Could you please offer advice for individuals with high intelligence but low extroversion and low agreeableness in making and maintaining social connections and friendships? Well, I would that’s Roger Roger I would say Make a plan again Spend some time on it weekly go to things like meetups There’s a site called that’s a good place to meet people do whatever you have to to meet people take a course Strike up a conversation, you know and and ask questions and listen that that’s particularly good if you’re low in agreeableness People really like to be listened to you know I you don’t want to pester them with questions too badly But you can get an awful long ways by listening to people and asking them questions It’s a people hardly ever get listened to and they’re so damn help happy when you do it that That that they’re likely to open themselves up to you very very rapidly so Get them talking and when they say something you don’t quite catch or understand then ask them about it and and and that can help you Move forward but put some time into it like you need to be going out at least once a week And find some social places that you can go to regularly That’s another thing you can do You know is that pick a couple of hangouts like a local bar or something like that or whatever? But go there regularly and say hi to the people who own it and and run it and you know Eventually, you’ll be a regular and then you can start to meet people by doing that But you know it might take you two or three years to get good at it I’ve seen people go to go from being afraid to strike up To have a conversation with a friend in a in a coffee shop You know like have a panic attack thinking about that to actually doing stand-up comedy So you can really move yourself a long ways if you if you make a long-time plan You