. I feel like I’m going further and explaining this stuff to you guys that I ever have.