What do you mean when you say intelligence? And you kind of have to nail that down if you’re going to have a conversation about intelligence that doesn’t go entirely astray. And so you’ve got a definitional problem as well as an empirical problem. And so, there have been, and this was especially true in the 1990s, people have been studying IQ intelligence since the 1920s. And it’s a very well established branch of psychology. One of the things I have to tell you about IQ research is that if you don’t buy IQ research, you might as well throw away all the rest of psychology. And the reason for that is that the psychologists, first of all, who developed intelligence testing, were among the early psychologists who instantiated the statistical techniques that all psychologists use to verify and test all of their hypotheses. So you end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And the IQ people have defined intelligence in a more stringent and accurate way than we’ve been able to define almost any other psychological construct. And so, if you toss out the one that’s most well defined, then you’re kind of stuck with the problem of what are you going to do with all the ones that you have left over that are nowhere near as well defined or as well measured, or whose predictive validity is much less and has been demonstrated with much less vigor and clarity.