Hey, I haven’t been in this scandal for a whole a whole week. Well, this podcast is still young Yeah, fair enough fair enough. We might be able to cover something that’ll cause trouble You are At all the people that i’m friends with you are probably the most misrepresented friend that I have and I defend you quite often and I I Don’t get where people are coming from with you. I don’t understand their inability to listen to your words And instead they try to generalize and formulate these distorted Distorted descriptions of who you are and what you stand for and it’s very strange to me and I don’t know I mean I kind of do know that you’re challenging a lot of people’s beliefs and the way they You know, they’ve structured these beliefs, but it’s very frustrating to me and i’m sure it must be way more frustrating for you it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of on it’s surreal to me because I was talking with my kids about this the other day you know The the way people think I am especially if they read You know the hit pieces that the journalists have written and maybe even watch me in those interactions you know, they think i’m provocative and they think I like combat and conflict and you know, um And I don’t i’m not combat eventually and I really don’t like conflict that much um, I go out of my way quite a bit to avoid it and You know I’m misogynist except that almost all the people i’ve ever worked with in my whole life have been women and i’ve been in a women dominated field and like And I never thought of myself as right wing. That’s for sure I mean, I mean maybe now that the far left has gone completely off the deep end It’s like well, maybe i’d be classified as a conservative But that’s mostly because as a social scientist I learned that you shouldn’t conduct large-scale experiments on huge swaths of the population and assume that your stupid idea is going to work out correctly because it won’t You can’t even get people to behave properly in a lab for like half an hour So how you think you’re going to get a whole society to do what you want? You know as a consequence of passing a piece of legislation is beyond me But yeah, it’s it’s and here’s something else that’s weird You know like if you read the newspapers On this this new you knew I got Disinvited from Cambridge Cambridge divinity school. I mean what what a thing to be disinvited from a divinity school Christ you have to be satan himself to get disinvited from a divinity school and Well, it’s so crazy You know and I just wanted to go down there and learn some more about the biblical stories the exodus stories. That was the idea and and then to get disinvited to have that be a whole big scandal it was just like What the hell man, it’s it’s It’s quite the crazy situation and then so you read about all this and and you see this online and you’d think God his life must just be hell Because of all the controversy, but then when I go out in the streets Or to my lectures or anywhere. It’s completely different. It’s unbelievably different like so now if I walked in Walk down the street. I mean when you walk down the street, you must just get I you just must get identified all the time Like yeah, if you go out in an hour, how many people will come up to you? Depends where I go But uh if i’m in hollywood, it’s pretty pretty crazy If I go around young people if you see men and they have shaved heads and tattoos it gets nuts Those are my people muscular men So If I go out, you know and i’m walking down the street and it doesn’t really matter where usually I get approached five or six times in an hour by people and You know, they’re always very polite and they’re very apologetic and they They are happy about something they’ve read or listened to or whatever or often they talk about our podcasts That’s pretty damn common. That was common throughout europe As well And you know They tell me about some dark part of their life and how they’re doing much better and you know how their friends have been watching My videos and are feeling better about it. So it’s just Ridiculously positive just all the time and then when I go to my lectures It’s the same thing It’s like yeah crazily positive. So, you know, we’ve had 350 000 people at the lectures so far and there hasn’t been one Negative occurrence we had one heckler once who was rapidly escorted from the building and he knew he was going to get escorted So he was kind of a cooperative heckler, but like no one’s coming there with any Thing negative on their mind They’re there to listen to a psychological lecture to have a deep discussion and to try to get their act together And the goddamn journalists they just don’t seem to be able to fathom that like they’ve got this false Cynicism or maybe real cynicism that makes it absolutely impossible for them to believe that you know tens of thousands of people could actually be serious about improving their life and that I could be having events that were basically 100% positive and so online i’m a bloody monster, you know, i’m a misogynist and racist and a transphobe and uh, what else am I? I’m a homophobe and uh, oh a nazi lots of times and sometimes a jewish shill and um Well, there’s a bunch of other things too Oh, it disturbed me Excuse me. What disturbed me about you is when they pulled your books out of new zealand When a new zealand bookstore decided to pull your books because of the christ church massacre Like what does a book on self improvement? And taking responsibility What does that have to do with a horrific mass murder? I mean the idea that they can connected those two together and that they decided that in some way or shape your words of encouragement and recognizing the importance of discipline and of taking responsibility and self-reliance That those things your your book Somehow or another had something to do with someone doing something as awful as what happened in christ church It’s so distorted and that’s like the perfect example that I cite when I say like think about the fact that this guy’s book was removed Right after something had taken place and had literally nothing to do with anything you’ve ever said ever Yeah, well They kind of got their comeuppance in some ways because people started to point out that they were still carrying mine camp and so that turned out to be a problem and then they were also carrying a book that Showed you how to turn a semi-automatic into a fully automatic And so, you know You got to be careful when you go after someone for their sins that you don’t have a few sins of your own like lying around Where people can you know sort of observe them anyways, they did reverse that decision, but but uh, that’s good Yeah, yeah, that was good, but it is it’s very weird It’s it’s it’s it’s a i’m going to the uk here right away now We’re talking about me and we weren’t supposed to be but i’m going to the uk right away Because the paperback is launching there and so i’m going to be talking to journalists and talking to uk journalists, man that’s like jumping into a Tub of well not full-grown crocodiles, but you know like five-footers anyways So what you’re trying to say is Yeah, they’re pretty snappy