To tap into the dopaminergic system, you said you needed a valued goal. Is there any way to tap into the opioid system? I want to be more connected to people, but part of me can’t get myself to care. Okay, well one of the things that that so maybe you’re a little bit on the disagreeable side. That’s a possibility. There’s some interesting clinical evidence that suggests that one of the things that disagreeable people can do in order to facilitate their interactions with other people is to do people favors. And so what you might say is that you could start by acting like you care and then maybe you could learn how to care through doing that. So maybe you could say well, I’m gonna do something nice for someone once every two days for a month and and think about it a little bit and see if that changes you because you know sometimes you think yourself into change and sometimes you act yourself into changing your thoughts and so that’s what I would start by doing. And you know you could also be more connected to people regardless of whether you care. You know, let’s say that it would take you six months of practice or even a year of practice before you care. But that’s not so long, especially if you’re young. you